All posts by Kate P



Audience Characteristics

Age Range= Demographic

Gender= Demographic

Social Class= Demographic

Race/Religion= Demographic

Lifestyles and Aspirations= Psycho graphic

Tastes and Interests= Psycho graphic

Audience Profiling

Demographic and Psycho graphic Information

Age Range= 19-25

Gender= Male

Social Class= Upper middle class

Race/Religion= White British

This boy is young and is very rich from the from the rich part of Egland in the countryside who earns big cash. He spends it on luxury items such a Cartier. He has a sassy vibe and likes to party with celebrities. He thinks very highly of himself and likes to have the latest things. He has a big house and owns many properties where he likes to party

This person is class A because of the high end items they are holding and also the way they are presenting themselves. This person is a succeeder, this is because of their lifestyle as being very high up. This person wants to always be the best and achieve as much as they can, money wise. He is also a succeeder due to his job in society as being a social influence as always wanting a reward from what he does. Out of the 7 social classes, this person is classed as an established middle class. This is because of their wealth and their involvement in money in society, they are not right at the top (elite) because they are not really set apart hugely by the economy they just use their money for their own use.

What are the challenges that Magazines face in the digital age?

  • Digital content is updated very quickly which can made something or someone irreverent.
  • It is more effort to travel to buy a physically magazine than read it online.
  • It is very expensive and it is very damaging to the environment if paper is being produced a lot. So by reading magazines online it saves paper
  • Magazines cannot produce videos/audio
  • It takes a longer time to design and print huge amounts of the magazine than just uploading it to a website


  1. Roland Barthes – was a French literal theorist, philosopher, critic and semiotician.  He explored social theory, semiotics, the science of symbols
  2. C. S. Pierce – was an American philosopher, logician, mathematician and scientist who is sometimes referred to as “the father of pragmatism”. 
  3. C. S. Pierce – was an American philosopher, logician, mathematician and scientist who is sometimes referred to as “the father of pragmatism”. 
  4. Ferdinand de Saussure – was a Swiss linguist and semiotician. His ideas laid a foundation for many significant developments in both linguistics and semiology in the 20th century. 
  5. Semiotics – the study of signs and symbols and their use and interpretation.
  6. Sign – an object, gesture or action that is used to convey information or an instruction.
  7. Signifier – a signs physical form. 
  8. Signified – the meaning or idea expressed by a sign, as distinct from the physical form in which it is expressed. 
  9. an iconic sign – which has a direct connection to its’ object 
  10. an indexical sign – which has an indirect link to its’ object 
  11. a symbolic sign – which has a random or arbitrary link based on a shared knowledge or an agreement 
  12. Code – a system of words, letters, figures or symbols used to represent other things. 
  13. Dominant Signifier – most accepted meaning of a sign. (the main sign/communicator)
  14. Anchorage – directs the viewer to a chosen meaning. 
  15. Ideology – a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.  
  16. Paradigm – a group or collection of similar things
  17. Syntagm – is the relationship is one where signs occur in sequence or parallel and operate together to create meaning. Signs working together
  18. Signifcation – the representation or conveying of meaning. 
  19. Denotation – What the audience can visually see on a page. 
  20. Connotation – is the second level of analysis, being what the denotation represents 
  21. Myth – in media analysis refers to how words and images are systematically used to communicate cultural and political meanings 
  22. Radical- It challenges our ideas
  23. Reaction-Supports our ideas

With my Boys’ Magazine, I wanted to send a message about makeup being for everyone and not being a stereotypical thing for women. By using a man on the front cover with makeup products and also some typical things such as scissors, it gives it some normality of men being able to wear makeup. I used 3 lines for my front cover to keep it short and easy and I ended with the word “you” every time to emphasise the readers that it is about them. It is a bold message for readers that you should think about your own appearance and especially for boys, it is okay to wear makeup and express your own style.

My new gaming magazine is aimed at all ages and genders. I did this so everyoneis included and it is not stereotypically pointed at a certain age or gender. I didthis by making it gender neutral colours, like the colours white, black and a bit ofred. My intention of this magazine was to give it a clean, strong look so it is eyecatching for everyone. I decided to use Mario as the main focus of this magazinebecause this character is one of the most popular for all ages and also all thegames are a classic to play with family, allowing all ages to be included. As wellas Mario i included other well known characters on the front,this is so people canrelate to some of the most popular characters in gaming and may even be theirfavourites. By having someone’s favourite character on the front of the magazineit will make them want to buy it more.I made the text of this magazine in bold and all black to make it stand out topeople. I especially made the most important information bigger so people canread it a lot more easily. Such as the key intention of the magazine in this casemine was the top 10 games of the month and the official date of future games. Iput this information on the front because i thought it will make the audienceintrigued and make them want to buy it and find out more. I also included asection on the front about a competition, by doing this if gives the audiencesomething to get involved in and have the chance to win something. I made thename of the magazine “High Score” in bold and the biggest size so people canremember the title so they can buy the next issue. I named my magazine thisbecause it gives the message that this magazine will allow you to achieve a highscore and even the best score when gaming. By naming this it makes peoplewant to buy it and want to know how to achieve this by the tips included as I saidon the front cover. The title of my magazine explains exactly what people’sintentions are for gaming. Also I input a section about what the magazineinvolves on the cover so people know what they may be interested in or may notbe. In that section I included about that there will be tips for beginner andadvanced in the magazine which is important as it shows it that it doesn’t matterhow skilled you are there are tips for everyone who likes to game.In conclusion my intentions for this magazine is for it to be for everyone nomatter the age or gender, also for it to be bold and eye catching so people cannotice it. I wanted to have big bold statements on the front showing what isincluded so readers can know what is included and get involved withcompetitions and other interactions.