All posts by Oliver F



Definition of key words

Positive and negative stereotypes: An over-generalized belief about a particular category of people. This can be positive beliefs or negative beliefs.

Counter-types: Opposing a positive or negative stereotype

Misrepresentation: the action or offence of giving a false or misleading account of the nature of something

Selective representation: When some groups of people are represented more in government than others. … In this way, one form of selective representation is used to try to combat another.

Dominant ideology: The primary or main opinion of a group of people, race, religion, nation or gender.

Constructed reality: An imagined or over exaggerated version of something true or of a fantasy created by others e.g media sources

Hegemony: leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social group over others

Audience positioning:  The techniques used by the creator of a text to try to get the audience to understand the ideology of the text.

Fluidity of identity:  by living in a specific relationship with others in daily life. Furthermore, such fluid identity has the potential to change in many directions.

Constructed identity: Social and cultural identity is inextricably linked to issues of power, value systems, and ideology.

Negotiated identity:  An individual’s multifaceted identities of cultural, ethnic, religious, social class, gender, sexual orientation, professional, family/relational role, and personal image(s) based on self-reflection and other-categorization social construction processes. 

Collective identity: A person’s sense of belonging to a group. The identity of the group, or the ‘collective,’ becomes a part of the person’s individual identity.

Game Cover semiotic analysis- semic codes

Image result for tomb raider game cover


Denotation- Lara Croft holding a weapon looking confident and strong

Connotation- She is dangerous, deadly and capable of killing. She also shows stereotypical male features.


Denotation- She is wielding two pistols

Connotations: Guns link to death war and conflict suggesting violence is in the game


Denotation- There are multiple company and brands on the cover

Connotation- Shows who made the game and what gaming product you can play it on.

Game Cover semiotic Analysis- Tomb Raider (Mise-En-Scene)

Lighting: The lighting emits through the Tomb Raider logo in the background and creates lines that create leading lines for our eyes to follow back to Lara Croft.

Props: There are two Desert Eagle pistols that Croft is wielding. This can symbolise that she is holding smaller and worse quality guns in comparison to men in game covers who hold bigger and more powerful guns creating gender stereotypes in the sense that woman can hold guns but only small ones.

Image result for game covers of men with guns

Costume: Lara Croft wears very little clothes such as tank tops and short shorts so her body and figure is shown. This is used so the male audience is drawn in so more copies are sold.

Colour: She is wearing very bland and beige to match her environment of the outdoors.

Facial expression: Lara croft is looking confident and in incontrol to show dominance and authority to contradict the male stereotype.

Body Language: Croft is posed in a manner that she shows off her figure to draw the male audience to play the game.


Camera angle: In the image the camera angle is a body shot from a lower height showing signs of a worms eye view to show off Crofts physical features in a sexual manner to attract the male audience from a slightly lower angle looking up.

Shot Type: Medium long shot to show Crofts full body and figure.


Font: The font starts small and increases for the key words of “Tomb Raider” with a bold font to increase its presence.

Colour: The background is black with bright lights shining through the logo which is dispersed out to the side of the image. The clothing is bland boring colours to contract with the background

statement of inten t

Working title: “Game Review” 

Target audience: 12-22-year-old boys with varying skill levels. This magazine can be used for beginners who are looking to fulfil their adrenaline a need of racing and they may look at the magazine for an opinion on the game’s quality and worth. In addition, existing simulator racers would use this to find any new tips and compare this to over games and magazines for their own opinion.  

Niche Interest context: My intent with this magazine front cover is to give comprehensive and balanced views to the gaming community about weather a certain game is entertaining, exciting, enjoyable and fun. I want to do this by showing positives and negatives within a game. In my magazine, my game will be called “M series”. “M series” is a racing game so I would review areas such as handling model, graphics and how the artificial intelligence performs against the player. By giving a fair and balanced review people can save their money if they aren’t intrigued or play, however on the other hand “Game review” can promote a game bringing in money and profit. 

Why is this a variable magazine title? The “Game Review” title gives me flexibility about what type of game used as it can be about any game in the world. It doesn’t just have to be about racing but, about modern first-person shooters of old retro games. 

Proposed use of language: The magazine will use informal language, modern slang and specific vocabulary linked to the game. This would be more interesting to the viewers because they would prefer to read something less informal especially from the age of 12-22.  

Proposed representation form for the audience: I intend to use different images in my contents page to include different races making the overall magazine feel more welcoming to other ethnicity’s and races other that stereotypical white gamers. 

Where will I get my content from: I will create my own opinion on a game created, so the overall view and opinion is my own that isn’t influenced by others so it is as raw and unbiased as possible 

Audience Characterisation 2

The person in my photo is a middle class as he is a proffesional accountant who works in an office with a suit and tie working on audits. In addition he uses skills like maths to show he is no lower than middle class with a strong salary around £50,000 per year.

An office worker doing acountancy would come under a technical middle class because my character isn’t in a position of superiority within the firm.

Age: 55

Gender: Male

Social Class: Middle class

Race: British

Religion: None

Lifestyle: Sedentary, Little exercise, family of 4

Aspirations: Become big boss in finance company

Tastes: Newspapers

Interests: 80’s Music (Genisis, Duran Duran), TV, Sleeping, Massages