All posts by Lucy B



Television CSP:

The pair I’ve chosen is The Killing and No Offense.

The Killing:

“Inspector Sarah Lund is due to move to Sweden, however, after the murder of a young girl, she is unable to leave the case behind. She spends the next 20 days investigating the teenager’s death. It interlocks three different stories.”

First episode date: January 7, 2007

Final episode date: November 25, 2012

The primary audience for The Killing are adults, probably those who speak Swedish as this is the language the show is shot in. Because The Killing can be found on Netflix, the secondary audience is probably Netflix users.

No Offense:

No Offense is written by Paul Abbott, and is a police series which features a team of cops, based in a criminal-ridden part of town, work together to keep the streets safe. 

  • Curran and Seaton are able to argue that the UK governement is partly responsible for the widespread domination of the media landscape by huge congomerates.
  • Money wins, while audience size and audience share determine content.
  • Succesfull media formats are often replicated to deliver to mass audiences.
  • Horizontal intergration of large conglomerates can reduce production costs while maximising profits.
  • Advertising prompts media broadcasters to make content that focuses on capturing an ABC1 demographic. – (wealthier demographic of people.)
  • Products with less popularity are often sidelined into late night slots on secondary channels.

Commercial Media:

No Offense‘s PSB is Channel 4.

Fox Broadcasting Service is American owned commercial broadcaster for The Killing.

The Killing‘s PBS is DR.

A2 NEA Plan:

Music video and Music magazine:


Week 1 – 18th – 22nd: Find music and style models to have for inspiration. Start thinking about footage. Draft Statement of intent. Remember the headphone promotion.

Week 2 – 23rd – 29th: Develop footage and keep building on premier pro. Edit and cut scenes so that there is a complete first draft of the music video. Magazine working name “Indie Girl.”

Week 3 – 30th – 6th: Start working on cover and tour page. Check proportions for prints. Still working on music video. Start to draft dialogue for the music interview. Make sure there are seven original photographs.

Week 4 – 7th – 13th: Finish cover and tour page by Wednesday of this week. Finalize music video and start to complete double page spread/ interview in in-design.

Week 5 – 14th – 18th: Print off cover and tour page and finish double page spread to print. Make sure all final edits of the Music video is completed.

CSP Revision:

Language and representation:Audience and Institution:All four areas:
Letter to the free
Ghost Town
War of the worlds
The i
Daily mail
Men`s Health
Teen Vogue
Tomb raider

figures (eg numbers)
key words
theories / theoretical models
key theorists / thinking
primary evidence (your own research)
secondary evidence (wider reading)

CSP 13: Score

The idea of feminine, attractive women being attentive to the muscled, masculine man could be seen as sexist and as a power imbalance between men and women.

The fact that the man is elevated shows how he is superior to the women surrounding him, and how this is in agreement with the views that were commonly held in 1969.

Jean Kilbourne:

In 1979 , made her first film. She is internationally recognized for her work on the image of women in advertising and her critical studies of alcohol and tobacco advertising. Her work links powerful media images to issues such as eating disorders, objectification and violence against women and she also talks about addiction as a love affair.

Her complete filmography consists of titles such as; Killing Us Softly : Advertising’s Image of Women (2010); Deadly Persuasion: Advertising & Addiction (2004) and the Killing Screens: Media and the Culture of Violence (1994), with many others on very similar themes.

“Our need for social and personal change and power is often co-opted and trivialized into an adolescent and self-centered kind of rebellion.”

“Ads sell more than products. They sell values, they sell images. They sell concepts of love and sexuality, of success and normalcy. To a great extent they tell us who we are and who we should be.”

Audience Theories:

B.F Skinner operant conditioning; we do not have free will, it is an illusion.The friction of free will. Suggesting that the environment has an effect on our behavior and other outside factors.

Schedule of reward: Instant gratification.

Propaganda vs Persuasion: Propaganda appears as overtly political and manipulative, whereas the process of persuasion often appears invisible at glance, subsequently revealed as invidious, suggesting concealment, strategy, manipulation.

Harold Lasswell: Propaganda technique in the world war (1917). This highlights the brew of ‘subtle poison, which industrious men injected into the veins of a staggering people until the smashing powers knocked them into submission.’

Shoshana Zuboff – early student of Skinner. Individuality and personal freedom – behavior modification.

Cambridge Analytica: Alexander Nix.

Stephen Glover from the Daily Mail, says “Who’ll rid us of these anti-Brexit grenade throwing bishops.” He says this through the right-wing newspaper The Daily Mail, to its audience who is said to be made up of  lower-middle-class British women. This is to show a right-wing view that portrays anti-Brexit voters as “grenade throwing”.

Shannon and Weaver: there is more to a communication model than Lasswell`s process.

Paul Lazarfeld: Two step flow of communication (active consumption). Communication is not linear, but is active (1948).

Martin Moore: ‘people’s political views are not, as contemporaries thought, much changed by what they read or heard in the media. Voters were far more influenced by their friends, their families and their colleagues.’

Elihu Katz explains the Uses and Gratifications theory diverges from other media effect theories that question: what does media do to people?, to focus on: what do people do with media?

George Gerber: Cultivation theory- the idea that long-term exposure of violent media will lead to a distorted view that the world seems more violent than it actually is.

Television cultivates from infancy the very predispositions and preferences that used to be acquired from other primary sources

Stuart Hall – The theory of preferred reading: proposed the encoding/decoding model of communication, or the theory of preferred reading, where individuals are not only active in the process of interpretation and the construction of meaning, but they are also able to dismiss and reject dominant messages.

Clay Shirky: The End of Audience – no mass audience, only a huge group of individuals.

Habermas; High order thinking:

Habermas theorized that the media and the press should be free from interference and bias, ownership and political control. It was his belief that the media should deliver unbiased and factual news accounts. Habermas also believed that democracy depends on the public, and how individuals can come together to freely discuss and form an opinion. The fact that The I is known to be slightly left-wing, yet is not prone to speaking out politically often, is able to identify with Habermas with the fact that the press should be free from political control. However, The Daily Mail is commonly known to be a right-wing leaning, conservative newspaper so this is an opposing viewpoint. In 2019, The Daily Mail posted the headline “he`s done his duty. Now MPs must do theirs” in reference to Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson. This headline regards Boris as a sort of hero, in a positive light that reflects well on the Prime Minister and furthermore his values. This is a contrast to Habermas belief as you could say that they are showing favor to the Conservative party.

The I and The Daily Mail:

-Both published by the Daily Mail and General Trust.-The Daily mail is said to sell 980,000 copies per day, and The I only  233,869.
– Contain a mixture of hard and soft news.– The Daily Mail is increasing in revenue yet The I is decreasing.
– Copies available online and on paper.– The Daily Mail is aimed at older adults, yet The I is well rounded.
– Both are published daily.– The Daily Mail is more conservative, yet The I is seen as more democratic.
– Both are “middle market” newspapers.– (slightly cont from box above) TDM is seen as more right wing, yet The I is slightly left on the political spectrum.
– Both are available in tabloid format.– The I was first printed 26th October 2010, and The Daily Mail was first printed 4th May 1896.

Curran and Seaton :


“Some liberal theorists view the market as an analogue of the electoral process.”

“The press is not representative, because it is controlled and owned by the powerful.” “Newspaper`s do not represent their readers views in a literal sense, because readers buy papers partly to be entertained.”

“The PCC…..lacked moral authority because it did not enjoy the whole-hearted consent of the press industry.”

The American Election (Newspapers):

Noam Chomsky co-wrote wrote the the 1988 book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. This book spoke about the five filters that manufacture consent and presents ideas on how the mass media can work against the democracy’s best interests. One to five of these filters are; Size, ownership and profit orientation. Two; The advertising license to do business. Three; the media elite. Four; Flak and the enforcers, and Five; Anti communism. Chomsky is also an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, social critic and political activist.