All posts by Pedro A



How is gender represented in magazines and game covers?

I have closely studied the front page and the double page spread of the Men’s Health magazine, I have also closely looked at the front cover and back cover of Tomb Raider. In my essay I will be speaking about the constructed identity of both front cover images in Men’s Health where it is Vin Diesel and in Tomb raider which is Lara Croft. I will counter this issue by explaining the use of graphic features in both photos where in Lara Croft’s case which is her breasts and buttocks and why the designers decided to do this, in Men’s Health the misconception of what a man should look like which is clearly stated on the double page spread where in has a little text next to a photo of him saying ‘Diesel’s slant is one to aspire to’. I will also be justifying how Gender is represented, this will allow me to link into How Lara Croft is Radical as she is challenging the dominant ideology of society and how they interpret Gender stereotypes. Also, how Men’s Health portrays Van Diesel as being the ultimate man and what all men should aspire to be could also be Radical as Men’s Health is trying to make society believe this is what a man should be where n reality it is not the case.

Constructed identity is shown in both articles, this is because both images are what the editors or designers wanted on their front covers, In Men’s Health the editor wanted Van Diesel as a representation of what all men in society should look like; in Tomb Raider Lara Croft is designed in a way to attract the male audience in society so that people play their game. Firstly Men’s Health use of constructed identity is not only used in the front cover but also in the double page spread, this has been utilised by the editors of the magazine to challenge audience theories, for example on the double page spread it has Phillip Howells who is a man at his age who Is very fit however by his appearance he looks like any other ordinary man, now Phillip Howells constructed identity is used strategically as he links into Van Diesel; society’s audience theory will convey that if they can aspire to be like Howells which is a lot more reasonable than looking Like Van diesel with sufficient training they to can one day be as fit as Howells but as physically strong as Van Diesel. The use of Howells constructed identity allows it to be radical as the magazine is challenging the every day mans belief of what their body can look like. Whereas with Lara Croft her constructed identity is strategically used to attract a male audience which mostly plays video games to play their game. By Lara Croft being radical in the way she challenges society’s beliefs/stereotypes in that there should only be male protagonists in games as they are stronger and more dominant the editors of the game designed he in a way that he graphic features are used as a tool to pull these males from society to play their game.

Linking into the previous paragraph I will be justifying how gender is represented in both articles. To begin with I believe Lara Croft is Radical as she was brought into a generation that was heavily dominated by male protagonists and the stereotype of how men were more powerful and how women were inferior and the impact she had on being one of the first female protagonists really challenged society’s views on how they portray their male and female stereotypes. On the front cover of Tomb Raiders game Lara croft has a yellow light behind her which also looks like an aura, this yellow aura can be portrayed as powerful this is because the colour yellow is reassembled to energy and energy brings power, she also shows power in the way her body is postured and how she is standing upright. However Lara Croft can also be portrayed as Reactionary I was shown this by the article on Tomb Raider and the creation of Lara Croft, this is because the creator Toby Gard originally intended ‘to make the character male which resembled Indiana Jones however due to law suits Lara Croft was Made’. The way in which Lara Croft is Positioned in the front cover; showing he behind and enhanced graphic features, females are portrayed in this way to draw in ‘straight Christian Males’.

Similarly, to Tomb Raider Men’s Health also use certain colours in their article to portray a belief, for example the Men’s Health article uses blue and black, these colours are linked into men as they are portrayed as manly colours by being dark and bold. Gender is represented in Men’s Health as Vin diesel is a dominant signifier and what a man should aspire to be this therefore challenges audience theories and makes them want to train, then on the contents page and front cover page the dominant signifier is supported by an anchorage which is a skinny male to change societies males in particular ways to portray fitness. This skinny male is surrounded by Van Diesel the dominant signifier as a way to convey to the audience that with the right training you to can look like Van Diesel this is shown on the article as it says ‘New Year Muscle (build a six pack for life)’.

In conclusion gender is represented in Men’s Health and Tomb Raider through being radical as they both challenge society’s views in Lara Crofts case in that how she is a protagonist and that she resembles power and she is challenging the dominant ideologies stereotypes in what a protagonist should look like, where as with Men’s Health Vin Diesel is used to challenge a males belief on what they should aspire to look like and how they will aspire to look like that. Also how constructed identity is used in both articles to attract audiences in Lara Crofts case her enhanced graphic features which are used to attract straight Christian males, also in Men’s Health how Vin diesel is used as a dominant signifier and is portrayed as what a man should aspire to be. Finally, I believe gender is represented in magazines and games covers to challenge society’s beliefs.



Positive and negative stereotypes: a positive stereotype refers to a subjectively favourable belief held about a social group. Whereas negative stereotype are traits and characteristics, negatively valence and attributed to a social group and to its individual members.

Counter-types:  countertype is a positive stereotype and emphasizes the positive features about a person.

Misrepresentation: is the action or offence of giving a false or misleading account of the nature of something. For example when an animal is misrepresented as being vicious.

Selective representation:  is when some groups of people are represented more in government than others.In this way, one form of selectiverepresentation is used to try to combat another.

Dominant ideology: a dominant attitude values or beliefs in society

Constructed reality: refers to the theory that the way we present ourselves to other people is shaped partly by our interactions with others, as well as by our life experiences.

Hegemony: leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social group over others.

Audience positioning:  refers to the techniques used by the creator of a text to try to get the audience to understand the ideology of the text.

Fluidity of identity: the idea in which your identity changes

Constructed identity: is the identity that one self builds for example on social media.

Negotiated identity: agreeing that certain people have certain roles in a relationship and that these roles cannot change.

Collective identity: the identity of a group.

Front cover magazine/Statement of intent

Statement of Intent

My magazine cover was aimed at a target market ranging from the ages of 4-12 years of age, KICK-OFF is mostly aimed at boys however girls can also enjoy it too, it is a child friendly magazine which is reasonable, so that means it can appeal to all children it does not affect their economic state.

I decided to create a magazine that had a retro feel to it so I made the whole magazine 8-bit and based the magazine off football. To convey my retro style I used the rule of thirds to place my strap line, iconic sign and plugs. My iconic sign are to footballers reaching for a football to draw my target audience’s attention I used  bright colors such as blue yellow to really engage my audience and have them hooked right from the beginning just from the main image. I used an indexical sign on my different color fonts for example my strap line was yellow where as my plugs had a purple back round with purple writing the idea behind this was to grab my target audience’s attention with the variation of color. The iconic sign was then images of well-known professional footballers as 8-bit characters and the back round of the magazine being a football pitch. Even though a child aged 4-8 may not know these footballers they will be intrigued with the magazine due to the cartoon element of the magazine. I gathered inspiration of many magazines such as Match of the Day for the football element of the magazine and for the 8-bit element I used ideas from magazines such as Retro and Retro Gamer for my strap line and plugs I made a similar version/layout from the Match of The day article, this really allowed me to finalize my magazine as I was able to gather inspiration on what footballer to create to add to the plugs. I used a lexis of words such as Best and exclusive for these words I added extra effect on photo shop by putting both words on bold and using bevel to really make them stand out, I also added a hook to the magazine saying ‘Enter in a prize draw to win Ronaldo’s Football shirt’; this was added as a way of the target audience to really want to purchase the magazine as they all hope to win one of Ronaldo’s shirts.

Representation: I Believe my magazine front cover is radical, i believe my magazine challenges dominant ideology as i made it a retro 8-bit magazine. The reason why this challenges dominant ideology is because in this generation games are improving and the latest technology are allowing games and their quality to be similar to real life. The first reaction the audience may have from my magazine is believing it is a bit outdated because compared to modern day games which the public are used to; it stretches modern society beliefs on how games should be made nowadays. I wanted to challenge dominant ideology by allowing the public to remember where the roots of games came from to how they evolved now, this is why my target audience is from 4-10 year old’s. As they do not critic the outdated games they play them for fun due to the wacky kid friendly play styles and the variation in color.

Audience theory: Reception theory- This is where the media re enforces a message to the audience. some believe this theory only gives the media what they want to see, linking into my magazine by adding this into the audience this may change the opinion on how some people feel about my magazine due to the media re-enforcing a message for example portraying my magazine as one of the best gaming magazines this may influence the audiences ideas, attitudes and beliefs to the comparison of retro games and 21st century games and changing their belifs on what type of game they think they should be playing.

Cultivation theory- examines the long term effect of television and media this would effect my magazine as the audience would be so used to playing certain games seeing a magazine which challenges the games these members of the massed media play they may not be willing to openly try these new retro games and sway towards the ideas of their is no better game it does not mater if its 8-bit or 21st century graphics.

Magazine design plan

The first idea i have came up with for my magazine was to add two images of 2 people dressed up, 1 person will be dressed up in a football kit representing the video game fifa and the other person will be dressed up in a basket ball kit to represent NBA.

My ideal consumer will be 15 years old, this is because it is a certain age whee they can appreciate every game they see and know the differences from a good day to bad. It can be any gender but the magazine mostly influences males, he has short black hair he was wearing baggy Nike waterproof joggers with air max 97’s as shoes. He was wearing a Y-3 jumper by his cloths you can tell he is living comfortably as he has enough money to wear a few bits of cloths that are generally expensive. The title of the magazine was FUTURE GAMER!


Roland Barthes (his ideas of dominant signs / dominant ideology)
was a French literary theorist, philosopher, critic, and semiotician.

C. S. Pierce (and his categories of sign)
Peirce was an American philosopher, logician, mathematician, and scientist who is sometimes known as “the father of pragmatism”.

Ferdinand de Saussure (the separation of object and meaning)
was a Swiss linguist and semiotician

Semiotics: the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.

Sign: an object, gesture or action that is used to convey information or an instruction

Signifier: A signs physical form

Signified: The meaning expressed by a sign

an iconic sign: signs where the signifier resembles the signified

an indexical sign: signs where the signifier is caused by the signified

a symbolic sign: signs where the relation between signifier and signified is purely conventional and culturally specific

a system of words, letters, figures, or symbols used to represent others, especially for the purposes of secrecy.

Dominant Signifier: most important sign in a product

Anchorage: signs that fix meanings

 is a world view, a system of values, attitudes and beliefs which an individual, group or society holds to be true or important

Paradigm:a grouped/typical example of something similar

when a sign appears in a sequence, that creates a different meaning

A representation or conveying of a message, a sequence to create meaning

The literal meaning of words in contrast to what the word suggests (Barthes)

an idea or feeling that is abstract to the meaning of intentions

A false belief or idea

Dominant ideology: a dominant attitude values or beliefs in society

Radical: Challenges the dominant ideology

Reactionary: Meaning of something

Summer Task

My intentions with my front cover magazine for gamers was to give my audience an insight on what upcoming games to look forward to playing in the future. The ideas I came up with was to add some of the most promising games to come out later in the year, by doing this I added in a few images of the games that are most likely to be most popular to play I also added in some already released games such as Fortnite which I believe will still be popular. My target audience ranges from ages three to eighteen and older, this is because it relates to the age policies certain games have for example games such as FIFA twenty is aged at the age of three years old and older, whereas games like Modern Warfare are aged at the ages of eighteen and older. I also added in a top five list on my front cover in this list I covered the top ten most entertaining games to look forward to in the future. The reason why I decided to make a front cover magazine on future games instead of games which are already out is because, I myself play games however I have stopped recently as I have become bored of the games that are out at the moment. I am waiting for new games to be released so I can start playing again this is how I came up with the idea of future games. Some of the games that are featured by having their own images are personal favourites of mine that I am looking forward to play and a few other of the games that are mentioned I researched on google and found some top twenty lists and got some games of those lists to put on my front cover, I chose carefully with these games as I didn’t want all the games on my list to be similar I wanted to keep it unique so it has various choice for my audience. Another idea I came up with was to add in some more text about some fun facts of the games that are featured on the magazine front cover, by doing this it could increase the knowledge of the games to my audience and it will also give them more of a reason to purchase one of these games that have been featured. In conclusion, I believe my intentions on portraying a front cover magazine for games to look forward to in the future was a good idea as it is accessible to all ages so that they can be intrigued and willing to read more. I also believe, I balanced the amount of text I used out with the images I used. By doing this it doesn’t make it to boring for the younger audience but it also includes reasonable facts for the older audience this means that the magazine balances out for my target audience not just heavily influenced on one.

  • Icon:
  • Looks like a footballer
  • Looks like a man with a backpack
  • Looks like a neon light
  • Looks like a man
  • Indexical:
  • Clothes
  • Red color font
  • Symbolic:
  • Game headlines
  • Nba Logo