All posts by Mia P




1.Roland Barthes- Founding father of media.

2. C.S Pierce- discovered Semiotics.

3. Sausure- developed an approach to understanding the way in which meaning is created.

4. Semiotics- the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.

5. Sign- A sign is any motion, gesture, image, sound, pattern, or event that conveys meaning.

6. Signifier- a sign’s physical form such as a sound, printed word, or image as distinct from its meaning.

7. Signified- he meaning or idea expressed by a sign.

8. An iconic sign- has a direct connection to its objective, for example looks or sounds like the object.

9. An indexical sign- has sensory features.

10. Symbolic sign- random link.

11. Code- combination of semiotic terms.

12. Dominant signifier- item or code.

13. Anchorage-  is when a piece of media uses another piece of media to reduce the amount of connotations.

14. Paradigm- set of concepts, or thought patterns.

15. Ideology- believed by many people.

16. Signification- what we read.

17. Denotation- the literal meaning