All posts by Lawrence B



What is media

The main means of mass communication through broadcasting, publishing and internet.

What is media studies

The study of the history and effects of media on society and how they have changed over time.

What is the point in media studies

To develop your understanding in mass communication and learn how to influence people through the means of media techniques.

Nicolai’s ‘Boys’ Life Choices

Nicolai chose a male role model known for his intelligence and skills in programming who has made a large fortune through his business. Bill Gates is known world wide and has a positive impact through charities and financial support for 3rd world countries. This interests people and draws them in to the magazine. Nicolai’s work contradicts the stereotypical style of Boys’ Life magazine of an outdoor, adventurous lifestyle.


  1. Roland Barthes:
    French literary theorist, philosopher, critic, and semiotician.
  2. C. S. Pierce:
    American philosopher, logician, mathematician, and scientist who is sometimes known as “the father of pragmatism”
  3. Ferdinand de Saussure:
    Swiss linguist and semiotician. His ideas laid a foundation for many significant developments in both linguistics and semiology in the 20th century.
  4. Semiotics:
    The study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.
  5. Sign: An object or action used to signify something.
  6. Signifier:
    a sign’s physical form (such as a sound, printed word, or image) as distinct from its meaning. (Saussure)
  7. Signified:
    the meaning or idea expressed by a sign, as distinct from the physical form in which it is expressed. (Saussure)
  8. an iconic sign:
    Always bear some resemblance to their referent ie. a photo
  9. an indexical sign: Signs where the signifier is caused by the signified, e.g., smoke signifies fire
  10. a symbolic sign: Represents / stands for something.
  11. Code: Letters / Symbols
  12. Dominant Signifier:
    Main sign 
  13. Anchorage: Meaning of an sign
  14. Paradigm: a group of similar things
  15. Syntagm: A sign within a sequence, changing it’s meaning
  16. Signifcation: To have meaning
  17. Denotation: The object (Barthes)
  18. Connotation: idea / meaning of the object
  19. Myth: A story that is believed but had no evidence of truth
  20. Dominant Ideology,
  21. A radical text: Challenges society
  22. A reactionary text: supports society
  23. Ideology – a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.