The I The Daily Mail
- founded in 2010 26 of october
- Controlled by JPIMedia. The paper and website were bough by the Daily Mail in 2019.
- Claims to have a balanced political view
- Focuses on Inequality, social and political issues
- Evgeny Lebedev owns 41%, Sultan Muhammad Abuljadayel owns 30%, Justin Byam Shaw owns 26%, Minor shareholders own 3%
- Has a readership of 24.5 million
- Targets 15-35 year old’s
- ???
- The paper stopped selling physical copies and became an online Newspaper (Tabloid)

Uses columns
- Founded in 1896
- Owned by General trust PLC which owns many multinational companies
- Right wing political stance
- Produces Gossip and hot topics and news about celebrities.
- The Viscount Rothermere (Chairman) Paul Zwillenberg (CEO)
- Has a readership of 2.2 million
- Targets women of middle class
- 980,000 copies a day (average) sold In May 2020
- sells physical papers and is online

Uses Columns
Both use Columns and big text but the Text is placed differently.