All posts by Rianne F



NEA Coursework

Front cover (I don’t have my updated copy at home):

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Front-cover-for-magazine-1.jpg

Contents page:

Double page spread:

Statement of intent:

I want to create a magazine which will reflect how people can improve in games they want to improve in and will be appealing to the reader/consumer, and I intend to make a gamer guide for beginners as people today are often in need of guides however they often cease to exist. I would like to include relevant information to my initial ideas and needs to be up to date, informative and somewhat interesting as this product does need to appeal to the target audience. I intend to make it readily available to a variety of people and include a wide variety of games. My target audience (ideal consumer) will be for teenagers aged 15+ (both genders) as this is generally the age where most people get into gaming and want to improve.

My dominant signifier in my front cover is being represented as being ‘big’ and muscular which implies masculinity and represents how we portray men in the present day. We expect them to be muscular and strong and fight to get what we want or think we deserve as that’s what we’ve always known; it’s what we accept in society nowadays because it’s not something that has been introduced but has just been with us in the community for decades. This could be considered dominant ideology.

My contents page will resemble how this guide is supposed to be fun and have educational factors within it. The iconic images represent exactly what will be in the magazine and it gives the receiver an insight on what this magazine will actually contain. Although my contents page is simple it will show consistency throughout as everything will be in a more or less similar format as I don’t want to take away the physical content inside this magazine. The colour theme of the magazine is kept throughout the contents page as I don’t want to override the importance of the front cover and I don’t want to take away from the dominant signifier.

My double page spread will consist of one main image of a game and then have a guide on how to be good at this game and win it the majority of the time, with detailed descriptions of how to approach these tips. It will have some useful tips in order to facilitate the purpose of my magazine. It will be simple as I don’t want to take away from the purpose of this section.


  • He’s an American rapper, actor, writer, philanthropist and activist
  • His full name is Lonnie Corant Jaman Shuka Rashid Lynn
  • His title is DR which shows he is an educator
  • He’s got a net worth of $45 million
  •  The son of educator Mahalia Ann Hines and former ABA basketball player turned youth counselor Lonnie Lynn Jr
  • When C.D.R dissolved by 1991, Lynn began a solo career under the stage name of Common Sense
  • In 1999 he signed a major label record deal with MCA records and relocated from Chicago to NYC
  • Music Video:
  • Was in black and white which could have been done to make it appear more intense
  • In a prison which could suggest he feels trapped and what he’s rapping about is serious
  • Long intro and outro in order to create suspense
  • Civil Rights Movement – eg black lives matter campaign
  • Slavery, Civil war between North and South USA
  • Prisoners were used for slave labour in private prisons

Key Words

  • Media concentration / Conglomerates – Combination of multiple business entities in completely different industries under one corporate group
  • Globalisation (in terms of media ownership) – Worldwide integration of media through cross-cultural exchange of ideas
  • Vertical Integration – The combination in one firm of two or more stages of production usually operated by separate firms
  • Horizontal Integration – The acquisition of a business at the same level of the value chain in a similar or different industry
  • Gatekeepers – Process where information is filtered for dissemination, whether for publication, broadcasting, internet or some other mode of communication
  • Regulation – The action or process of regulating or being regulated. Rules enforced by the jurisdiction of law. Principle targets in media are the press, radio and television but could include film, the internet etc
  • Deregulation – A process in which a government removes controls and rules about how newspapers, television channels and so on are owned and controlled
  • Free market – Economic system based on supply and demand with little or no government control
  • Monopolies & Mergers
  • Neo-liberalism – Generally used to refer to market-oriented reform policies such as ‘eliminating price controls, deregulating capital markets, lowering trade barriers’ and reducing state influence in the economy, especially through privatisation and austerity
  • Surveillance / Privacy / Security / GDPR

Hidden Figures

  • Low to medium budget film of $25m but was definitely successful for the budget and was recognised, it was also a risky idea to convey as it was something different and challenged the dominant ideologies
  • Co-production between independent production companies and a major/significant Hollywood conglomerate through the subdivision Fox 2000
  • Fox 2000 liked the idea for this movie as it was different and risky but there was the possibility for high rewards as its niche to the film industry
  • Hidden Figures addressed some of the real issues in society, such as race and gender equality

Stephen Neale’s Genre Theory Definitions

Stephen Neale – Prominent UK-based film theorist who has made an enormous contribution to the field of genre studies

Repertoire of elements – Repeated features that are identical and recognisable as a specif genre eg horror = dark, jump scares, night, groups of people

Corpus – Genres evolve as new texts and are added to the body of similar texts

Hybridisation – The merging of different genres to create a sub-genre , more than one genre in a text

Historic specificity – They are associated with certain time periods and tend to have been popular at a particular moment in time due to other cultural, economic or historical factors

Repetition and sameness – Genre text producers have a fine line between repeating successful formulas with only minor variations

Variation and change – Varying the genre sufficiently to still allow familiarity but also make the audience feel the product they are consuming seems fresh

Narrative image – Tells a story through moving image, and closely follows a narrative structure to similar texts in that genre

Expectations and hypotheses – Audiences like to predict what’s going to happen, eg in a horror film you can tell when something’s going to happen like a jump scare because they music builds up or it’s silent and the camera’s moving rapidly between shots

Suspend disbelief – The audience needs to care about the characters in order for them to remain interested in the text this can be done by making them think a certain thing may happen (audience positioning)

Generic regime of verisimilitude – Making things very similar and match up to both our experience of other texts and of the real world so they’re believable

Conventions and rules – There are certain rules / structures / features that need to be included in a text to make it a certain genre

Sub-genre – A genre that has derived from the original main genre but doesn’t contain all of the required features and can have differences to this as well

Hybridity – Putting 2 or more different things together

The Killing And The Missing

CHARACTERSThe detective who has a ‘natural’ instinct for law and order. Victim, Villain and HeroThe Killing, The mising has the main detective as femalePROPP
NARRATIVEThe first episode often introduces a lot of different characters, and there are also a lot of different themes introduced, story is set. The victim is often found/discoveredThe missing peaks at the beginning as the girl comes back and is supposedly alive, whereas The killing starts at equilibriumTODOROV
THEMESThe use of binary oppostions around familiar themes: family, community, law and order, justice. Some sort of crime dramaLEVI-STRAUSS
REPRESENTATIONReactionary representations of police, family, law and order, urban/ruralRadical representation of main detective as The killing had a female detective but The missing had the stereotypical male detectiveSEMIOTICS
TECHNICAL CODES / LANGUAGE OF MOVING IMAGE (music, setting, props, lighting, use of camera, editing etc)Opening montage sequence that often gives clues as to the whole series – themes, locations, characters, events etc.The killing has less dramatic music than The missing

Theories Linked To Boss Life

TheoristWhat does it mean (in your own words)How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
EquilibriumTodorov – Has a beginning-middle-end, It starts and ends in equilibrium, peaks in the middle (disruption) but balances out again towards the endThe influencers enter the room and a bell boy comes in with products, everyone puts one the Boss life mascara and everyone becomes ‘Bossed up’ including the bell boy, towards the end there’s less excitement and is more calm
Binary OppositionLevi-Straus – There’s always a conflict/opposition in the story, this helps the receivers to come to a conclusion (generally people should agree with message given) people like to have 2 sides when deciding their opinion otherwise they may be put off with there only being one side– Boring bell boy life and then he gets happy and excited due to being ‘Bossed up’
– Plain spacious room which emphasises the mascara when it comes into the advert, bright gold product
Character TypesPropp – There’s always the same character types in every movie, book, magazine, news article etc. e.g: hero, villain, victim– Influencers are the hero’s
– Bell boy is the dispatcher and possibly the victim as he has to watch the others get ‘Bossed up’ until he’s able to also get ‘Bossed up’
– Money is the villain

Language Of Moving Image

Technical CodeDenotation (ie what is it – simply describe what you see / hear)Connotation (ie what does it signify)
SettingNew YorkGlamorous, Fashionable, Wealthy/Rich, Modern
ClothingStarts off dull/plain and simple but becomes Sparkly, Gold and FancyGlamour, Wealth, Mascara will make you feel good and ‘Bossed up’
NVCGestures, Shift in representation of identityIndicating Bossed up mascara is a good product, Stereotypes are changing
DialogueInteraction with each other and the product, EnergeticIntroduces product, Enthusiasm
Sound EffectKind of ‘Twinkly’, SwooshMagical, Sparkly, Bossed up, sudden change in perception
MusicUpbeat, Modern, ClassyBossed up mascara is a classy product, gives confidence
Camera shot sizeWide Angle
A lot to take in
Camera movementAngles change throughout the advertisementImplies how the product can make you feel, can feel better about yourself if you use this product