All posts by Isobel C



Definitions -task 2

Positive and negative stereotypes = Positive stereotypes give a good representation of a thing or person, where negative stereotypes give a bad representation

Counter-types = challenges the dominant ideology

Misrepresentation = this is the act of giving something a false or misleading representation of something. It puts an idea into the audiences head which is wrong.

Selective representation = this is when one group of people or things are represented more than others in order to get a message across and put an idea into peoples heads

Dominant ideology = this is the main most common idea of what is good

Constructed reality = this is the idea that we present ourselves to others in certain ways because of the media and what we are exposed to from that

Hegemony = this is the leadership or dominance by one group over others. The group who come up with the ideas and create the final product.

Audience positioning = this is the way in which a camera or view is placed so that the audience will feel a certain way. for example if a camera is looking down at people, it makes the audience feel superior

• Fluidity of identity = there is not a fixed conception of an identity so there is fluidity for how it is presented.

• Constructed identity = when an identity is built in a way to persuade or influence the consumer to see things their way.

• Negotiated identity = when the way identity is represented, is negotiated into an agreement which is everyone’s ideal.

• Collective identity = the identity of a whole group, rather than an individual / the way a group or ‘collective’ is seen or perceived .

Tomb raider analysis

  • Radical text – challenges the dominant ideology.
  • In society, the dominant ideology is that men are generally stronger than women and are more likely to assert their dominance and can be more confident to do so.
  • In tomb raider, the main character is a woman which challenges the dominant ideology that men are superior. Lara was sexualised to attract a male market. 
  • Breaks stereotypes and shows strength and could inspire other women.
  • Lara Croft – iconic sign
  • Woman being strong is an indexical sign to breaking stereotypes (For example the image is an NVC because she is in a strong pose which makes her look confident. There are also images on the back of her abseiling and shooting monsters).
  • One of the first protagonists in the gaming industry (breaks stereotypes as she knows how to use more weapons than most military people)
  • Female empowerment – fending for herself
  • ‘Adventurous babe’ – juxtaposing radical statement that challenges the dominant ideology of what a ‘babe’ is seen as.


  • Sexualising female game characters is common for game designers as its target audience (male) have the biggest influence on the gaming industry as gaming is stereo typically for males (reactionary)
  • In general characters of both genders are represented in an ideal way that would appeal to the target audience
  • Not all women are really thin and not all men are really strong and muscly
  • Games and magazines put ideas into people’s heads of what is seen to be ‘normal’ which makes them feel insecure about their real appearance

Statement of intent coursework

To begin creating my magazine cover, I first researched a selection of different styles of magazine covers until I found one that I liked the look of and based the layout of mine on that. I liked the layout with the boxes with plugs at the bottom so chose to add this to mine.

To start with, I decided on my target audience. I decided on 8-10 year olds because I wanted to try and take a different approach at gaming magazines. A lot of magazines I’ve seen are mainly directed at adults/teenagers, therefore I wanted to make one for younger people. I added things like the small stars and a round, more cursive font, to make the cover more appealing to my target audience. I chose the colour orange because it is eye catching and bright.

To get my main image, I took photos of a friend. She has very curly hair so we decided that it would be beneficial to make this the main feature of the photo. Once I had got a good image, I put it into photo shop and edited it to give it a more cartoony, mosaic effect. I took a still life image of a hat and used that as a promotional image to interest readers. I have also included plugs at the bottom of the cover to add more images and interest.

For the title I decided to use a larger size to make it clear that it is the dominant signifier on the cover. I also used a different font to the rest of the text, as I wanted to clearly differentiate between the two. My original title of the magazine was going to be ‘Little Gamer’ but after considering the age range more, I decided it would be more appropriate to change the name to ‘Budding Gamer’, as the target market is people who are new to gaming.

On the front, I included a small list of things that would appear in the magazine to make the audience interested. In one of the plug boxes, I created a character on Adobe Fuse and included that. I chose to make a scary, witchy character and wanted it to be cartoon to tie in with the brief of video games.

Overall I am very happy with my gaming magazine cover, as I think I’ve managed to fulfill the brief and I have been able to develop my skills throughout.

Magazine Cover

I haven’t managed to add much to my cover yet but I think I want to do some sort of theme around a city. This was inspired by a PC Gaming magazine cover with Spider-Man on the front. I’d also like to add a main human figure on the cover and maybe make them half civilian, half monster/superhero.

Ideal Consumer
I am targeting this magazine to young children (7-11) who are interested in magazines about superheroes. No gory stuff or brutal fighting because young children shouldn’t be exposed to that kind of behavior because it gives a bad influence. This magazine will be more focused on the good people in stories. They can be boy or girl and do not have to have a huge budget as I think it should be available to anyone, no matter what their income.