All posts by Catalina V




For my first advert I have decided to look at games consoles. As my magazine is aimed at a more mature demographic, i’m aiming for a sleek modern advert that shows off my made up games console’s advancedness and skill proving to my consumers that by buying this console, they will immediately become better at gaming. When I first thought of “what does a sleek advertisement look like?” I immediately thought of the brand and conglomerate, Apple, known for their minimalist product design that shows off a certain elegance to it’s consumers making them believe that it is a high end and “rich person” product allowing the consumers to feel like they embody that view.

Apple does create some brilliant products but there are plenty of other tech brands that have 10x more better products, but, due to the popularisation of Apple products, these other brands tend to be overlooked. With this knowledge, I plan on making my games console advertisement not too in your face and more sleek. I plan on making a 3D model of my own games console to emphasise the professional-ness and class of my product, like Apple has done with their previous adverts.

After that, I moved onto looking at real games console adverts.

Each one of these consoles again, have a certain sleekness to them providing comfort to the gamer rather than having to use something bulky and odd-shaped. In each advert (apart from ps4), they show off the games you can play on the console which I find key to the advertisements because if the consumer has a game they really want to play and finds out that the console supports that specific game, the consumer will be more attracted to buying it. An example of this can be Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Nintendo’s cumulative unit sales of the Nintendo Switch console skyrocketed worldwide because so many people wanted to play this game as it was a part of many of their childhoods. Especially during this global pandemic, Animal Crossing: New Horizons allowed those who got it as an escapism from reality.

Here we can see the cumulative unit sales of the Nintendo Switch console worldwide from March 2017 to March 2020 (SOURCE: )

Therefore, from this information, I will make sure to at least involve 2-3 “popular” video games to my advertisement to entice more consumers to purchase my made up games console.

Something else I had noticed from the advertisements is that they always contain a slogan (a short memorable sentence) that mentions either change and adaptation or how the console is specifically designed for the gamers e.g. “THIS IS FOR THE PLAYERS” – PlayStation 4 advertisement. The effect this is ment to have on consumers is clearly to show a point that THIS is the console you want to get, WE as a COMPANY designed this specifically for YOU, the PLAYER to PLAY. And so, I shall also try to include something similar to my own product.


  • The i is a British national morning paper published in London by Daily Mail and General Trust and distributed across the United Kingdom. It is aimed at “readers and lapsed readers” of all ages and commuters with limited time, and was originally launched in 2010 as a sister paper to The Independent.
  • In March 2016 The Independent decided to close its print edition and become an online newspaper; the last printed edition was published on Saturday 26 March 2016.
  • Oliver Duff is the current editor for the i.
  • The i’s political stance is Liberalism‎ and ‎Centrism so its target audience are liberals and centrists
  • It costs £3.12 a week for the digital and paper edition together but 99p a month for the app.
  • The i circulates around 221,083 different people per year.


  • News Values – The criteria that is needed to influence the selection and presentation of events as published news.
  • Gatekeepers – A person who controls access to something, for example via a city gate or bouncer, or more abstractly, who is granted access to a category or status.
  • Deregulation – The reduction or elimination of government power in a particular industry, usually enacted to create more competition within the industry.
  • Free market – A system in which the prices for goods and services are self-regulated by the open market and by consumers.
  • Monopolies & Mergers – A British government organization whose job is to examine cases where two companies plan to join together to form one company, and to decide whether this would be bad for other businesses because there will be less competition.
  • Media concentration / Conglomerates / Globalisation (in terms of media ownership) – A process whereby progressively fewer individuals or organizations control increasing shares of the mass media.
  • Vertical Integration & Horizontal Integration
  • Neo-liberalism and the Alt-Right
  • Surveillance / Privacy / Security / GDPR
  • The Leveson Enquiry – A judicial public inquiry into the culture, practices and ethics of the British press following the News International phone hacking scandal, chaired by Lord Justice Leveson, who was appointed in July 2011.
  • The Cairncross Review – A survey that was sent out to the public by the government about what we should do about journalism in the UK


What is the network effect? (Theodore Vail)

The more people use a good or a service the better it becomes and the more value it holds.

What is ‘feedback loop theory’? (Norbert Wiener)

Using previous data collected to predict future behaviors. e.g. walking.

What is the Dunbar number? (Robin Dunbar)

The number of stable social interactions that somebody can have. (4 or 6 stable social relationships)

Who really benefits from a digitally networked society? Big business or individuals? Refer to ‘loop theory’ and the ‘Dunbar number’

How do big businesses benefit? What commodity do they trade in? 

Technology and News Production
> digital audio recorders
> digital cameras
> DTP / Photoshop / Adobe
> Blog / web applications
> computers
> word processor
> tablets (drawing / design)
> the internet
> social media
> broadcasts (statellite or terrestrial)
> hosting sites
> Youtube
> email
> website
> wifi
> IP address
> phones
> televisions
> DAB’s
> air-pods
> Youtube
> cinema
> app
> USB’s


The medium is the message” – McLuhan proposes that a medium itself, not the content it carries, should be the focus of study. He said that a medium affects the society in which it plays a role not only by the content delivered over the medium, but also by the characteristics of the medium itself.

Herbert Marshall McLuhan CC was a Canadian philosopher. He was born in Edmonton, Alberta, McLuhan studied at the University of Manitoba and the University of Cambridge.


The 9 Best Deals from Ulta’s Love Your Skin Sale 2020

Young audience traditionally seen interested in more superficial issues

Although I feel my generation is more politically and socially aware than past teenage generations, I find that as new technology is in your face a lot, this makes us humans want to indulge and please other humans in these superficial topics using the technology by being the most in your face. With this, advertisers try to promote their products and sell them as “THIS WILL HELP YOU PLEASE OTHERS AND LOOK GOOD” e.g. this article is promoting the brand ULTA, a well known make up and skincare shop that sells multiple popular brands within its shops.

The codes and conventions of a website

When you first open up this page it shows you multiple skin care products that are spread out. this is important as it relates to the article and gives the article context on which brands are involved in Ulta’s Love Your Skin Sale.

How does the story construct a particular representation of the world

From a political view, this article seems to show that the world can be quite materialistic and obsessed with looks.