All posts by Isobel C




TASK 2: Write up a blog post that provides a short definition for the following terms:

  1. Barthes = a French philosopher who came up with the idea of semiotics.
  2. Pierce = Pierce introduced Pragmatism in the 1870’s. This means that for any statement to have meaning, it must have practical bearings.
  3. Saussure = A Swiss professor of linguistics who changed how language was understood
  4. Semiotics = The study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation often used in language or other forms of communication.
  5. Sign = an object, quality
  6. Signifier = comes from sassure and is the object
  7. Signified
  8. An Iconic Sign = which has a direct connection to its’ object (ie it looks or sounds like the object)
  9. An Indexical Sign = which has an indirect link to its’ object (think smells)
  10. A Symbolic Sign = which has a random or arbitary link based on a shared knowledge or an agreement, for example, a shared culture or language (think letters, words, writing, shapes, squiggles, colours, sound effects, facial expressions, hand gestures, clothing, hair styles, etc).
  11. Code = a system of words/ figures or symbols that is used to represent others
  12. Dominant Signifier = the most important sign
  13. Anchorage = a sign that fixes the meaning
  14. Ideology = a set of beliefs
  15. Paradigm = a group of things
  16. Syntagm = a series or pattern of signs that when they are connected, mean something
  17. Signifcation = the process of making meaning
  18. Denotation = Barthes came up with this. The object/thing
  19. Connotation = An idea, association or feeling invoked alongside a literal meaning.
  20. Myth = the ideas that are created by the connotation. Create a dominant ideology
  21. A radical text = challenges the dominant ideology
  22. A reactionary text = supports the dominant ideology


What is Media?
Media is a form of mass communication used to inform and influence. There are multiple forms of media such as newspapers, magazines and videos.

What is the point of Media Studies?
Media is a large part of society and media studies is the study of multiple different forms of media in order to allow someone to expand their knowledge on the subject and then in turn be able to communicate ideas in different forms.

What are you interested in in Media?
I want to study media because I would like to learn about modern day ways of journalism. I’m also interested in fashion so would like to learn about jobs where I can involve that with journalism. It would also be good to learn the impact that media has on business, both small and large. I would also like to learn a new skill in Photoshop.