All posts by Jessica M
statement of intent
- target audience/ intended readership
- images that will be included
- what stories/ articles are included
- what I am using to create my magazine
- what uses and gratifications my magazine gives
NEA Masthead
First Plan NEA
my magazine will have a masthead covering the length of the top of the magazine, it will be in bold, capital writing, this is to ensure it is eye-catching.
My ideal consumer is a teenage, English, male in the age range 13-16.
Media/Print Language
Magazine Front Covers
Media Flowchart
media forms header
Definitions/ Key Terms
- Barthes – the theorist who studied semiotics and developed the theory of semiotics
- Pierce – CS Pierce, a philosopher, theory of signs , indexical, iconic and symbolic
- Saussure – a swiss linguist and semiotician, the signifier and the signified
- Semiotics – the study of signs
- Sign – an object/thing/element
- Signifier – A signs physical form (sound, word, image or action)
- Signified – the meaning or idea expressed by a sign
- Iconic sign – a sign that has a direct connection to its object
- Indexical sign – a sign that has an indirect link to its object
- Symbolic sign – a sign that has a random link to its object
- Code – something that represents something and has meaning
- Dominant Signifier – a mainly accepted form of a sign.
- Anchorage – a dominant sin to fix meaning
- Dominant Ideology – a set of beliefs
- Paradigm – a collection of signs
- Syntagm – a sequence of signs
- Signifcation – the process of creating signs
- Denotation – what symbol/object is clearly/ obviously there, what you can see
- Connotation – what a symbol/object implies/ what its meaning is
- Myth – something thats made up but loads of people believe, Barthes suggests we should question them
- A radical text – challenges a dominant ideology
- A reactionary text. – supports dominant ideology
AS Summer Task
- An iconic sign – which has a direct connection to its’ object (ie it looks or sounds like the object)
- An indexical sign – which has an indirect link to its’ object (think smells)
- A symbolic sign – which has a random or arbitary link based on a shared knowledge or an agreement, for example, a shared culture or language (think letters, words, writing, shapes, squiggles, colours, sound effects, facial expressions, hand gestures, clothing, hair styles, etc)
Iconic sign- picture of game character is a direct link to the actual character
Indexical sign- character holding a weapon is an indexical sign to violence
Symbolic sign- play-station logo, background colour