All posts by Lawrence B



What is the network effect

Network Effect describes the phenomenon how the value of a good or service increases as more people start to use that good or service.

What is the Dunbar number

Dunbar’s number is a suggested cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships. It is used in relation with social media such as Facebook ad people having thousands of ‘friends’.

What is ‘loop theory’

predicting movement, patterns and other things based on collected data from the past

Who really benefits from a digitally networked society? Big business or individuals? 

Big businesses can use the loop theory to predict patterns in individuals and groups. They can then promote and advertise to these groups appealing to there likes and interests. Individuals also have access to adding thousands of ‘friends’ on social media which exceeds the Dunbar number.

Interface – New media interfaces are much more interactive and easy to use (Teen Vogue website) whereas old media is more fixed and slower, harder to use interfaces.

Share – New media can be shared online on websites, social media and much more. It can reach more people in less time than old media could.

Endless – Old media is fixed and has a start and an end of each product (news paper) where as new media can be continuously updated and appear to be endless (teen vogue webpage)

Creative – with technology such as Photoshop and in-design creativity is almost limitless.

Two-way conversationOne-way conversation

Teen vogue allows you the freedom to read or not read which ever articles you want you can also use social media to respond to certain points. However with old media you have to read the articles that have been published and there is less freedom to respond.

Open systemClosed system

Teen vogue is always updating and constantly has new articles and news. Whereas old media is fixed and cannot be change or updated once published.

Herbert Marshall McLuhan was a Canadian philosopher. His work is one of the cornerstones of the study of media theory. Born in Edmonton, Alberta, McLuhan studied at the University of Manitoba and the University of Cambridge.

The medium is the message” 

 McLuhan proposes that a medium itself, not the content it carries, should be the focus of study.

He said that a medium affects the society in which it plays a role not only by the content delivered over the medium, but also by the characteristics of the medium itself.

Textual analysis of teen vouge

Ariana Grande Fans Criticize Eminem’s Lyrics Referencing the Manchester Bombing

  • Young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues – I don’t think my case study is superficial because it discusses important and political issues in a way that teenage girls would be interested.
  • The codes and conventions of a website – I would expect to see a main picture to sell the story on a website and they did have that.
  • How does the story construct a particular representation of the world – This story gives a mixed view of attitudes and behaviors within society and the world as it shows Eminem mimicking terrorist attacks within his lyrics (  “But I’m contemplating yelling ‘bombs away’ on the game / Like I’m outside of an Ariana Grande concert waiting.” ) and people criticizing him and supporting the victims and families ( “Real talk, Eminem is such a piece of trash for making a punchline out of the 22 people who died in the Manchester attack,” ).
Technology and News Production
> digital audio recorders
> digital cameras
>Microsoft publisher
> the internet
> social media
> broadcasts (satellite or terrestrial)
>Online shops
> phones
> televisions
> DAB’s
>Social Media


  • Editor: Elaine Welteroth
  • First issue date: January 2003
  • Final issue: December 2017
  • Total circulation (2011): 1,045,813
  • Company: Advance
  • Cross-media titles / products: Vogue
  • Genre: Fashion, Celebrities, young culture
  • Audience: Teenage girls
  • Uses and Gratifications: Enjoyment, Knowledge about the world, Strengthen connections with friends
  • 1.7% of 2018’s audience were 17 years old or younger

Letter to the free – Social, political, cultural, historical context.

What significant historical and political events does Common reference? ​

  • Slavery – specifically the civil war between north and south USA
  • Jim crow laws and how they changed / developed through to the laws being abolished.
  • The transition from slavery to the Jim Crow laws and how white Americans reasserted their dominance over newly free black slaves.

What modern social and cultural movements will impact the reading of this text?​

  • Civil rights movement – more specifically, the black lives matter campaign.
  • Mass incarceration.

Essay planning – explain how media organisations build and maintain audiences nationally and globally

In what ways is ‘genre’ beneficial for transnational audiences?

  • Gives a simple overview of the type of film/program you are going to watch.
  • Most basic Genres are universal so that anyone can understand them

In what ways is ‘genre’ beneficial for transnational institutions?

  • Helps different television companies from separate nations categorise text’s and understand them.
  • Provides predictable expectations


  • Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA. …
  • Gannett Company Inc. …
  • CBS Corporation. …
  • British Sky Broadcasting Group Plc. …
  • Liberty Media. …
  • News Corporation. …
  • Viacom. …
  • Time Warner Inc. (AT&T)

These dominant media conglomerates distort the marketplace for new products and ideas and they lessen free expression in media.

  • A   Cultivation Theory is a theory used to examine the long term effects of television.
  • B   Vertical integration is where a media company owns different businesses in the same chain of production and distribution.​
  • C   conglomerate is a company that owns numerous other companies , such as television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet.
  • D   Synergy is where two or more media organisations work to produce a combined effect greater than what could be achieved on their own.​