All posts by Megan B



Narrative essay

How useful are ideas about narrative in analysing music videos? Refer to the close study products “Ghost Town” and “Letter To The Free” in your answer.

Narrative theory plays a big part in the music videos “Ghost Town” and “Letter To the Free” as both videos allow the audience to engage and understand the storylines throughout them. It is also important that the audience can understand what the videos are trying to convey, hence the narrative’s importance. 

Common’s “Letter To The Free” focuses on racism and the downfall of the prison system. The video displays the artist in an abandoned prison with other black musicians. This video particularly links with Props theory, which includes the idea of stock characters. Common can be seen as the hero in this video, as he is raising awareness to large racial issues still badly occurring today. The prison system can be viewed as the villain, leaving the audience to decide what to support and making them feel apart of the video itself. 

In the music video “Ghost Town”, the band members are shown driving through a run down city. The audience is made to feel apart of this video due to this specific action, as it is though the audience are being made aware of the damaged surroundings while the band are. This video links with Todorov’s theory – with a beginning, middle and end. The audience and band are passing through the ruined city and by the end are driving along empty roads.

Narrative notes

Media forms = various types of language

Narrative links with time/space & how you organize it

Time can be linear, non-linear & sequential — chronological

Theme is also important & how you represent it in your video

Narrative = overall structure

Story = theme/idea

Plot = how you perceive these aspects

Tripartite narrative structure = stories can be broken down into beginning, middle & end. Equilibrium, disruption & new equilibrium.

Exposition – inticing incident


Denouement – resolution

Vladimir Propp (character types and function) – stories use STOCK characters. Characters function to provide narrative structure:








False hero


Claude Levi-Strauss (Binary oppositions)

Seymour Chatman: Satellites & Kernels

Kernels:key moments in the plot / narrative structure

Satellites:embellishments, developments, aesthetics

I think I am going to use a non-linear structure in my video

Post colonialism – definitions

Colonialism – when a country/nation takes control of other lands/regions

Post colonialism – academic study of colonialism and imperialism

Diaspora – big group of people with similar heritage that have spread around the world

Double consciousness (gilroy) – internal conflict of a minority in society

Bame – used to refer to non-white communities in the UK

Cultural absolutism / racial essentialism – cultures do not differ in honesty or intelligence levels

Cultural syncretism – distinct aspects of various cultures mixing together together to form something positive

Orientalism (said) – The way in which the east is viewed

Appropriation – the adoption of elements of one culture by members of another culture

Cultural hegemony – domination maintained through ideological or cultural means

The public sphere (habermas) – a place where the public can come together and opinions can be formed

The role of public service broadcasting in terms of fair representation of minority groups / interests – Public service broadcasting is mostly biased when representing minority groups which causes society to develop stereotypes and misunderstandings

How is our identity formed? How do we understand our own identity and how is our identity represented in the local, national and global media? 

The Shadow of Slavery. Reaction and reform. The emergence of Postcolonial critical thinking.


The Link between culture, imperial power & colonialism

the power to narrate, or to block other narratives from forming or emerging, is very important to culture and imperialism

 POSTCOLONIALISM operates a series of signs maintaining the European-Atlantic power over the Orient by creating ‘an accepted grid for filtering through the Orient into Western consciousness‘. 

Magazine adverts ideas

Advert 1

My first advert is going to be a remake of an old game. I’m choosing to include this as it will create the sense of nostalgia for my readership. I am most likely to create this advert about Mario or Pac-Man.

Advert 2

My second advert will be about a new Nintendo. This will relate to my 80s theme as it was popular then. I am also considering linking my first advert to this one by making the game for a Nintendo.

Advert 3

My third advert will not be to do with the theme as much and focuses more on gaming now. I am going to make an advert for a new gaming headset which provides high quality sound.

Gauntlett – representations

Popular media present a vast array of stories about women and men. 

The new edition of Media, Gender and Identity is a highly readable introduction to the relationship between media and gender identities today. Fully revised and updated, including new case studies and a new chapter, it considers a wide range of research and provides new ways for thinking about the media’s influence on gender and sexuality.

David Gauntlett discusses movies such as Knocked Up and Spiderman 3, men’s and women’s magazines, TV shows, self-help books, YouTube videos, and more, to show how the media play a role in the shaping of individual self-identities.