All posts by Scarlet N



Gender representation In Men’s Health magazine and Tomb Raider

In this essay I will discuss and explore how gender is represented through dominant ideology in males. After identifying how gender is represented in these two media sources, I will conclude with how they can make the main images appear either radical or reactionary to modern day life. I will consider the use of different audience and production theories in both Men’s Health magazine and Tomb Raider. 

The front cover of Tomb Raider presents gender stereotypes negatively by featuring Lara Croft extremely sexualised to appeal to the intended male audience. She appears multiple times on the cover to show that she is the convention with the most importance. Lara Croft is presented sexualised by her tight fitted top and small shorts, not only this but the camera angle is intentionally pointed directly central to her butt. This reactionary game supports the negative gender stereotypes by objectifying women as making the audience view women as sex symbols rather then an average games character that they see themselves as. As well as this, in the cover Lara Croft is positioned in an awkward twisted position to exaggerate her breasts and butt. Her body in the front cover is so morphed it looks like an unrealistic version of a body. This has manipulated the audience into thinking this is normal which has been accepted by the dominant ideology. However, Tomb Raider could be seen as radical through the use of Lara Croft slaying monsters and carrying guns. This could also present Lara as a strong independent woman as usually the lead character is a male. This then presents Lara Croft as being a role model. The colours in the background are masculine feature further demonstrating that Tomb raider is aimed at males, the black and red connate danger which Lara is brave enough to face due to her power implied.

Gender is also presented negatively in the Men’s Health magazine through the iconic model Vin Diesel. Firstly, the audience will feel more inclined to pick up a magazine of a well known celebrity.  Throughout the magazine, the print language is about men’s fitness and heath which supports the dominant ideology which is men’s health and fitness. Plugs are used on the front cover to promote healthy life style and can be seen as men helping other men to achieve the perfect body. The large print front ‘BLAST BODY FAT’ is presented in capital letters to stand out from the rest of the magazine. The dominant signifier in the men’s health magazine, Vin Diesel, is positioned confidently flexing his muscles. This is radical because this is an unrealistic image of what an average man looks like. This could also make people feel insecure about the way they look due to the manipulation of the media and the effect it has on how people view themselves in terms of identity and social expectations. However his strength is presented through the size of his muscly arms which differentiates from the idea that Lara had to be designed holding weaponry to even connote the idea of strength. This then leads to the intended target audience which is males this time it is for men to perceive in an inspirational sight instead of a sexual one. 

In conclusion in both Tomb raider and the Men’s Health magazine, the main representation is heavily focused on gender stereotypes. If I compare these two magazines, they both give of certain stereotypes of a male and female body. Yet, whilst Tomb Raider is based around a fictional character and gives more subtle view points over how a women’s body should be, Men’s Health magazine promotes the muscular and toned body of a celebrity on its front cover, which will attract people as they will view the dominant signifier in an inspirational manner rather then a sexual one.


Positive and negative stereotypes: A positive or negative image or idea about a person usually depending on their race, age, sexuality etc

Counter-types: An opposite type of someone or something.

Misrepresentation: A figure or something that is given false representation about or represented incorrectly.

Selective representation:  Is when a certain person or group is purposely represented and focused more on than others.

Dominant ideology: Attitudes and beliefs which society holds to be true or important

Constructed reality: The theory that the way we present ourselves to other people is shaped partly by our interactions with others, as well as by our life experiences.

Hegemony: Dominance of certain aspects of life

Audience positioning: The techniques used by the creator of a text to try to get the audience to understand the ideology of the text

Fluidity of identity: Though identity has roots in gender and family but it is overall formed by interactions and can change at any point in your life

Constructed identity: Any attempt to create, maintain or enhance views about oneself.

Negotiated identity : Identity negotiation refers to the processes through which people reach agreements regarding “who is who” in their relationships. 

Collective identity: The social and cultural groups that one claims they are part of or act with.

Media NEA statement of intent

My games magazine is called ‘Ultimate Gaming’ the style of my magazine is influenced by an existing magazine called ‘PC GAMER’. I chose to do mine similar to the layout of PC GAMER because of the simple yet eye catching layout. My intended target audience for my magazine would be British male teenagers aged 13-15. My magazine will be relatively cheap, so that people of any social class will be able to afford it so that people will be more inclined to purchase it if its cheap. The main aim of my magazine will be to be informative and educational yet fun and still appeal to my target audience.

 I will use the colours that are stereo-typically associated with males to promote gaming. I chose to do my background in black because black is associated with power and strength. I chose to do my title in red because it is the most important aspect of the magazine and I wanted it to really stand out. For the font of the title I decided to chose a serif font to make the words stand out more, the main font of my title is in bold to make it stand out and catch the audiences attention.

There will be a clear design to my magazine as all the pages will be black to make the overall look of the magazine flow. I will also be keeping the red and yellow colours for plugs throughout my magazine. I chose to do 3 small and simple plugs in my magazine because I felt that it would best suit my target audience as teenagers ages 13-15 wouldn’t want to read much but rather the front be bright and eye catching with big writing.

Before I did my magazine I looked at other magazines for inspiration and noticed that most of them had males on the cover so I decided to stick to this idea as that is what is suitable fort my target audience. The main picture on my magazine is of a strong built man I designed this character on adobe fuse. I chose to do his body type like this because it would appeal to the audience and also associates with a range of game types such as battle games, which I have advertised on the front cover. I also created an 8-bit art character on the lower part of my magazine as I wanted to present a range of game types, not just battle games. My main character on the front cover is reactionary which supports dominant ideology as he supports a typical male gaming character. This is because of his large built body type and his big muscly arms.


Barthes- A french philosopher who explored semiotics and social theory

Pierce- An American philosopher, logician, mathematician, and scientist who is sometimes known as “the father of pragmatism”.

Saussure – A Swiss linguist and semiotician. His ideas laid a foundation for many significant developments in both linguistics and semiology in the 20th century. He is widely considered one of the founders of 20th-century linguistics and one of two major founders of semiotics/semiology.

Semiotics – The study of sign process

Sign- A gesture or action used to convey information or an instruction.

Signifier – A signs physical form (such as a sound, printed word, or image) as distinct from its meaning ( Saussure)

Signified- the meaning or idea expressed by a sign, as distinct from the physical form in which it is expressed.

Icon- person or thing regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of veneration.

Index- a sign or measure of something

Symbol- A symbol is a mark, sign or word that indicates, signifies, or is understood as representing an idea, object, or relationship.

Code – A system of words, letters, figures, or symbols used to represent others

Dominant Signifier – Dominant meaning of sign

Anchorage – Directs the viewer to chosen meaning

Ideology – A system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.

Paradigm – A typical example or pattern of something

Syntagm – the relationship is one where signs occur in sequence or parallel and operate together to create meaning 

Signifcation – the representation or conveying of meaning.

Denotation – he literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the word suggests. (Bathes)

Connotation – an idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning.” (Bathes)

Myth- Belief that isn’t true