All posts by Lucy B



Radio Project:

Working Topic:

  • Post-Hautlieu Aspirations, what students hope to get from their course and how it fits them. (Interviewing classmates on where they are going and how they have worked towards the moment where they go to university – does it relate to childhood dreams and why they are passionate about it.)


  • Why is this something that you are interested in?
  • Do you think it is easy to make your mind up about what you want to do?
  • Are you already thinking ahead to post-university and where you want to be, or are you content with taking things as they are in the moment?
  • Do you think there is still a stigma around what people chose as courses for when they go to University, and that arts students get looked on as lesser than STEM students?

Songs to use:

  • Levitating – Dua Lipa
  • De ja vu – Olivia Rodrigo


  • Letter to the free – Music Video
  • Ghost Town – Music Video
  • Maybelline – On-line marketing
  • Score – Advertising (print)
  • War of the worlds – Radio
  • Life hacks – Radio
  • The i – Newspaper
  • The daily mail – Newspaper
  • Chicken – Film
  • Hidden Figures – Film
  • The Killing and No Offence – Television
  • Men’s Health – Magazine print
  • Oh – Magazine print
  • Teen Vogue – Magazine on-line
  • Tomb Raider – Video Game

CSP 17 New Media:

 The study of Online, Social and Participatory media and Video Games is linked.

  • TEEN VOGUE – Teen Vogue is an American online publication, formerly in print, launched in 2003, as a sister publication to Vogue, targeted at preteen girls. Like Vogue, it included stories about fashion and celebrities.

COVID-19 and a lost generation of unhoused students:

FEBRUARY 19, 2021


“Homeless Students Lack Basic Needs, Support During COVID-19 Pandemic.”

She tells Teen Vogue. “I thought, Oh my gosh, all these kids… How on earth are they going to be able to access their education?”

  1. Conversation – retweet and forward the link.
  2. Personalize – retweet with an opinion.
  3. Store – download and embed on a web-page.

War of the worlds:

War of the Worlds radio drama had left listeners into suspended disbelief and became famous because it tricked people into believing aliens were invading Earth due to the “breaking news” style of the broadcast. Plot contains Martians invading new Jersey.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              People in the 1900’s had less knowledge and were more naïve when it came to media/news –Passive audience/targets a niche audience. The science fiction drama was broadcasted from CBS, which is the Columbia Broadcasting System.  It is a radio podcast of a science fiction novel that was written by H.G Wells.  All in all CBS radio’s ultimate goal was to create publicity.  On it’s opening evening, it was estimated that around 30 million people were tuning into the broadcast and around 80% of Americans owned a radio then. The New York Times headlined a quote that stated ‘Radio listeners in panic, taking war drama as fact’.                                                                                                                                                      The idea of a ‘risky business’ and being hard to meet everyone’s needs. Not being able to predict if an audience will enjoy what is being created. – Hesmondhalgh.                                                                   Clay Shirky- Audience behavior has changed due to the internet and the ability for audiences to create their own content at home thanks to the lower cost of technology. This new audience doesn’t just consume media, but also produces it – creating the term ‘presumer’.                                      Influence of new technology – New media reaches a different and wider network of people/viewers.

CSP 15 – Chicken; Mock prep:

Chicken is a micro-budget film.

• Identification of how Chicken is characteristic of an independent film release, with consideration of budget, distribution, circulation.
• Micro budget rather than low budget film (approximately £110,000) – entirely independent financing.
• Distribution techniques – reliance on new technology; VOD, streaming, audience ‘programming’ (open screen etc.)
• Continued use of traditional marketing and distribution; trailers, posters, film festivals etc.
• The concept of “risk-taking” in terms of narrative choice available to independent studios
• Regulation of the industry through BBFC (British Board of Film Classification).
• Regulation including Livingstone and Lunt.

Chicken had its world premiere on 27 June 2015 Edinburgh International Film Festival.

Chicken is characteristic of contemporary cultural production in its use of new technology at production and distribution stages.

Chicken received positive reviews and holds a 100% “Certified Fresh” rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 12 critic reviews. 

Main character Richard is played by Scott Chambers.

Director Joe Stephenson debut.

Clay ShirkyWe are now more likely to use the internet and other technologies to respond to texts, including creating our own.

Henry Jenkins.

Essay Plan:

To what extent do television producers attempt to target national and global audiences through subject matter and distribution?

Show knowledge of the changing media regulatory landscape and the shift towards globalisation:

The 2003 Communications Act was designed by the British Labour government in order to create modern Regulatory System’s within the UK and help the television industry become competitive with the globalized media landscape. This means that independent television production companies were freed up in order to create content that was more commercially viable, resulting in a more Consumer based regulatory system.

The Killing: Produced by Nicole Yorkin. Targets audiences globally, Swedish, Danish, America, British. (Netflix).

First episode aired: April 3, 2011

No Offense: Produced by Paul Abbott. National audiences in Britain.

First episode aired: May 5, 2015

Globalization is the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.

Subject matter; crime show that focuses on detective(s), different tones to the shows – one has elements of comedy and another may provide a sense of escapism (Uses and gratifications theory).

Hesmondhalgh argues ‘Independents…provide a useful means of engaging audiences’ .

Media businesses are reliant upon changing audience consumption patterns

Curran and Seaton are able to argue that the UK governement is partly responsible for the widespread domination of the media landscape by huge congomerates.

George Gerber: Cultivation theory- the idea that long-term exposure of violent media will lead to a distorted view that the world seems more violent than it actually is. (audience theory.)

Media Audiences:

  • Adverts are made to draw in audiences and create an initial suspense. In The Killing this is used to show the dark nature of the show and show its genre.
  • Within No Offense, the producers created an advert that had already been tested and was similar to other Detective/Police shows featuring crime and murder, and this was how they got the audiences attention.
  • The Uses and Gratification’s theory may come into play with The Killing as it is a show full of suspense that does not relate too much to real life, so audiences may watch to escape their own mundane lives.
  • The television programmes are both within the Crime genre although they have different tones.

Livingstone and Lunt:

Consumer-orientated regulation is designed to encourage media plurality and to ensure that a diversity of broadcasters operate within the media landscape. It is a regulatory system in which choices regarding content are largely devolved to audiences and where media makers are given as much freedom as possible to make the media that audiences want to consume.

Citizen based regulatory systems outline a civic role for the media and encourage media makers to produce content that contributes to the social and cultural health of the societies in which they operate.

What impact did the 2003 Communications Act have on media regulation?

The 2003 Communications Act was designed by the British Labour government in order to create modern Regulatory System’s within the UK and help the television industry become competitive with the globalized media landscape. This means that independent television production companies were freed up in order to create content that was more commercially viable, resulting in a more Consumer based regulatory system.

What is the drawback of a self-regulated system?

If Media companies do their own self-regulation than it may be easy for them to act within their own interests which is not always within the public’s interest.


  • Media businesses are reliant upon changing audience consumption patterns” – Relates to The Killing because audience consumption patterns have been changed as there is a female lead character which in a crime show was not all all common.
  • Internationalisation – Relates to The Killing because it is produced by Danish company DR and advertised as an American TV show and therefore has global audiences.
  • Independent stylising – Relates to No Offence because it is a TV show that is described as “extraordinary” and in terms of genre doesn’t fit into a box and has a mixture of British police drama, comedy and action that is often satire and/or crude in humour.
  • Television – Relates to The Killing which was broadcasted both on Satellite TV and also able to be found on Netflix.