All posts by Daniel B



Media Statements

What is Media? 

Media is a form of mass communication used for different reasons such as :

to inform/educate,entertain,socialise,escapism

Media is present in multiple forms.

What is media studies?What is it’s point?

Media studies is a form of education which is teaches students about different types and uses of media, it’s also teaches people important info and tips which come useful in media industries and media language. The point of media studies is to educate people how useful it is and how it can be utilised for many purposes which are key in almost everyone’s everyday life.

What are you interested in media? 

Media interests me as I find it fascinating how we can learn to make influential and powerful forms of media. I believe it’s a pathway to an important marketing job that I wish to acquire in the future. I also believe it’s a very useful subject to study as people use all sorts of media in their day to day life and it’s useful to see the behind the scenes of the different media’s they come into contact with.