All posts by Fabiana F



Question 8 curran and seaton

The idea that the media is controlled by a small number of companies primarily driven by the logic of profit and power. The idea that more socially diverse patterns of ownership help to create the conditions for more varied and adventurous media productions.

The mass media is driven and influenced by political agendas that are difficult to separate from other economic influences, but it often dovetails with them.

“the press is the people’s watchdog”

according to classical liberal theory, the freedom to publish in the free market ensures that the press reflects a wide range of range of opinions and interests in society.

hidden figures

The film received positive reviews from critics and grossed $236 million worldwide against a production budget of $25 million. it was a low medium budget. They used a total of 6.88 million to advertise. The main message of this film is to never give up on your dreams, even when people tell you that you can’t. The three woman look beyond their gender and their skin color. They look at the talents they have.

public interest

The media do serve the ‘public interest’ or ‘general welfare’ whether by design or chance

while the concept of the public interest has been slippery and controversial a simple definition, drawn from the field of public planning, ways that something is in the public interest if it serves the ends of the whole society rather than those of some sectors of the society.

production, distribution and consumption

Technology and News Production
> digital audio recorders / digital microphones
> digital cameras
> DTP / Photoshop / Adobe ie software editing packages
> Blog / web applications
> computers
> word processor
> tablets (drawing / design)
> data profiling
> the internet
> social media
> broadcasts (statellite or terrestrial)
> hosting sites
> Youtube
> email
> website
> wifi
> IP address
> phones
> televisions
> i-pads / laptops / computers
> radio
> air-pods
> Youtube
> cinema
> app
> USB’s
> digital implant
> Internet of things
> digital billboard/ digital displays

technological determinism

“the medium is the message” and the term global village, and predicted the World Wide Web almost 30 years before it was  invented. he argued that the invention of print culture made possible the creation of the public and the organization of the public into a nation.


  • Media concentration- progressively fewer individuals or organizations control increasing shares of the mass media.
  • Conglomerates- A conglomerate is a combination of multiple business entities operating in entirely different industries under one corporate group.
  • Globalisation (in terms of media ownership)- international
  • Vertical Integration & Horizontal Integration- A horizontal integration consists of companies that acquire a similar company in the same industry, while a vertical integration consists of companies that acquire a company that operates either before or after the acquiring company in the production process.
  • Gatekeepers- A gatekeeper is a person who controls access to something or policies that act as a go-between
  • Regulation- a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority
  • Deregulation- is the process of removing or reducing state regulations,
  • Free market vs Monopolies & Mergers- an economic system based on supply and demand with little or no government control VS
  • Neo-liberalism- ideas associated with laissez-faire
  • Surveillance / Privacy / Security / GDPR-

similarities and differences

CHARACTERSthe detective who has a ‘natural’ instinct for law and orderThe Killing, The mising has the main detective as femalePROPP
NARRATIVEthe first episode often introduces a lot of different characterswe are introduced to a conflictTODOROV
THEMESthe use of binary oppostions around familiar themes: family, community, law and order,, justice, LEVI-STRAUSS
REPRESENTATIONreactionary representations of police, family, law and order, urban/ruralSEMIOTICS
TECHNICAL CODES / LANGUAGE OF MOVING IMAGE (music, setting, props, lighting, use of camera, editing etc)opening montage sequence that often gives clues as to the whole series – themes, locations, characters, events etc.

technology and newspapers

word processor/ printer
(large scale) printing press
stacks / shelves / display cases
social media
company/ organisation

paper ( the ability to read? and understand?)
a digital device
( iPad/phone/computer)
Ability to read and understand

re-cap questions

Network Effects= describes the phenomenon how the value of a good or service increases as more people start to use it.

Feedback loops are therefore the process whereby a change to the system results in an alarm which will trigger a certain result. they also provide information to an organization about system successes and problems.

Dunbar’s number is a suggested cognitive limit
(150) to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships