All posts by Millie F



technology & newspapers – manufacturing consent

pen / pencil / paper
word processor / printer
license, computer
(large scale) printing press
lorries / vans / cars
stacks / shelves / display cases
social media platforms
billboards, storage, delivery, speakers,vehicles
paper (the ability to read? & understand?)
a digital device (ipad/phone, computer
reading glasses, braille

Noam Chomsky – manufacturing consent. The power of the mass media uses propaganda to persuade the public. He would say all news is fake.

“A political economy perspective has sometimes tended towards ‘conspiracy theory'”

“The political economic perspective has been adopted & developed by primarily by left-wing critics & analysis of of the news media.”

The process of manipulation and persuasion works by: structure of ownership = concerns the internal organization of a business duties of the individuals within the business.

Media sets an agenda. Agenda setting is the creation of the public awareness & concerns the big issues by the news media.

They frame the agenda with things like colours and pictures of the front of newspapers to show the audience their position on the matter.

Media uses myth making to inform the audience of a position of a situation.

Conditions of consumption decide how mass audiences interpret the media.

quotes – zuboff (mass media)

  • “The presentation of Facebook ads could be adjusted based on the personality of the user.”
  • “Users no longer have an expectation of privacy.”
  • “The researched cautioned that “one can imagine situations in which such predictions, even if incorrect, could pose a threat to an individual’s well being, freedom or even life.”
  • “… boasted of its application of personality based “micro-behavioral targeting.” – Zuboff

questions – mass media

Network effect – a phenomenon where a product or service’s value increases as the number of users increases. the more people that use these services, the more valuable they become.

Feedback loop theory – mass media actions and audience response loop, predicted human behaviour.

Dunbar’s number – a suggested cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships.

Do big businesses or individuals benefit from a digitally networked society?

 I think that big businesses benefit more than individuals. This is because they can predict human behaviour and then tailor ads to he individual.

How do businesses benefit?  

They make profit.

New media words:

Immerse – New media is more immersive as there is no limit on how long you spent on the internet. For example,  you can finish reading a book and be immersed for that while.

Contrasting old and new media.

About me vs About you.

New media is about me in the sense that all a persons details about themselves is online. Old media is about you as an activity like reading is a passive involvement including just yourself and the book, no information about yourself as a person is revealed.

production, distribution & consumption

> digital audio recorders
> digital microphones
> digital cameras
> photoshop – software editing packages
> blog / web applications
> computers
> word processor
> tablets (drawing / design)
> robots
> the internet
> social media
> broadcasts (satellite)
> youtube
> email
> website
> wifi
> phones
> televisions
> ipads / laptops / computers
> air-pods
> youtube
> cinema
> app
> usb’s
> digital billboards displays
> smart watch

technological determinism – marshall mcluhan studied the theory of media. He believed that the message that the media gave was through the device in which it was being delivered, not what it actually says.

teen vogue example


“its marrying of the political with fashion and lifestyle” – my story is based around beauty and celebrity lifestyle, not politics. This confirms the fact that this is magazine was first based around fashion and beauty but evolved to be about politics.

“target a young female audience” – this story does target female audiences as its relates to beauty, however, boys too can be interested in makeup which is why this could be considered a radical text.

“other magazines (online) are struggling to maintain audiences” – This now an online magazine (since 2017). The story has multiple references to the online world like Selena’s “new album Rare”, ” The Tonight Show” tv program and “I Dream of Jeannie” another program.

“explicit feminist stance” – A woman wrote this article, in which she compliments Selena multiple times like “The star looked stunning.” This could be an example of women empowering women which can be considered a good feminist act.

Dominant ideology of women in the spotlight.

csp 7 – teen vogue facts

  • First issue – January 2003
  • Last issue – December 2017
  • It is only accessible from online as sales declined from 2015
  • It is a spinoff of Vogue, aimed at teen girls
  • The publisher is Conde Nast
  • The company is ‘advanced Publishcations’
  • It is based in the United States
  • It has won the ‘GLADD Media Award for Outstanding Magazine Overall Coverage’
  • Its initial focus was on fashion but now its moved to generally current affairs.

csp 6 – letter to the free facts

Common – The Artist.

  • His real name is Lonnie Corant Jaman Shuka Rashid Lynn.
  • He is an American rapper, actor, writer, philanthropist, and activist.
  • He was born on March 13, 1972.
  • He is 47 years old.
  • His from Chicago Illinois.
  • He began rapping in the late 1980s.
  • His first album was ‘Can I Borrow a Dollar?’ 
  • Net Worth = $45 mill

The Music Video.

  • There’s no colour – it’s all in black & white.
  • Makes a comment on black lives.
  • They are in what looks like an abandoned building.
  • Rap / hip hop genre.
  • There are 4 people in the video – 2 men & 2 women.

definitions – conglomerates

  • Media concentration / Conglomerates – A huge business or media institution that own multiple companies who are involved in aspects media eg. tv and film.
  • Globalisation (in terms of media ownership) – The worldwide integration of media through the cross-cultural exchange of ideas.
  • Vertical Integration & Horizontal Integration – vertical integration is an arrangement in which the supply chain of a company is owned by that company & the process of a company increasing production of goods or services at the same part of the supply chain.
  • Gatekeepers – The process through which information is filtered for dissemination.
  • Regulation / Deregulation – rules enforced by the jurisdiction of law guidelines for media use differ across the world / refers to the process of removing or loosening government restrictions on the ownership of media outlets.
  • Free market VS Monopolies & Mergers – an economic system based on supply and demand with little or no government control VS
  • Neoliberalism – Deals with economic ideas about free markets.
  • Surveillance / Privacy / Security / GDPR – all used to protect or watch the public

definitions – stephen neale

  • Stephen Neale – Invented the the idea of genre theory
  • Repertoire of elements – A collection of static groups which consistently have similar elements.
  • Corpus – When genres evolve as new texts are added to the body of similar texts.
  • Hybridisation – The combination of genre or subgenre.
  • Historic specificity – Genres that are associated with certain time periods.
  • Repetition and sameness – Something repeated over and over again.
  • Variation and change – Something different.
  • Narrative Image – Telling a story in the moment or how its going or sequence of events unfolding over time.
  • Expectations and hypothesis – What the audience think is going to happen.
  • Suspend disbelief – To immerse yourself in a fictional narrative.
  • Generic regime of verisimilitude – Refers to what is likely to happen in ina genre.

similarities & differences of narrative & the missing

CHARACTERSthe detective who has a ‘natural’ instinct for law and order

Both involve female children
The Killing, The missing has the main detective as female

NARRATIVEthe first episode often introduces a lot of different charactersdifference in what happens to the child (one gets killed, one goes missing)TODOROV
THEMESthe use of binary oppositions around familiar themes: family, community, law and order, justiceLEVI-STRAUSS
REPRESENTATIONreactionary representations of police, family, law and order, urban/ruralrepresentation of a stereotypical victimSEMIOTICS
TECHNICAL CODES / LANGUAGE OF MOVING IMAGE (music, setting, props, lighting, use of camera, editing etc)opening montage sequence that often gives clues as to the whole series – themes, locations, characters, events etc.
SETTINGa forest & a more urban arealake