All posts by Rianne F



Post Modernism Key Words

Pastiche – An artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist, or period.

Bricolage – A collection or collage of different media text which forms one text.

Intertextuality – The relationship between texts, especially literary ones.

Implosion – An instance of something collapsing violently inwards and/or a sudden failure or collapse of an organization or system.

Cultural appropriation – The unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of the customs, practices, ideas, etc. of one people or society by members of another and typically more dominant people or society.

Music Video ideas

I like this music video because it shows tells a story on how things can get better and you don’t have to leave when things get hard, the video is in reverse which shows the opposite of what can be a reality. This is radical to the dominant ideologies as people generally don’t try to make things better if something isn’t going right. They’re saying that if time is taken then this will help things in the long run. This video is also in reverse so goes against the general Linear format.
This music video shows a story on how we shouldn’t be so judgmental and we should take risks so that we can live our lives spontaneously, it’s showing how to find the positives in life and makes us see how anything is possible. It’s focused on changing your outlook on life and having a more positive approach.
This music video challenges dominant ideologies as it’s saying how life isn’t the be all and end all, just be yourself and don’t give up when people try to bring you down. This is reactionary to how people think the world should be however it’s radical to how people often think.
I like this video as it shows how people compare themselves to each other when it isn’t worth it in the end, it shows ‘her’ as the Villain as the Protagonist is comparing herself to her but she realises it’s okay to not be the same as everyone else. It tells a Linear story on how people have expectations but not one person is the same.
I like this video because it shows a linear story with an equilibrium where people feel like an outcast and feel as if they aren’t seen by anyone but towards the end of the video people realise that you don’t have to be loud to be heard and you aren’t invisible to everyone even if it feels like it. It shows a message on how things will get better in the end and you just have to stay strong. People can be seen without feeling as if you are isolated from everyone else.
This music video tells a story through the music as it’s soft and slow, this is an emotional piece of music which conveys how the protagonist may be feeling isolated and alone but there is someone to take away that sadness or loneliness that’s inside you, it reaches equilibrium when the girl enters the room as she is there with him and he doesn’t have to be alone. The music sounds happier towards the end which shows he feels okay.

Post Colonialism Definitions

  • Colonialism – The policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically
  • Post Colonialism – The political or cultural condition of a former colony, a theoretical approach in various disciplines that is concerned with the lasting impact of colonization in former colonies
  • Diaspora  – A scattered population whose origin lies in a separate geographic locale.
  • Bame– A term used in the UK to refer to black, Asian and minority ethnic people.
  • Double Consciousness (Gilory) – A term describing the internal conflict experienced by subordinated groups in an oppressive society
  • Cultural Absolutism/Racial Essentialism – When one cultural is deamed better than another and all have to belong to one cultural/the belief in a genetic or biological essence that defines all members of a racial category.
  • Cultural Syncretism – Combination of separate concepts into on new, unique idea, when an aspect of two+ distinct cultures blend together to create a new custom/idea/practice/philosophy
  • Orientalism (said) –  The acceptance in the West of “the basic distinction between East and West as the starting point for elaborate theories, epics, novels, social descriptions, and political accounts concerning the Orient, its people, customs, ‘mind,’ destiny and so on.”
  • Appropriation – the act of taking something such as an idea, custom, or style from a group or culture that you are not a member of and using it yourself: Theft is the dishonest appropriation of another person’s property.
  • Cultural Hegemony –  domination of a culturally diverse society by the ruling class who manipulate the culture of that society
  • The Public Sphere (Habermas) –   a realm of our social life in which something approaching public opinion can be formed. Access is guaranteed to all citizens”. This notion of the public becomes evident in terms such as public health, public education, public opinion or public ownership
  • The Role Of Public Service Broadcasting In Terms Of Fair Representation Of Minority Groups/Interests – PSB’s role is to reflect multiple community interests and news, and different ethnicities and cultural backgrounds to be all inclusive to there audience

CSP 10 – Ghost Town – The Specials

Task 1 – Background

  • Released June 12th 1981
  • It was the ‘single of the year’ for 1981
  • Ghost Town was originally created as a a ‘break up’ song for The Specials
  • Signed to the label 2 tone
  • Was number 1 upon release for a few weeks (3) and was in the top 40 for 10 weeks meaning it was a popular and successful song
  • Barney Bubbles directed it
  • Awards: NME award for best single
  • Jerry Dammers wrote the song
  • The Specials were formed in 1977

Task 2 – Cultural, Historical and Social background

  • In 1981 unemployment rates in the UK were at the high with almost 3 million unemployed
  • The song was number 1 post-Brixton and during the Handsworth and Toxteth riots
  • The song represents an unease about the state of the nation
  • The cultural critic Dorian Lynskey has described it as ‘’a remarkable pop cultural moment’’ one that “defined an era’

Facts about the i

  • History – The i is a British national morning paper published in London by Daily Mail and General Trust and distributed across the United Kingdom; aimed at ‘readers and lapsed readers’ of all ages. Originally launched as a sister paper to ‘The independent’
  • Format – Compact Newspaper, broadsheet-quality newspaper printed in a tabloid format
  • Editors – Oliver Duff, British journalist who has been the editor of the i newspaper since June 2013. he is currently the youngest editor of a UK newspaper
  • Political stance – The i is more central and isn’t necessarily positioned left or right/authoritarian or libertarian as they are independent and do their own thing. Politically balanced and and publishes points from both sides
  • Target Audience – Aimed at ‘readers and lapsed readers’ of all ages and commuters with limited time
  • Cost – In September 2016, the price was raised to 60p, with the weekday edition rising to 50p. The i was then named National Newspaper of the Year in 2015. At the start of September 2017, the price rose once again, to 60p for the weekday edition and 80p for the relaunched i weekend beginning later that month
  • Circulation – 221,083 people