All posts by Oliver H



Boys’ Life Choices

I chose a selection of ‘nerd ‘ and school skills which are useful in the real world. This challenges the stereotype of a masculine boy with the usual imagery of adventure, for a more realistic view that not all boys are in to hiking and sport because many are rather into video games and books. I chose to apply to skills such as social and interview skills which are useful for people who want to do well in jobs rather than how to get a girlfriend. Normally, most societies have a dominant ideology of the rules of men and boys in society, so this mean that boys should be interested in football, girls and cars. However lots of boys aren’t into all these things and that can be looked down upon by society, so this alternate magazine targets those who don’t fit into the societal norms. Also in normal boys’ life magazines, the character is shown in a medium size with context of doing an activity, my cover shows a close up of someones back and head as it focuses on someone as a person, not what someone does.

Intro Questions

What is Media?

Media is the transfer of communication through different platforms so like film, video and news

What is Media Studies?

The study of the media through different forms of communication and learning the effects of media

What is the point of Media?

There is a point to media studies as the media affects the communication across the world and how information conveyed in society

What do I want to learn in Media?

In Media I want to leam about how to analyse different forms of medicine as well as how different genres and platforms affect different audiences

Media Summer Task

I chose my Borderlands 3 background because it is a game being released soon and a game in a series that I love.  Also, I think that the striking character on the cover may draw in readers as they are staring directly forward with glowing blue eyes.  My subheadings have different topics which convey other parts of the gaming industry with the newest ideas in the game industry, such as Apple’s new gaming ‘Arcade’ or smaller news on tips of completing harder games. I included this variety so that there are different things that attract different readers with different tastes. The cover includes another big game release news as gamers don’t all just play one game so only placing one game would mean that many are turned away by it so two well-known games mean more people are intrigued. The large bold font for GAMER (as a title) and BORDERLANDS 3 which means they stand out from the background, which is mostly yellow and blue, as red which draws new readers to the magazine as a strong warm colour. The red also matches the roses at the bottom of the colour which makes the poster more ascetically pleasing. I think the cover tells enough to lure a reader but not enough where they don’t have to buy it.

Summer Task Signs

Iconic Signs

  • Rose
  • Grenade
  • Gun
  • Fingers
  • Mask

Indexical Signs

  • Gun – Violence
  • Grenade – Destruction
  • Bandaged Hand – Savagery and Injury

Symbolic Signs

  • Red Text – Blood
  • Black Text – Death
  • Yellow Background – Chance of Hope or Happiness
  • Blue Glowing Eyes – Futuristic
  • ‘Cyberpunk’ – Dystopian Future