All posts by Hayley F




  1. COLONIALISM – taking full or partial political control of another country
  2. POST COLONIALISM – academic study of colonialism and imperialism focusing on human consequences
  3. DIASPORA – dispersion of people living outside of their homeland
  4. BAME – minorities eg black/asian people
  5. DOUBLE CONSCIOUSNESS (GILROY) – internal conflict between subordinated groups in an oppressive society
  6. CULTURAL ABSOLUTISM / RACIAL ESSENTIALISM – assumption that someone’s cultural values are more important than others
  7. CULTURAL SYNCRETISM – different cultures come together to create something new positively
  8. ORIENTALISM (SAID) – how the middle east is viewed
  9. APPROPRIATION – a culture adopts parts of another culture
  10. CULTURAL HEGEMONY – domination (power) maintained by ideological or cultural means
  11. THE PUBLIC SPHERE (HABERMAS) – a public opinion can be formed about government activities
  12. THE ROLE OF PUBLIC SERVICE BROADCASTING IN TERMS OF FAIR REPRESENTATION OF MINORITY GROUPS / INTERESTS – eg BBC, tyhe news is usually biased and acts negatively towards minorities which creates an unfair image of them

Narrative analysis

narrative is how a story of a media text is constructed and how it conveys the information to the audience.

clear beginning middle and end, reach a high point in the middle then return to equilibrium at the end (TODOROV)

each media product will have a set narrative it follows for each product eg music video / news braodcast

some have a fixed narrative (cant’ be changed by audience) eg music video, some can be changed by audience eg games where the player determines the outcome

AD ideas / style models

AD 1


My idea for my first AD is a health company reminding gamers to not sit inside all day and only game, they need to take care of their well being and general health. I will have someone holding a glass of water being the focus of the AD.

This will advertise an online free drop in session where you can talk to health specialists and get unique advice and things to do specifically to you to maintain good health whilst gaming.

AD 2

spray and pray

My second AD will be a monitor cleaner/spray called ‘spray and pray’. I will have a picture of a monitor and the spray bottle, with descriptions around the image.

AD 3

2 in 1 controller mouse

My third AD will be a 2 in 1 controller and mouse where you can change it to become a mouse or controller with just a few simple steps. This takes up less space and is an affordable price for what it is. HELL RESCUE exclusive to be released before the game is released to promote the game and ensure that gamers have the best quality gaming experience.

uses and gratifications

Haas, gurevitch and katz (1973)

personal needs : enjoyment, escapism, understanding self

social needs : knowledge, self confidence/esteem, strengthen connections with friends and family

stemmed from maslow’s hierarchy of needs

  1. self actualisation
  2. esteem
  3. love and belonging
  4. safety
  5. psychological


how people think about things and receive media



  • BOOK – modernity and self identity
  • “in modern social life, the notion of lifestyle takes on a particualr significance”
  • “the more tradition loses its hold, people are forced to negotiate lifestyle choices”
  • “lifestyle choice is increasingly important in the construction of self-identity”
  • “reflexively organised life planning is a central feature of structuring identity”


‘most men and women remain somewhat constricted within particular gender roles’

book – making is connecting – ‘how people build self identity through creative practices’ (connect to a piece of media by creating their own ideologies)

Jean Seaton

Public service broadcasting

  • Broadcasting in Britain was a monopoly or duopoly
  • monopoly – illegal business structure where one business owns all businesses in an industry either through vertical or horizontal integration (horizontal – owns each stage to produce a product / service) (vertical – owns all businesses of the same type eg all TV stations), monopolies can be terminated by selling one stage / business of the same type to someone else)