All posts by Fabiana F



Teen vogue

  • targeted at teenage girls.
  •  it included stories about fashion and celebrities
  • Teen Vogue is a former US print magazine and current online publication launched in 2003
  • first issue; January 2003
  • final issue; December 2017
  • In November 2017, it was announced Teen Vogue would cease its print edition and continue as an online-only publication as part of a new round of cost cuts
  • Teen Vogue has grown substantially in traffic through its website; in January 2017, the magazine’s website had 7.9 million US visitors compared to 2.9 million the previous January
  • Teen Vogue‘s initial content focused on fashion, aimed at a teen audience
  • Its based in the united states


  • Lonnie Corant Jaman Shuka Rashid Lynn
  • is an American rapper, actor, writer, philanthropist, and activist
  • he was born March 13, 1972
  •  he won the Grammy award for best R&B song
  • For the latter film, he and vocalist/musician John Legend have won a Golden Globe and an Oscar for the song “Glory.” 
  • The rapper/actor has also landed major parts for big-screen projects, among them American Gangster (2006) and  Terminator Salvation (2009).
  • His first album was can i borrow a dollar.
  • net worth of $45 million

The video– is black and white, genre- hip-hop/rap, released- 2016. Common is a Black American cultural icon who has maintained a political and social concern in his music.

The video Letter to the Free is presented as his contribution to the divisive political and social issues of contemporary America, a sense that he is attempting to draw attention to initiating a new wave of ‘protest music”

the missing

  • Its focused on two parents who go to France and lose sight of their son.
  • The series was originally titled The Breakdown
  • Filming began in February 2014 with help from the Belgian government’s tax shelter scheme
  • The story is paralleled by flashbacks to 2014 and is set near a British army garrison in Eckhausen, Germany
  • There are 16 episodes
  • There are two series
  • It was written by the brothers Harry and Williams


  • Stephen Neale= is a British philosopher 
  • Repertoire of elements= covers the theory that a certain genre of film will have similar characters.
  • corpus= when genres evolve as new texts are added to the body of similar texts
  • hybridisation= the combination of genre or subgenre
  • historical specificity= genres that are associated with certain periods of times
  • repetition= repeating something , objects words, actions
  • sameness=  can be thought as contrastives to repetition, as can novelty and creativity.
  • variation and change= changing something from how it is or how it should happen
  • narrative image= uses the power of visual to tell a story
  • expectations and hypothesis= what the audience think is going to happen
  • suspend disbelief = believe what you see knowing its not real
  • generic regime of verisimilitude= things that are similar and believable, engaging

narrative theories

TheoristWhat does it mean (in your own words)How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
Equilibrium everything is balance, conflict occurs and at the end it will be solved. they begin with plain clothes and then after using the masacar they transform
Binary Opposition related items that have opposite meanings male and female and their gender.
Character Types hero, victim, villain and princess who are recognized by the audiences bell boy is the despacher, mascara is the hero and/or nyc


gender representation in tomb raider and men’s health

  In this essay I will be comparing the representations of gender in Men’s Health and Tomb Raider. I’ll be using an article from Lauren Hill, a video from feminist frequency and the cover to show how gender is represented negatively in Tomb Raider however, on the other hand, I’ll also be using the cover of mens health, contents page and a spread to make a comparison. Furthermore, showing how media uses audience theory to alter the publics view.

Men’s Health magazine portrays a reactionary image. On the cover, Vin Diesel is the main subject also appearing in the contents page showing the audience receiver that he has the perfect form, he represents the idea that men are seen as strong and powerful. He’s portraying what society believe is a desirable body for men. However, his pose is very forced and awkward as he seems to be tensing his arm forward increasing the look of his muscles. Which is a negative representation of what males should look like in todays society. Moreover, he’s surrounded by bold tag lines and headings for example “blast body fat”, “127 ways to build a stronger core”, “103 shortcuts to t-shirt arms” this print language suggest men aren’t good enough and that they should look a certain way which reinforce the idea that men should have muscles and be fit and healthy to be seen as “ a man”. This results in men feeling unmanly and weak. The main reason for the magazine is not to make men feel insecure and preoccupied about their appearance but to be motivated and be healthy so that they can look their best. However it’s pressuring men to do certain things to achieve this. The cover uses the colour blue all over, blue is associated to confidence and is considered beneficial to the mind and body this therefore reinforces the whole idea of the magazine being related to health and exercise. Moving onto the contents page, there are small connotations suggesting that it’s  radical this is shown in “flour power” this pun is ironic as flowers are usually associated with women and their delicateness. Which is the opposite of Vin Diesel who’s there as a powerful, strong man. Moreover, in the spread there are elements of radical in the interview with Phillip Howells, a 69 year old named ‘the marathon man” this is because he doesn’t have a similar form to Vin Diesel, suggesting he’s less of a man.

Moving onto Tomb Raider the dominant signifier is Lara Croft as she’s placed in the center, it can be seen as a radical text due to her unrealistic figure, this then will increase the attention given to her, however she’s presented negatively as she’s heavily sexualised and objectified this is seen in her tight shorts and crop top. This is a negative stereotype as young girls will be influenced to look like her as she plays the role of the hero, therefore will be seen as the norm. The exaggerated, altered features are purposely done to attract the male gaze, furthermore  will increase the chances in selling the game. Within the game the players are directly facing Lara Croft’s behind shown in the video by feminist frequency showing us that the game is concentrated on Lara Croft’s behind compared to when it’s a male character the angle is above his behind and there’s either a cape or the camera is concentrating on different angles to prevent the player from seeing his behind. On the cover itself the attention is towards Lara Croft’s behind and her breast, she’s also holding a gun which has death connotations, women are usually the victim so this uses radical elements seen as here Lara Croft is the hero and by holding the gun it’s showing she’s fierce. Lara Croft challenges dominant ideology as she’s one of the few women lead character.

There are similarities between the two for example there is a main subject in both covers which are directly in the centre. However, there are also differences, the biggest being the CSPs for example in Men’s Health they’ve used a man on the cover whereas in Tomb Raider they’ve used a women which is a fictional character whereas Vin diesel is an actual person which doesn’t construct fake ideology.  

In conclusion, I believe that both Men’s Health and Tomb Raider gender is represented as an ideology of what is the ideal way to look like, for both females and males. However it’s portrayed negatively in Tomb Raider as it’s objectifying and giving the female character an unrealistic body this is shown by increasing her breasts and widening her hips to look desirable making the reader/women feel insecure and leaving less to mens imagination. However, in Men’s Health its also uses elements of negative stereotype as its implying that men should be built a certain way to be “a man”. Moreover, There  are positive stereotypes in mens health as overall the magazine is focusing on health and exercising and not dehumanising nor objectifying the model in this case Vin Diesel,  But making the main focus of the magazine the actual content.  As to Tomb Raider there is also positive stereotypes as Lara Croft is seen fighting off huge dangerous animals showing that she is independent and strong. 

definitions REPRESENTATIONS and ideology

  •  Positive and negative stereotypes–good or bad generalization of a person or a thing.
  • Counter-types–something that opposes with something else.
  • Misrepresentation— to give false or misleading representation with an intent to deceive.
  • Selective representation— when something is more represented than others.
  • Dominant ideology— the bigger meaning of an image that stands above the rest.
  • Constructed reality— the way in which media shapes us, how we present ourselves is shaped by our experiences and past.
  • Hegemony–is a political control of one state over others
  • Audience positioning— is the techniques used by the text producer so that the receiver understands the ideology.

  • Fluidity of identity— the flexibility of the genders
  • Constructed identity–the identity that we create
  • Negotiated identity–can be tested and changed
  • Collective identity