All posts by Lillian A



Narrative Theory – Music Video/Memento


  • Chronological and Liner, sequential  LINEAR and SEQUENTIAL, (My video will follow this conventions and be in order from start to end).
  • About an organisation of space and connection
  • Have a theme (Isolation, joy in music – opposite – crowds and misery)
  • Need to explain why – subvert


  • Todrov – theory tripartite narrative structure (beginning – equilibrium, middle – disruption/conflict , end – new equilibrium). (High point of drama – group coming together/think about, incising incident?)
  • Setting before action – communicate equilibrium
  • Fretag – dramatic art, Fritages Pyramid – visual diagram of your drama
  • Propp – Character types and functions – stock characters preform stock roles that can be divided up – villain/victim
  • Turner – developed for Trodov
  • Levi-Strauss – binary opposites. People have role and do certain things (stock characters) similarities/all the same. Stories provide, messages/communications. – Only know it is not – ‘Theory of the other’.
  • Seymour Capman – satellites and kernels. Stories broken into 2 parts – C’s main things (characters etc) Satellites orbit around, not essential but helpful. – Essential and disposable.
  • Need multiple people+settings (3:3)
  • Narrative is the overall structure (Isolation, music brings happiness etc)
  • Story things in it/themes (isolation)
  • Plot – how you are organising it
  • Proairetic code: action, movement, causation
  • Hermenuetic code: reflection, dialogue, character or thematic development
  • Enigma Code (RB) = if somethings enigmatic it is confusing, strange, intriguing . Ask questions, creates puzzles. – Engage a audience to fill in the gaps – creates an active audience – Lenny talks about an enigma code – pleasure of a book – not knowing what will happen.
  • Elision and Ellipses – to cut things out – shorter time
  • Flashback and Flash forwards – most films time and sequences
  • Foreshadow
  • Dramatic Irony
  • Jokes and Comedy
  • Light and Shade
  • Non Sequitars – lose endings, ceased plots

MEMENTO – parallels between structure and memory

  • flash forward – backwards slow motion -photo developing-shooting
  • meeting man – entering building -shooting man
  • back and forth – from hotel room to shooting- more detail every time
  • Memory issues – short term memory
  • Timeline distorted like memory – backwards
  • Trying to remember – order of film – filling in blanks
  • Relies on photos and notes to remember
  • Writing all over body
  • Seeking revenge
  • All actions meaningful despite not remembered/in the right order.
  • This is not in liner order as it is depicted in the same way his memory is distorted such as repetition and added information.
  • Memory unreliable – notes and facts
  • Susceptible to mistakes and confusion – memory is subjective/unreliable

Post Modernism Definitions

Pastiche = The imitation of a particular style often in relation to artistic works. This relates to my creative production as I am using various existing music videos as inspiration and as style models for my own creative works.

Bricolage = The construction of something from a vast variety of things readily available, in relation to art or Literature. This relates to my creative production as I intend to take shots at lots of different locations that are easily assessable and readily available.

Intertextuality  = The relationship between two or more literary texts and how meaning are shaped in one text by another text.

Implosion = When an organisation, system or institute fails and collapses.

Cultural Appropriation = the adoption of an element of a particular culture into another by members of that culture.

Style models- post COLONIALISM


In the music video ‘Solitude’ there is a wide variety of people from all different all ages, genders, backgrounds, ethnicity and time periods. This is done to show that solitude is universal and can be experienced by all as either a negative or positive thing.

No Body To Love

The Music video No Body To Love is set in Cape Town South Africa, the video features; locals, workers and school children. The protagonists are two young white women. By the end of the video all the characters are dancing and happy. The video is diverse and features characters of varied ethnicity.

I Know

In the Music Video ‘I Know’ there are two characters the artist and a figure of a women who’s face has been blurred out. Both of the characters are white and of English origin.

Analysis of style models


  • Characters: Lots of different people from all ages, genders, backgrounds, and time periods. All are alone and in isolated locations.  
  • Settings: Majority are in black and white. Isolated/deserted landscapes or empty buildings. Fog and Mist in many. Generally, miserable and depressing. Locations include Forests, beaches, woods, mountains, abandoned railways etc.  
  • Shots/Angles: Shots slowly zoom in and out of the photographs and the images fade as the next one appears.

Narrative Structure:

  • Beginning (Equilibrium): Slow piano music, first image fading in is a man sitting on a rock reading.
  • Middle (Disruption): A combination of images (photographs, postcards etc.) of people looking isolated and solitary. They are alone and are in empty rooms/isolated landscapes.
  • End (New Equilibrium): Music fades out and it ends with a lady looking out of a window.


  • Characters: The protagonists are two young women, evidently friends (This is reactionary for music videos. They conform to stereotypes). Other characters include locals, workers and school children playing on swings. Generally, groups of one to three people all happy and dancing or playing.  
  • Settings: Cape Town South Africa. Shots of sunny isolated rural locations such as beaches, lakes, empty buildings.
  • Shots/Angles: Shots are in slow motion then quicken with the music. There are various shots of a Driving car. The video starts with shots of locations then of the protagonists and other characters.  

Narrative Structure:

  • Beginning (Equilibrium): Starts with shots of scenery such as sun through leaves, a road with a car driving, a beach, and a beach ball flying. Protagonists are introduced driving and going to the beach.
  • Middle (Disruption): Protagonist travel around to various locations dancing and generally having fun.
  • End (New Equilibrium): Ends with various shots of people all now dancing and being happy.


  • Characters: The protagonist is the artist, the video revolves around him walking/taking a journey through the isolated, rural location while miming the lyrics to the song. At the very end of the song there is a figure of a lady, who’s face is blurred out, it is suggested this is who the song is directed towards.
  • Settings: Desolate forest and road alongside it. Dark lighting likely dusk or dawn. There is fog and the landscape is generally gloomy.
  • Shots/Angles: Shots of the trees, empty streets, and the forest. Distance shots of artist walking/running. Close ups of artist miming.

Narrative Structure:

  • Beginning (Equilibrium): Fades in, shots of the ground, then cuts to a lonely, single figure walking along a road alongside a dark forest. The camera zooms in to the side of the artists/protagonists face as he walks. He is wearing dark clothing.
  • Middle (Disruption): Shots of him walking, and of the setting. He begins to run towards a figure with a blurred out/no face, it is implied the figure is who he is directing the song to.
  • End (New Equilibrium): The camera Zooms out from figure with the blurred face.


COLONIALISM = when a country seeks to attain complete or partial control of another and enforce authority to achieve dominance.

POST COLONIALISM = the study of the effects and cultural legacy of colonialism and exploitation of the colonised people and their lands.

DIASPORA = the dispersion of a particular culture/ethnic group beyond their originating geographical location.

BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethic) = term used in the UK to (politically correctly) refer to Black, Asian and other minority ethnic groups.

DOUBLE CONSCIOUSNESS (GILROY) =  Gilroy defined double consciousness as the internal anguish of minority groups in oppressive societies.

CULTURAL ABSOLUTISM / RACIAL ESSENTIALISM = Cultural absolutism = belief that a particular culture is supreme ethical value (e.g. Aryan race, Nazi Germany) Racial Essentialism = belief in a genetic/biological essence that defines all members of a racial category.

CULTURAL SYNCRETISM = when an aspect of two or more distinct cultures blend together to create a new custom, idea, practice, or philosophy.

ORIENTALISM (SAID) = how western powers and Europe define the eastern cultures, people and customs as inferior, uncivilised, exotic and at times dangerous and how Western culture is the opposite to that.

APPROPRIATION = adoption of an element of a particular culture into another by members of that culture.

CULTURAL HEGEMONY = domination though ideological means. Those in power dictate social norms and cultural expectations etc.

THE PUBLIC SPHERE (HABERMAS) = Habermas theorised that the public sphere is an area of social life where individuals join together to freely discuss and identify problems within society, free from bias political dictation.

THE ROLE OF PUBLIC SERVICE BROADCASTING IN TERMS OF FAIR REPRESENTATION OF MINORITY GROUPS / INTERESTS: PSB have to represent minority groups equally and not reflect dominate ideologies and stereotypes. Aiming to aid the understanding and break the ignorance of dominate groups with regards to minorities to try and create a fair society.

War of The World

  • Andrew Crissell wrote a book called Understanding Radio
  • ‘Determine the distinctive characteristics of the radio medium’
  • ‘Blind Medium’

Aliens metaphor – resemble something else

  • Hyper inflation
  • wall street crash
  • Mosalini, Stalin
  • Rise of Hitler + Brown Shirts etc.

I’ve always said you cant understand the world without the media nor the media without the world – Natalie Fenton quoted in Fake News vs Media Studies

Standly Cohen Folk, Devil + Moral Panics (blame media, everything that goes wrong blame the media – ‘moral panic’)

J.,McDonald hard times are a breeding ground for misinformation’

Fake News is age old – Example War of the Worlds (propaganda)

War of The Worlds

Early example of a hybrid radio form, adapting the H.G Welles story using news and documentary conventions. (genre – Steve Neale, can be a hybrid)

Historically significance as an early, documented, example of the mass media apparently having a direct effect on an audience’s behavior. 

Orson Well’s narrated, directed and adapted H.G.Well’s novel

Anti War film

Broadcasted by CBS – Columbia Broadcasting Company (October 30th – Halloween Special 1938)

Radio – normal radio, turns into reported alien attach – fiction

Suspending disbelief – people were panicking (is that true?)

Radio exaggerated/made up audiences reaction?

To sell radios – get people talking – Fake News, Adverting


  • Reinforced his hypothesis of the dangerous power of the media
  • Powerful media industries that change the way we think