All posts by Karis B




Pastiche – an artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work, artist, or period.

Bricolage – something constructed or created from a diverse range of things

Intertextuality  – the relationship between texts, especially literary ones.

Implosion – a sudden failure or collapse of an organization or system

cultural appropriation – Cultural appropriation is the act of adopting elements of an outside, often minority culture, including knowledge, practices, and symbols, without understanding or respecting the original culture and context.

The first three (Pastiche, bricolage and intertextuality) relate to my video in the sense that I have taken ideas ranging from the style of filming to the contents of the video itself to inspire my own video. Cultural appropriation is a less obvious element to pick up on, there will be aspects in my videos that depict other cultures in one way or another, some without me even realising. 

style models

I liked this video because it’s all based on a figure of the imagination. Everything is in a psychedelic/dream like state from the way it’s filmed to what is being filmed. I think one of the intentions of this video is to show that perspective shapes reality, it fits in really nicely with our own theme (lockdown) because perspective is such a personal thing. Perspective is defined as ‘a particular way of viewing things that depends on one’s experience and personality’, when interacting with other people we get an insight into others’ perspectives which will most likely compromise our own. However, everyone has had to isolate so we’ve had a more individual perspective of this time period, therefore a more independent reality. The way it is filmed really reflects the perspective of the individual, it does this by shifting the camera perspective and focusing on eyes throughout the video.

i liked how it shows teenagers in their bedrooms and at parties which are very relatable things for teenagers. We’ve all been missing going out and recollecting the times we have done. The way this video is shot portrays the imagination well in my opinion, even if thats not what its intention was, and relates to the idea that we’ve been overthinking our good (and bad) memories too much recently. I think the way the people in the video get from one setting to another is metaphorical to the imagination in the sense that our thoughts just roll off the back of previous thoughts. I want to use this in my video because it uses the idea of minds running into overdrive to connect each scene.

post colonialism definitions

COLONIALISM – the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.

POST COLONIALISM – Postcolonialism is the academic study of the cultural legacy of colonialism and imperialism, focusing on the human consequences of the control and exploitation of colonized people and their lands.

DIASPORA – A diaspora is a scattered population whose origin lies in a separate geographic locale.

BAME – BAME is a term long used in the UK to refer to black, Asian and minority ethnic people.

DOUBLE CONSCIOUSNESS (GILROY) – a history book about a distinct black Atlantic culture that incorporated elements from African, American, British, and Caribbean cultures. Written by paul gilroy 

CULTURAL ABSOLUTISM / RACIAL ESSENTIALISM – Cultural Absolutism is the idea that there are certain principles and sets of values that are objectively right or wrong in every context. Racial essentialism is as a belief in a genetic or biological essence that defines all members of a racial category 

CULTURAL SYNCRETISM – Cultural syncretism is when distinct aspects of different cultures blend together to make something new and unique. 

ORIENTALISM (SAID) – Orientalism is a book by Edward W. Said, in which the author developed the idea of “Orientalism” to define the West’s historically patronizing representations of “The East”

APPROPRIATION – is the adoption of an element or elements of one culture by members of another culture.

CULTURAL HEGEMONY – cultural hegemony is the domination of a culturally diverse society by the ruling class who manipulate the culture of that society

THE PUBLIC SPHERE (HABERMAS) – the public sphere is an area in social life where individuals can come together to freely discuss and identify societal problems, and through that discussion influence political action.

Advert ideas

Advert 1: new games console
include date of release, new features, where it will be available, price, images of the console

advert 2: new action game
show main character, title of the game, price, what you can play it on, release date

advert 3: music streaming service
Include title, screenshots of the programme, reviews, price

The i facts

History – launched in 2010 as a sister paper to the independent. Taken over by Johnston Press in 2016. Was bought by the daily mail and general trust (DMGT) in 2019 for £49.6

Format – Broadsheet newspaper  

Editors – Oliver Duff is the editor of the i and has been since 2013, 

Political stance – takes a political stance on the centre of the spectrum, it also claims to be politically balanced meaning some articles are written from a left wing pov and some from a right wing pov. Former Lib Dem leader and deputy prime minister Nick Clegg is a fortnightly columnist  

Target Audience – “i is specifically targeted at readers and lapsed readers of quality newspapers and those of all ages”, the aim was to provide an essential daily briefing.  In 2019 the i was voted the most trusted digital newsbrand

Cost 80p

Circulation – 221,083 news papers sold on average each day as of october 2019

 Profit – avg monthly profit of £1m as of 2017