All posts by Scarlet N



mock revision

Barthes– Semiotic is a science which learns the sign, object, and its meaning, in Semiotics, there are the signifier and the signified, the signifier refers to the sign and the signified refers to the something that is signified.

Saussure– there are the signifier and the signified, the signifier refers to the sign and the signified refers to the something that is signified.

 Gilroy– argues that culture is the mode through which Black persons should aspire to liberation. (incarceration)

friday’s essay

Life hacks

Audience is younger adults- ‘ expressing yourself and lockdown hair disasters’

Casual conversations opposed to scripts

Curran and seaton- diversification, bbc life hacks offer entertainment for everyone but not all at once

Accepts diversity through openness

 Targets a niche audience

Uses and gratifications theory- listeners relating to stories that are being said online/ online community

Livingstone and Lunt- follows a citizen based approach to media production

War Of The Worlds

Broadcasted by CBS

War of the worlds 1937, technology has developed since then

Hesmondhalgh’s idea of a risky business within media- The producers don’t know if the media they are producing is going to cater for everyones interests so not everyone will like it.

Clay Shirky: The audience doesn’t just consume media, but also produces it – creating the term ‘presumer’

Livingstone and Lunt: CBS who broadcasted War of the Worlds, work on a consumer- based approach

CharactersPolly= False heroPROPP, presents the idea of STOCK CHARACTERS, inc ‘hero’, ‘false hero’, ‘princess’, ‘father figure’, ‘despatcher’
Annabelle= Hero because she helps Richard when he was abandonedPROPP, presents the idea of STOCK CHARACTERS, inc ‘hero’, ‘false hero’, ‘princess’, ‘father figure’, ‘despatcher’
chicken= victim PROPP, presents the idea of STOCK CHARACTERS, inc ‘hero’, ‘false hero’, ‘princess’, ‘father figure’, ‘despatcher’

chicken essay

micro budget film – £110,000


  • Raised entirely through investment by individuals 
  • No funding body (e.g. BFI Film Fund) was willing to fund Chicken
  • Raises questions about whether film industry is accessible to lower-income filmmakers


  • UK cinema release followed in May 2016. Selected for film subscription service MUBI and acquired by Film4 for TV premiere in April 2017.
  • UK DVD release distributed by Network Releasing. Digital distribution in USA/Canada – January 2018.


  • film festivals, new technology was vital to promoting Chicken to a wider audience
  • Some traditional marketing: trailer, film poster with review quotes etc.
  • Social media very important to market film – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.
  • Film available on-demand now; Stephenson hoping for deal with Netflix or Amazon Prime to bring in revenue and find wider audience.
  • The guardian reviewed it on a poster


  • risky business- the producer didn’t know if it would be successful and didn’t know if people would even watch it.

Curran and Seaton

audience theory

 Hypodermic model (passive consumption)-

  • The media is spoon feeding the people what the media wants wants them to know through propaganda and messages.

Two Step Flow of Communication

“the way in which mediated messages are not directly injected into the audience, but while also subject to noise, error, feedback etc, they are also filtered through opinion leaders, those who interpret media messages first and then relay them back to a bigger audience.”

Cultivation Theory 

  • the relationship between violence on television and violence in society
  •  “watching television doesn’t cause a particular behavior, but instead watching television over time adds up to our perception of the world around us” 

comparison of the Witnesses and The Missing

from your chosen CSP’s
CHARACTERSIn the Missing & Witnesses the main detectives have a ‘natural’ instinct and ethics for law and order / good and badIn the Missing & Witnesses the main detective is not the typical ‘male hero’ Missing French, old, retired, limping. In Witnesses young, bold, female, French, immigrant, single motherPROPP, presents the idea of STOCK CHARACTERS, inc ‘hero’, ‘false hero’, ‘princess’ (Witnesses), ‘father figure’, ‘despatcher’ (Missing)
There are detectives in both series and they both include crime. Satellites are things that can be left out and wouldn’t have a massive impact if they weren’t included for example the Witnesses was set in Normandy and The Missing was set in Germany.

the use of key themes to structure stories and characters around familiar themes: family, community, law and order, justice. Often set up as binary oppostions: right/wrong urban/rural, young/old, good/bad
radical and reactionary representations of police, family, law and order, through a range of signs (visual, graphic, audio, narrative, thematic etc)
TECHNICAL CODES / LANGUAGE OF MOVING IMAGE (music, setting, props, lighting, use of camera, editing etc)

what is the difference between a consumer based media regulation system and a citizen based regulation system?

citizen- based regulation= encourage media makers to produce content that contributes to the social and cultural health of the societies in which they operate

consumer based regulation= choices regarding content are largely devolved to audiences and where media makers are given as much freedom as possible to make the media that audiences want to consume

What impact did the 2003 Communications Act have on media regulation?

They bought in Ofcom and as a result television production companies produced content that was more commercially viable.

 What is the drawback of a self-regulated system?

Media companies may act upon their own interests which isn’t always the publics interests.

How do you regulate media content and organisations on a global scale?

NeWSpaper to tv CSPs

  • Curran and Seaton suggests that a second and equally turbulent wave of ownership consolidation took place in the latter half of the twentieth century when economic globalisation and the widespread deregulation of the media industry reduced the number of national press titles in the uk to just 11 publications.
  • Commercial broadcasters need to secure long term advertising revenue to survive programming.
  • Curran and Seaton argue that the Uk government policy is responsible in part, for the widespread domination of the media landscape by huge conglomerates.
  • The power of concentrated media ownership has forced political parties to form cosy relationships with media moguls in order to get favourable press coverage
  • commercial media has not been allowed to dominate the Uk television and radio markets completely. The BBC as a public service broad caster funded through the television licence fee operates without the need to attract advertising revenue to fund programming

Statement of intent

For my music video I intend to follow the NEA brief set 4. My chosen artist is a DJ which will be featured throughout my music video. My target audience will be males and females ages 15/18 who have an interest in house music or drum and bass. The point of my music video is to promote my chosen artist and raise his profile. In the video I will include clips of the DJ playing his song, I would also like to film clips of lights flashing which will be featured throughout the music video, the flashing lights will create a party like atmosphere, The DJing will be the dominant signifier in the video. I will include the headphones the DJ uses in the video. I would also like to include cars to present wealth, girls and beaches which are all stereotypical ideologies featured in a DJing music video which will make my video very much reactionary. I looked at style models and I decided to choose Calvin Harris and Avicii to be good inspiration for my music video because they use more than one location in their video which I am intending to do as well. In terms of Blumler and Katz uses and gratification theory, I would like my music video to serve as a source of escapism as anyone will be able to watch it as it is free to stream and download. I will use Lasswells Theory of the Hypodermic model to ensure my music video is being understood by the receiver.  

For my magazine doubIe page spread will have the DJ standing in front of a nice car to present wealth. I want to include picture to make it look more interest and engage the reader.  The artist will also be dressed in expensive clothes such as stone island. My double page spread will be an interview about my chosen artist’s journey regarding their DJing career and how they have come to the place they are today. One of the questions I will ask will be what helped and influenced them. The research I have done for this is the general layout of how an interview and advert is laid out.  

The front cover which is promoting the artists tour will include the places that my chosen artist will be playing at. I will also include dates that the event is taking place. I would also like to include the DJ’s logo somewhere on the page to help promote his name. I want the name of the DJ announcing the tour in the centre at the top of the page to follow the conventional layout.