This is my new title/logo to the Sunday Gamer and it also has a head that I started drawing as a character will go there but I ran out of time to finish it.
My ideal consumer is a 15 year old boy that has no life and spends all day inside. He wears black jeans and a hoodie with trainers. He is about 5 foot 4 inches with long hair and acne. Came on a moped with headphones in and has an Android phone.
Barthes – one of the leading theorists of semiotics. Pierce – an American philosopher, logician, mathematician, and scientist who came up with the three signs in media. Saussure – one of the founders of semiotics. Semiotics – the study of signs Sign – a gesture or action used to convey information or an instruction. Signifier – a sign’s physical form. Signified – the meaning or idea expressed by a sign. Icon -a sign that looks like its object. Index – a sign or measure of something. Symbol – a mark or character used as a conventional representation of an object, function, or process. Code – a system of words, letters, figures, or symbols used to represent others. Dominant Signifier – the most important sign on a product. Anchorage – changing the meaning of an image to fit your viewpoint. Ideology – when multiple people have the same viewpoint. Paradigm – a group of signs Syntagm – a series of signs that if one drops out it doesn’t make sense. Signification – an exact meaning. Denotation – the literal meaning of something. Connotation – a feeling or meaning a word invokes. Myth – a widely held but not necessarily true belief or idea. Radical Text – a text that challenges the dominant ideology. Reactionary Text – a text that supports the dominant ideology.
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