All posts by Fabiana F



hesmondhalgh and case studies

genre formatting: the missing has a crime genre which is familiar so its easy to follow the narrative.

seriliasation: sequels to keep audience engaged- narrative- easy to follow audience already have an idea whats bound to happen

internationalisation: broadcasted by bbc which is a public broadcaster

remakes: retelling the same story through different ways

serialisation: the character from the missing is also starred in the series ‘Baptiste’ which also follows the same storyline has the same genre which is myserious and crime

score representations

man surrounded by women- to show the power he holds/ royalty, hes placed above them they’re almost worshiping him. One women reaching out for him- he’s superior.

made at the time of the Vietnam war – representing soldiers, making men want to look like male in advert, trying to get men to join army.

holding a gun- creates a traditional view of men where they are expected to be strong, brave and protective. Men are the dominant ones in society, makes him appear powerful.

setting- jungle is a dangerous place that requires a tough male character.

This slogan suggests to the target male audience that using the Score hair cream will result in you becoming extremely attractive to women.

the setting itself is quite bright could represent the scorching sun/ hot weather condition.

male gaze laura maulvey

Jean kilbourne

Jean Kilbourne – Pioneering Activist, Speaker & Writer

Jean Kilbourne speaks publicly about how adverts can come across as sexualizing men and women in ‘different way’

Girls get the message from very early on, that whats most important is how they look, that their value, their worth depends on that. And boys get the message that this is what’s important about girls. We get it from advertising. We get it from films. We get it from television shows, video games, everywhere we look. So no matter what a woman does, no matter what her achievements, their value still depends on how they look.

Woman’s bodies continue to be dismembered in advertising. Over and over again just one part of the body is used to sell products, which is one of the most dehumanizing thing you can do to someone. Not only is she a thing, but just one part of that thing is focused on.

“But many people do not fully realize that there are terrible consequences when people becoming things. Self-image is deeply affected. The self-esteem of girls plummets as they reach adolescence partly because they cannot possibly escape the message that their bodies are objects, and imperfect objects at that. Boys learn that masculinity requires a kind of ruthlessness, even brutality. Violence becomes inevitable.”

the missing/ television

  • Its focused on two parents who go to France and lose sight of their son.
  • The series was originally titled The Breakdown
  • Filming began in February 2014 with help from the Belgian government’s tax shelter scheme
  • The story is paralleled by flashbacks to 2014 and is set near a British army garrison in Eckhausen, Germany
  • There are 16 episodes
  • There are two series
  • It was written by the brothers Harry and Williams

Symbolic montage in the title sequence
the use of melancholic music
The story will often be focused on
crime and police investigations
Muted colours Investigator is a ‘lone wolf hero’ who
has personal problems to contend with
and/or a dark past
Subdued and low-key lighting Investigator ‘hero’ may struggle with
personal relationships
Other characters are shown to be
complex and often flawed
Settings are often wintery Authority figures cannot always be
Rural landscapes are often presented
as ‘bleak’
Focus on the consequences of violent
Urban landscapes are often presented
as industrial
Dramatic tension and suspense

conventions of
the crime drama are recognisable but they are also challenged and sometimes subverted

Owning a variety of media company types enables the conglomerate to distribute product benefits across a range of media forms

crime is a genre to remain popular with a range of audience groups
who seek different experiences from it

The Witnesses

is a French police procedural television series, investigate when bodies of murder victims are unearthed and left for discovery in the show homes of a housing developer

Who is the primary, secondary and tertiary audience for these products?

Genre – Similar conventions, all have detectives and is a crime story – Stephen Neale

commercial media: such as newspapers, cable TV, film, events, magazines, books, sports shows, free to air TV. The missing: BBC One

public service broadcasting :co-production between the BBC and Starz. 

media concentration few companies make the same things

we lack media pluralism- a healthy balance of products made by different media company types.

vertical integration: bbc


previously named oh comely

Oh Comely is a magazine about people. It inspires people to be creative, talk to their neighbours and explore new things, rather than gossip, buy stuff or lose weight. Oh is about new ways of looking inside ourselves and out at the world. A mindfulness magazine with a fresh perspective

  • Oh Comely magazine is a bi-monthly( produced twice a month) (British magazine published in print and digitally, made in London by a small indie publishing house started by three friends) published by Pirates Ahoy! a subsidiary of Iceberg Press, publisher of The Simple Things magazine.
  • Oh Comely constructs a representation of femininity with its focus on creativity and quirkiness.
  • Theories of representation including Hall
  • Feminist theories including bell hooks and Van Zoonen
  • Theories of gender performativity including Butler
  • The absence of men as part of the representation of masculinity in Oh Comely magazine.
  • Representation of social groups: Oh Comely constructs a lifestyle through its focus on culture and the environment. This analysis would offer the opportunity to question some of the messages and values constructed by the magazine.
  • focuses on environment and lifestyle
Oh Comely magazine issue 20, may/jun 14 by oh comely magazine - issuu
Oh Comely

memento Narrative

  • Recognisable and familiar structures
  • Patterns, codes, conventions that share a common features
  • Narratives are a combination of many individual elements
  • Narratives are organised around a particular theme and space and are based in an idea of time
  • Proairetic code: action, movement, causation
  • Hermenuetic code: reflection, dialogue, character or thematic development
  • flashback flash forward
  • STORY is often associated with themes and meaning and can be decoded from all of the different elements that are used, for example, the characters, setting, props and themes
  • PLOT is the way in which the story (elements/themes/ideas/meaning) is organised and sequenced.
  • stock characters-
  • Hero
  • Helper
  • Princess
  • Villain
  • Victim
  • Dispatcher
  • Father
  • False Hero

parallel narrative- two things running together

enigma code (puzzle something to resolve)

light and shade release tension and lighten it up.

fragmented identity constructed / different identities changing fake

key characteristic of postmodernism is the development of fragmented, alienated individuals living in fragmented societies.

ellipsis/elision = elements are missing leaving things out

post COLONIALISM & amp; orientalism

“narrative of white supremacist was created” – justice initiative

Media in the West has been a key player in the rise of these Orientalist notions as the stereotypes produced by these views are constantly cemented through the media we consume.

all ideology hails or interpellates concrete individuals as concrete subjects, through the functioning of the category of the subject” – Althusser

Orientalism is the study of the Orient or the Eastern world. But it’s also the title of a book by Edward Said that reviews the effect of this belief system on the connections of Eastern and Western nations. This book reviews the history of this idea and how it’s still prevalent today.

the orient could not represent itself.

we are socially constructed and what socially constructs us is ‘despite its diversity and contradictions . . . the ruling ideology, which is the ideology of ‘the ruling class