All posts by Madeleine J



Stella McCartney Is Launching a Line of Biodegradable Denim

This article is found in the style section on the teen vogue website. I think that it is a good example of teen vogue’s link between politics, culture and style because it focuses on a new line of fashion whilst also facing the environmental challenges of today’s society.

This article represents teen vogue as inspiration for ‘powerful women’ as oppose to it’s original purpose which was only to promote fashion

The article is more of an educational tool for it’s target audience of teenage girls because it promotes entrepreneurship and how it can link to eco conscious minds within it’s target audience

Cover, contents, double page and statement

Statement of intent:

I intend to create a magazine cover, contents page and double page spread all focussing on the world of gaming. My target audience are all people with a keen interest in gaming around the working class demographic. This audience will not be required to have a high level of english to decode this magazine however this magazine will be primarily aimed at gamers over the age of 14 as some of the featured articles may not interest a young gamer. From research I have concluded that the age group with the largest amount of video game enthusiasts and spenders is 18-24 with 16% of the worlds gamers. This group will be my primary audience.

Since my audience are in the working class demographic they would not stereotypically look at buying an expensive magazine. The pricing of the magazine is targeted to be in the range of £2-£3. To create my magazine to be tailored to a specific audience I found out that gaming psychographics conclude that women make up 48% of the gaming population however only 5.5% of these are willing to spend money on gaming (games, equipment, books, magazines…) as oppose to 17.5% of men. So, when creating a gaming magazine it is kept in mind that the largest consumers of the product statistically should be men.

On the cover of my magazine I will use direct address to tell the audience they need a certain type of equipment or advice and plant the idea in their heads that they must read the articles inside. This directly relating to a theory by Albert Bandura ‘effects debate’ (the idea that the media can implant ideas in the mind of the audience directly). Many would argue that this refers mostly to media influencing actions and planting ideologies in society however I feel it can be used as a selling technique through persuading the audience they need something. (self actualisation- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs)

The USP of my magazine will be its graphology. The magazine will be called ‘Glitch’ which is the basis for all design elements. The images will be edited in a computed glitch style with a constant broken purple computer screen style throughout. Another theme within my magazine will be the theme of madness and disorganisation. I feel this will attract an audience from a far as its combination of purple and green is not common and will play on a humans natural curiosity.

Key words:

  • Media concentration / Conglomerates
  • Globalisation (in terms of media ownership)
  • Vertical Integration & Horizontal Integration
  • Gatekeepers
  • Regulation / Deregulation
  • Free market vs Monopolies & Mergers
  • Neo-liberalism
  • Surveillance / Privacy / Security / GDPR

Hidden figures

  • Hidden Figures is a co-production between independent production companies and a major Hollywood conglomerate through its film subdivision Fox 2000
  • Case study of industry context would include Fox as a conglomerate with an exploration of the role of low budget film making in its wider strategy.
  • With a budget of $25m Hidden Figures is a low to medium budget Hollywood film, an industry category which has recently been recognised for its profit potential.
  • Distribution techniques – focus on traditional distribution and exhibition linked to targeted audience.
  • Students do not need to watch the film but will need to be familiar with the production context and distribution materials to support advertising and marketing including the official website, trailers, posters, social media presence (twitter, facebook etc). A useful overview of the campaign can be found at:
  • The concept of “risk-taking” in terms of subject matter which might not be tackled by big budget productions.
  • Ideas and debates about ownership and control, for example the idea of conglomerates using vertical and horizontal integration to ensure global market dominance.

Hidden figures

Hidden figures  

Hidden figures is a Hollywood low to medium budget film which combines serious (potentially controversial) themes about race in the US with an accessible film style  


The budget for this film was around $25 million. This is very low for a modern film especially when dealing with the subject matter it does. 

Hidden figures was co-produced. Leventine films produced the film with the help of another small company that is part of the fox conglomerate. This gave fox the rights to production but also invested the much-needed capital to create the film in the first place 

There is some concern over the levels of concentration and media ownership by giants such as fox because they limit a more diverse media. This can be seen in the small production sum for this film 


The website exists as a smaller part of the larger fox website. It provides a basic overview of the film as well as videos  

The featured content of the website shows the synergy involved in marketing the film with options guiding the audience to supplementary products. 

Charity screenings 

After it was released on 25th December 2016 certain charities, institutions and independent businesses who regarded the film as relevant to improving youth awareness in education and careers in science (STEM) fields organized free screenings to spread the message of its subject matter. Research indicates that by 2020 there will be 2.4 million unfilled STEM jobs. 

In 2017 AMC theatres and 21st century fox announced free screenings for black history month. 


Principal actors include Octavia Spencer, Dorothy Vaughan, Kirsten Dunst, Janelle Monae, Mary Jackson, Kevin Costner, Jim Parsons  

Grossed $236 million worldwide 

3 Oscar nominations  

Directed by: Theodore Melfi 

Stephen Neale

Repertoire of elements= identifiable aspects of texts belonging to the corpus in genre theory

corpus= A group of texts identified with belonging to the same genre

Hybridisation= The mixing of one genre with another

Historic specificity= Belonging to a specific time period

Repetition and sameness= The tendency of genre texts to repeat aspects of successful formulas

Variation and change= The tendency of genre texts to reformulate with new qualities to prevent audiences from becoming bored of a formula

Narrative image= the expectations of a genre text based on its label often passed by word of mouth

Expectations and hypotheses= Requirements to be fulfilled and narrative and other predictions made by an audience based on their prior experience of a genre

Suspend disbelief= allowing yourself to be immersed in a fictional world