All posts by Karis B



NEA first draft

I was planning on putting a different character of a game in each small box that will eventually fill the whole page. I wanted to leave the background white and use red and white in the title. I’d write the features/ extra information at the bottom of the page in 3 different boxes placed next to each other.

Ideal consumer:

  • gender: male
  • age: 14-18
  • genre: retro games


Roland barthes- Founder of media

C.S. Pierce- Discovered semiotics

Ferdinand de Saussure- Developed a way of understanding how meaning is created

Semiotics – The term used to describe the study of signs and symbols and their interpretation

Sign- A gesture/ object/ sound etc that conveys a meaning. the smallest unit of meaning. Anything that can be used to communicate

Signifer- A signs physical form

Signified- The meaning expressed by a sign

Icon- sign which has a direct connection to its’ object (ie it looks or sounds like the object)

Indexical – sign which has an indirect link to its’ object (think smells)

Symbolic – sign which has a random or arbitrary link based on a shared knowledge or an agreement, for example, a shared culture or language (think letters, words, writing, shapes, squiggles, colours, sound effects, facial expressions, hand gestures, clothing, hair styles, etc

Code – A collection of semiotic signs

Dominant signifier – A code or item Anchorage when a piece of media uses another piece of media to reduce the amount of connotations in the first, therefore allowing the audience to interpret it much more easily.

Paradigm – where signs get meaning from their association with other signs

Syntagm- where signs get meaning from their sequential order, e.g., grammar or the sequence of events that make up a story

Signification – the representation or conveying of meaning

Denotation – the most basic or literal meaning of a sign, e.g., the word “rose” signifies a particular kind of flower.

connotation- the secondary, cultural meanings of signs; or “signifying signs,” signs that are used as signifiers for a secondary meaning, e.g., the word “rose” signifies passion

Myth – A combo of paradigms and syntagms that make up an oft-told story with elaborate cultural associations

Dominant – ideology Codes that reinforce or are congruent with structures of power

summer task

On the front cover that I designed for a new gaming magazine I decided to go down the route of ‘less is more’. I gave the title of the magazine ‘Gamer Entertainer’ pride of place and used a simple font that is easy to read and can be read at a quick first glance. I  wanted to stick with a simple black and white colour scheme for the font because the contrast of the black and white over a bright yellow background really makes the title stand out. I found this style of text on a font generating website and thought the bold letters would catch the eyes of the consumer. Creating the actual title itself was a much quicker process; having just a two word title keeps it short and sweet which prevents the audience from feeling uninterested before they’ve even read the whole thing. The use of rhyme increases the fluency of the statement which makes it more memorable – making the title more memorable will allow advertising through word of mouth. Aswell, the title gives a clear insight into the content of the magazine so people that are interested in gaming will be instantly attracted. The image of the girl on the cover is a character from GTA, I included this picture because the main focus of this edition is Grand Theft Auto. I edited her silhouette out of a photo onto a new background, which is also taken from the GTA game. I used the background picture in particular because the bright and vibrant colours will catch the public’s eye more than a duller backdrop. I included the photo of the girl on the cover because the warm tone of the picture went well with the colours on the background, also because there is a higher percentage of gamers that are male so using a female figure will draw attention towards it. I kept the amount of writing on the cover as minimal as possible, my intentions were to not be too specific about the material inside but still conveying the gist – this broadens the target market. 

Media Induction

Media means mass communication, which can include broadcasting, publishing and the internet. Communication channels consist of news, advertising/ promotional messages or even education. Media is used to inform and influence people in larger groups. Media studies is a course in which you learn how to inform and influence large amounts of people effectively. It can be useful for many careers including marketing/advertising positions where messages need to be sent out to masses of people. I’m taking this course as I’m hoping to take fashion design and marketing at university, I want to study media a level to prepare me for the marketing side of the degree. I think it will help having background knowledge before I go down that career path so I know what to expect when I start university.