All posts by Oliver H



NEA Coursework



My working title is Macro Gamer to emphasis the scale and variety of content in my magazine. My target audience is both men and women however primarily women, aged between 16 to 25. This is because my magazine is filled with strong women as the main protagonists and antagonists. Being more mature, my colour pallet is mainly black, white and red. This is more of a horror gaming magazine as there are dark images which is more R rated then generic magazines however does apply a more child-like nature with the 8 bit art. The audience conforms to the emergent service workers due to being very young but high levels of cultural capital. Also, my target audience are part of the Explorers in Rubicam’s 4 C’s due to many games being covered in my magazine being a challenge or adventurous. My magazine will cover reviews, exclusive interviews and a couple new emerging games and my cover is easy for people who are not fully cultured in the game industry due to using more informal language but also rewarding for those who are. I believe my magazine challenges the dominant ideology as it has strong female characters that aren’t over sexualised, such as my dominant signifier on my front cover and double page.

Letter to the FREE Context

Slavery happened from 1619- 1865 when the Civil War was won by the North in the 13th Amendment. However there was segregation under the Jim Crow laws that separated black and white people in public, on buses and in school.

This was prevalent under the Civil Rights Movement under Martin Luther King JR in 1955. However there is still mass incarceration for unjust causes which mainly effects black people who are being imprisoned to make money.

Common says that slavery has not truly been abolished as many people are being imprisoned for no reason which provokes movements such as Black Lives Matter.

Representation of gender in Tomb Raider and Men’s Health Essay

While Tomb Raider portrays women as strong and independent, it also objectifies and emphasises her looks over her actions. Furthermore, Men’s Health stereotypes men as big and masculine to show the ‘perfect’ man while still representing other parts of being a man. This means that both CSP’s portray gender in a positive and negative way through the front covers and features spreads.

On the Tomb Raider front cover, Lara Croft is shown as the only dominant signifier and is used at an MLS to show off her face but also to show her body. She is also angled to show off her assets which is clear objectification as the aim is targeted towards most of the straight male audience. On the back cover, the camera is angled at her butt as the player follows behind her which is very objectifying as it denotes that her butt is the focus and so the most important part of her. On the other hand, Men’s Health shows off an MLS of Vin Diesel (synergising the two brands of Vin Diesel and Men’s Health), which also applies to the male audience due to health tips of how to be a healthy man. This means the he isn’t as objectified as much as Lara Croft due to being produced for most men. While at the time, Tomb Raider was more of a radical text as it uses a positive stereotype compared to the normal misrepresentation of women in video games, being the damsel in distress. Men’s Health is a lot more of a reactionary text as it supports the dominant ideology of men being large and tough.

However, the new Men’s Health issues are more radical texts which don’t use traditional stereotypes. The front cover talks about ‘#slay winter blues’ which addresses the issue of mental health instead of just physical health. This refers to emotion and therefore more feminine which ‘shouldn’t’ be talked about on a men’s magazine. In the contents page, in shows Phillip Howells who is 69, these counter the dominant ideology of all male athletes being very young therefore creating a positive message while representing the elderly in a positive light. It uses countertypes to the traditional feminine traits by making her wield guns as they connote violence and action which are more traditionally masculine stereotypes rather than being a fragile and caring woman. However, the guns are small compared to other games with male character that are holding larger weapons compared to 2 small pistols.

Both texts apply to the straight male who usually fits into the emergent service workers as they have high cultural capital. This is because Tomb Raider objectifies women while Men’s Health try to make men feel better and healthier. The hegemony of culture is changing as those dominant ideologies about gender and the fluidity of identity is changing. This is to due the idea of being a man becoming a wider term to include those with differences such as mental health, sexual orientation or gender to apply to a larger and different audience. Referring to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, after physical health and safety the next need is for that of love and belonging. By these case studies applying to this larger audience, it makes people feel represented and belonged to a community, leading to a change of the constructed identity in society while representing gender in a broader spectrum without misrepresenting the target population.

Although both case studies use stereotypes and countertypes to portray men and women in different ways, these prints show the changing times as traditional masculinity is only portrayed through physical health and appearance to the relevance of identity and mental health. While women aren’t portrayed as helpless and have become powerful and independent without the need of help from men.

Representation Definitions

Positive and negative stereotypes – positive stereotypes represent a “positive” evaluation of a group that typically signals an advantage over another group

Counter-types – a positive stereotype and emphasizes the positive features about a person. Used to break and go against the current stereotype.

Misrepresentation – the action or offence of giving a false or misleading account of the nature of something.

Selective representation
– when some groups of people are represented more in government than others.

Dominant ideology – attitudes, beliefs, values, and morals shared by the majority of the people in a given society

Constructed reality –the theory that the way we present ourselves to other people is shaped partly by our interactions with others, as well as by our life experiences.

Hegemony – a way to describe people or ideas that become—and seek to remain—dominant in society

Audience positioning – he techniques used by the creator of a text to try to get the audience to understand the ideology of the text

David Gauntlett:

Fluidity of identity – the idea that identity is not fixed and can change depending on life and surroundings

Constructed identity – the shaping of a persons values influenced by cultural systems and individual actions

Negotiated identity – changing someone’s beliefs and identity by the use of cultural beliefs and the mass media

Collective identity – the shared sense of belonging to a group

Magazine Cover

Statement of Intent:

My working title is Macro Gamer and my target audience is primarily men aged between 16 to 25, which is why the colour pallet is mainly white with dark reds, browns and blacks. This is more of a horror gaming magazine as there are dark images which is more R rated then generic magazines. This portrays the paradigm of scary things meaning the magazine is not for younger readers. However my magazine also applies to other people such as women due to having a woman as one of the main characters on the front cover. The audience conforms to the emergent service workers due to being very young but high levels of cultural capital. Also, my target audience are part of the Explorers in Rubicam’s 4 C’s due to many games being covered in my magazine being a challenge. My magazine will cover reviews, exclusive interviews and a couple new emerging games. My cover is easy for people who are not fully cultured in the game industry due to using more informal language. Although my magazine reinforces the stereotype of the younger white male, it also challenges the dominant ideology of only men being interested in horror and more masculine magazines, with a female character on the cover as the dominant signifier.

Style Models: