All posts by Cinn



keywords three

  • Media concentration / Conglomerates – a large corporation that owns many sub-mass media enterprises. For example, marvel is owned by disney
  • Globalisation (in terms of media ownership) – the integration of media through the cross cultural exchange of ideas
  • Vertical Integration & Horizontal Integration
  • Gatekeepers – people who assess and defend is something is in a certain category
  • Regulation / Deregulation – the placing and the watching of a system
  • Free market vs Monopolies & Mergers
  • Neo-liberalism
  • Surveillance / Privacy / Security / GDPR

hidden figures

  • Hidden Figures is a co-production between independent production companies and a major Hollywood conglomerate through its film subdivision Fox 2000
  • Case study of industry context would include Fox as a conglomerate with an exploration of the role of low budget film making in its wider strategy.
  • With a budget of $25m Hidden Figures is a low to medium budget Hollywood film, an industry category which has recently been recognised for its profit potential.
  • Distribution techniques – focus on traditional distribution and exhibition linked to targeted audience.
  • The concept of “risk-taking” in terms of subject matter which might not be tackled by big budget productions.
  • Regulation of conglomerates, debates about ownership and control

genre TWO

In what ways is ‘genre’ beneficial for transnational audiences?

  • a lot of the genres are very similar in content so you know what to expect
  • reoccurring tropes in genre allow the content to be understood more easily for the audience

In what ways is ‘genre’ beneficial for transnational institutions?

  • they can be consumed by an international audience as they know what to expect from a particular genre
  • this brings in more money and a larger engagement with a wider audience


stephen neale – a uk based theorist with an enormous contribution to genre studies. Neale views genre as a process, meaning that they evolve over time.

repertoire of elements – identifiable aspects of text belonging to the corpus

corpus – group of texts identified as belonging to the same genre

hybridisation – mixing one genre with another

historic specificity – belonging to a particular time period

repetition/sameness – repeated successful tropes in genre that allow parts of the genre to be recognised more.

variation/change – the tendency for genre texts to reformulate with new qualities to prevent audiences from becoming tired of a formula

narrative image – expectations of a genre text based on its label often passed from word to mouth

expectations and hypotheses – requirements to be fulfilled, and narrative and other predictions made by an audience based onprior experience of a genre

suspend disbelief – a sense of connection or belief the audience has to maintain to invest themselves in the story

generic regime of verisimilitude –norms and laws of a genre

CHARACTERSthe detective who has a ‘natural’ instinct for law and orderThe Killing, has two detectives, one female. The missing has the main detective as malePROPP
NARRATIVEthe first episode often introduces a lot of different charactersthe missing had a non linear time structure TODOROV
THEMESthe use of binary oppostions around familiar themes: family, community, law and order, justice.the missing was a mystery that links to something much much larger rather than the killing which felt more like a murder mystery that was just one person or small group
REPRESENTATIONreactionary representations of police, family, law and order, urban/ruralthe killing has a lead female detective which is radical. Both have active and protective mothers which is half reactionary half radicalSEMIOTICS
TECHNICAL CODES / LANGUAGE OF MOVING IMAGE (music, setting, props, lighting, use of camera, editing etc)opening montage sequence that often gives clues as to the whole series – themes, locations, characters, events etc.the missing shows a big but early twist which entices the viewer to invest. Furthermore, the music in the missing has a more emotional feel rather than the killing which attempts to entice the viewer straight away by showing tension

The missing

The Missing” follows Tony, played by James Nesbitt, as a man devastated by the abduction of his young son, Oliver, during a family vacation in France. He becomes a man obsessed, unable to accept that his child may be dead and spends years searching for him.

  • was initially called the breakdown. Filming began in february 2014
  • The series was co-produced by New Pictures, Company Pictures, Two Brothers Pictures and Playground Entertainment
  • audience is adults who like the mystery thriller genre as well as psychological drama
  • origin is from the united kingdom, in english
  • it was played by the British Broadcast Company
  • the bbc is a public service broadcaster, operating in the uk, but also is available overseas in subscription packages, which it earns additional revenue from.
  • multiple languages within the film, national accessibility


  • curran and seaton: discuss how corporate conglomerate media services have prevailed over small scale services due to an increase in funding from advertisements etc

commercial media: various media types owned by private, for-profit corporations. E.g. disney

public service broadcaster: non-profit media types owned by the government paid for through public tax money. e.g. the bbc (the missing)

horizontal integration: the process of owning or controlling many different types of media through diversification

vertical integration: the process of owning all stages of production and distribution

media convergence/concentration – multiple corporations working together to create a product or service

media pluralism – a media landscape with a healthy balance of products made by different media company types.

hesmondhalgh – “the increase in the presence and status of marketing represents a shift in creativity and commerce” – relates to genre

hesmondhalghcase studies
changing audience consumption patternsmissing – episodes available to watch online after the show aired, allowing audience to watch anytime with relative accessibility
multi sector integrationmissing – bbc and starz – international co-production
star formattingmissing – using known actors such as david morrissey and Tchéky Karyo
genre based formattingusing stock characters involved in the thriller genre – the detective, the murderer, etc
serialisationbbc often makes crime thrillers – there is an existing audience for these programs so less risk. spinoff Baptiste allows for more audience engagement
independent stylising the missing often includes trans-language elements, where multiple scenes include characters in differen countries speaking different languages,
internationalisationavailable in multiple languages with subtitles – more accessible to diffrent languages. also distributed through the bbc, which can be watched overseas

livingston & lunt – regulation is too lax

  • ofcom – allowed a number of organisations to have light touch regulation
  • IPSO -press regulation body (who is the press) – self regulation

drawbacks of a self regulated system:

  • self regulation does not mean good regulation
  • loose rules leads to exploitation
  • rules can be bent for room for profit

2003 communications act

  • promoted independent television production
  • however as a result of this lack of solid framework tehre is an increase in self regulation meaning rules can be bent

hwo do you regulate media on a global scale:

  • a solid set of global rules need to be made in regards to production to avoid situations that involve bending the rules
  • (a set of standards) – e.g. like production standards, for example, food quality laws in the UK
  • transnational regulatory body? for example, organisations such as the WTO
categoryfamiliarities from cspsdifference from chosen cspstheory
charactersstock characters – detective, victim
narrativemajor crime occurs & investigation from detective
themesmystery, murder (witnesses)
representationwitnesses has woman as main detective whereas missing has old man
technical codes/language of moving image (music, setting, props, lighting, use of camera, editing etc)


TheoristWhat does it mean (in your own words)How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
Equilibriumtodorovs theory. a state of balance in a story before the main character goes on a quest and goes through the stages of a storybefore the mascara is applied
Binary Oppositiontwo or more oppositions in media or characters that fulfill a functionrepresentation of gay
person compared to
straight woman
Character Types
set presets of characters that are often portrayed in media

Technical CodeDenotation (ie what is it – simply describe what you see / hear)Connotation (ie what does it signify)
Settingnew yorksuccess, wealth and high-end
Clothingclothing goes from greyscale to
shiny gold and silver
NVCthey appear confident and
powerful after applying the
this product will
give you
Dialoguethey stop talking once they get
“bossed up” because they don’t
have to
shows that their
power speaks for
Sound Effectsparklemagic,
Musichip hopfeeling powerful
Camera shot size Different camera angle cutsshows the product being used and
provides evidence
to the audience
that they are using
the product so the
results are more
Camera movementemphasizes the transformationpower
Editingenhanced gold effectshows the suitcase as being valuable and worth a lot