All posts by Millie F



definitions – semiotics

  1. Roland Barthes – he was interested in the ways in which dominant structures created dominant ideologies.
  2. C. S. Pierce – created the idea of iconic, indexical and symbolic signs.
  3. Ferdinand de Saussure – he was interested in language and the connection between a thing the meanings attached to it.
  4. Semiotics – the study of signs.
  5. Sign – something that represents or signifies something else.
  6. Signifier – a thing or object.
  7. Signified – the meaning of something.
  8. An iconic sign – something that is directly connected to an object.
  9. An indexical sign – something that is indirectly linked to an object.
  10. A symbolic sign – something that has relation link based on an agreement
  11. Code – signs or symbols that mean a specific thing.
  12. Dominant Signifier – the main accepted meaning of a sign.
  13. Anchorage – some signs hold down and fix meaning.
  14. Ideology – a set of beliefs and values that a person has.
  15. Paradigm – a typical example of something
  16. Syntagm – when a sign appears in a sequence that creates a different meaning.
  17. Signification – an exact meaning.  
  18. Denotation – the most basic meaning .
  19. Connotation – an idea or feeling that is abstract to the meaning of intentions.
  20. Myth – something that has been altered to make it seem different or better than it actually is.
  21. A radical text – a text that challenges a dominant ideology.
  22. A reactionary text – a text that supports the dominant ideology.

summer task lol

The title of the magazine is in a big, bold black font to capture attention and the eye of anyone looking as the white color stands out on the black background.. This could also represents the idea that characters or protagonists in games are brave and adventurous. This also compliments the other colors on the cover by bringing in a more basic element..

The centre of the cover is the video game character Sonic. Making him the main part of the cover creates a noticeable center/side piece which gamers may be familiar with, therefore making them eager to read about it. The vibrant appearance of the character results in contrasting colours which makes for a striking view.

The ‘NEW’ sticker gives an element of currentness which would make the reader want to see the newest events in gaming. Also the bold red colour is noticeable from afar and compliments the bold blue of the characters design. 

The phrase ‘Run rings around your opponents’ is a catchy tagline which suggests an excellent game which has clearly had an impact. This would make the reader want to pick up the magazine as the exciting expression would intrigue them and make them wonder what’s so good about the game, therefore making them want to read about it.

The sub head ‘number one video game magazine’ shows that this magazine is top. They will instantly think that this is the best one to buy as many other players have already, hence why it’s number one.

The text ‘SONIC BOOM’ is striking with its colours and phrasing. The dramatic onomatopoeia acts as a loud catchphrase, evoking a reader to pick it up.

The visual impact of the sonic-style rings creates another visual factor which flatters the bigger image of the character. The golden shade of these rings gives another pop of colour which, again, creates a vivid cover. 

The banner at the bottom includes a character with the line ‘Get to know all the characters.’ along with the sub title ‘Exclusive’. The color of this small character compliments the golden rings above as well as the word exclusive a it is in an electric blue colour like sonic sidepiece.

The small motto prompts the reader to open the magazine as they’d want to be informed about each protagonist.  

Also there is the price and a bar code to show the affordability of the publication which could also urge the viewer to buy. 

Iconic signs = The Sonic character. The yellow character.

Indexical = "New" sticker implies modernness.

Symbolic = Colors of blue, red, green & yellow = confidence, adventure, goodness, happiness. Each color compliments the other.

Letters/words/the writing. The price.

The golden rings = money.

initial statements

Media is the main means of mass communication e.g. social media, broadcast media, print media, outdoor media.

Media studies is the field of study that deals with the content of various types of media.

The point of media studies is to communicate with others and some types of media make profit like the newspaper. 

I’m on this course because I want to know more about how to examine media language e.g. why headlines are written like they are.

Also I want to learn how to compare how the different types affect the public differently.