History: The i has taken under control of JPIMedia the day after Jhonston Pres filed for administration on 16th November 2018. The paper and website were bought by the Daily mail and General trust on 29th November 2019 for £49.6 million.
Format: The i is presented as a hybrid of a Tabloid and a broadsheet because there is lots of information as well as gossip and images.
Editors: The editor of The i is Oliver duff.
Political stance: The stance of the i seems to focus on inequality however it claims to have a balance on the political spectrum.
Target Audience: The i had 22 million in the year of 2018 October to 2019 September in Great Britain. The target audience was to a vary of age groups from teens to adults (15-35) however the audience that read the paper more often was adults of over 35.
Cost: The cost of The i increased from 60p to 65p in 2017 then again to 80p.
Circulation: The i amount of papers sold was 221,083 in October 2019.
Habermas had a theory of ‘public sphere’ where communication is virtual and society needs to know information through media because it’s what’s good for society to grow.
Media Watchdog
The watchdog role is to override in importance all other functions of the media, and to dictate the form in which the media should be organised.
Public Interest
Denis McQuail states the media serves the public interest whether it’s on purpose or not. In other words they are doing this for the wider benefit of society especially in social and political life.
Who really benefits from a digitally networked society? Big business or individuals? Refer to ‘loop theory’ and the ‘Dunbar number’?
I believe that big businesses are more likely to benefit from a digitally networked society. This is because people use their sites, they are able to connect with millions of people who can give feedback which then the businesses are able to continue to develop their products. This gives the people what they want which means that even more people will begin to use their products and it will keep looping. This means the businesses can draw in even more people and it keeps looping.
How does big business benefit? What commodity do they trade in? Answer: predictive human behaviour. Write out an answer in your own words.
What is the Network effect (Theodore Vail)? The Network effect is where a good service gains value as more consumers use it.
Feedback Loop Theory is where one tracks positive and negative feedback, so they can use this and continue to develop their current product.
What is the Dunbar Number? It’s how many people you can maintain a social stable relationship with. The theory is that most people can maintain 150 people.
He was a Canadian philosopher who studied and taught English and several universities. His Theory was the idea that the message itself isn’t as important as it’s more the way how the message is given through the media form of technology or print which can influence how people perceive information and process it. He was born in 1911 and died in 1980.
The owner of Teen Vogue is Condé Nast. It’s apart of a big media conglomeration and targets a particular audience of teenagers. The conglomerate integration is vertical because Vogue is owned by Conde Nast which is owned by ‘Advance’ which is a publication and a parent company. They earn 2.4 billion$ a year. However, Teen Vogue and Vogue use horizontal integration as they are sister companies. It is a fashion magazine producer covering many topics in the fashion industry. Conde Nast also owns “Allure, Architectural Digest, Ars Technica, Backchannel, Bon Appétit, Condé Nast Traveler, Epicurious, Glamour, GQ, Pitchfork, Self, Teen Vogue, The New Yorker, Vanity Fai.” Teen Vogue print also dropped sales by 50 percent so they stopped printing.