All posts by Corey T



Media Definitions – Task 2

  • Positive and Negative Stereotypes: Stereotypes are widely held assumptions about a group of people or a person which are not necessarily true and are usually exaggerations of the truth. Positive Stereotypes are subjectively favourable beliefs about a group while negative stereotypes are subjectively unfavourable beliefs held about a group. 
  • Counter-types: These are positive stereotypes that emphasise the positive features about a person. 
  • Misrepresentation: Giving something a false or misleading representation of something else. 
  • Selective representation: When one group is represented more than other groups – usually used to push an agenda or idea. 
  • Dominant Ideology: The most widely accepted set of beliefs in a society. 
  • Fluidity of Identity: The idea that Identity and the representation of identity is not set in stone and can change.
  • Constructed Identity: The identity presented by media.
  • Negotiated Identity: Identity that is represented through negotiation.
  • Collective Identity: The identity held by the majority of people in a society.
  • Constructed reality: The idea that we act in a certain way because media influences us to. 
  • Hegemony: The Leadership or dominance of a certain group over other groups. 
  • Audience positioning: The way texts are constructed to place audiences in a particular position in relation to the text. 

nea – MAGAzine cover, style model and statement of intent

Gaming Magazine front cover 

Style Model 

Statement of Intent: 

I planned to create a gaming magazine with a main image on the front cover from a game character. For this I used an image I took of my classmate and edited it using the motion blur, posterize, levels and multiply effects to make it look like a game character. Since this character represents a thriller/horror type game, I chose an image conveying mystery or despair with the character staring straight at the viewer. I also chose this because I wanted to use a screenshot like the style model to make the magazine look more impactful.  

I added extra hooks on the sides and bottom of the magazine. The purpose of these is to entice the buyer and inform them quickly about what content is included in the magazine. I made put them in black boxes to make the text easy to read compared to if they were simply placed above the background image. I included to hook of reviews of the newest games from popular franchises to make the magazine appeal to a large audience, as both casual and hardcore gamers would know about popular franchises and should be interested about buying the magazine if reviews and articles about games in those franchises are featured. In addition, I included news from a gaming convention “E3”, A guide for the popular game Fortnite and links to two stories about gaming at the bottom of the magazine cover. 

My magazine features the strapline/tagline “Reviews – Gameplay – News”. I chose this tagline as it is easy to remember so will stick in customers heads, and also it describes what is featured in every issue of New World Gaming. 

For the title of my main game (the title anchored to the main image) I used emboss and satin effects to make it look like a title of a thriller/horror/mystery game. The satin affect adds a fracture-like feature in the text which I believe adds a horror element to the title and makes it look visually appealing to a potential customer. 

My masthead features the title of the magazine “New World Gaming” which has connotations of exploration and discovery, and this links to what my magazine does, which is to explore all sorts of new games and tell the reader about them. The masthead has a branding of Embossed red text on a white background with a red border around it. This makes the masthead recognizable as it stands out among the rest of the magazine cover’s features. This also makes customers associate my magazine with these colours. 


  1. Barthes – The leading theorist of semiotics who analysed popular media and culture – Known as “The Founding Father of Media Studies”
  2. Pierce – Theorist who came up with the idea of Signs being Iconic, Indexical, or Arbitrary.
  3. Saussure – A linguist who proposed the way to understand words and signs by detaching their signifier from their signified meaning
  4. Semiotics – The study of signs and symbols, their use, how they are represented, and what they represent.
  5. Sign – A visual symbol that represents or communicates something.
  6. Signifier – A sign’s physical form as distinct from it’s meaning.
  7. Signified – The meaning or idea expressed by a sign.
  8. Icon – A sign that is designed to look like the object it is representing.
  9. Index – A sign that is linked to the object it is representing.
  10. Symbol – A sign that is arbitrary and has no relation to the object it is representing.
  11. Code –
  12. Dominant Signifier – The mainly accepted meaning of a sign.
  13. Anchorage –
  14. Ideology – A set of political ideas and ideals, used in running a government.
  15. Paradigm- a collection of similar signs that links back to one meaning
  16. Syntagm – When signs occur in parallel or sequence and operate together to create a meaning
  17. SignifIcation –
  18. Denotation – What is being shown by a sign.
  19. Connotation – What a sign means or is implied to mean.
  20. Myth – A meaning made by certain people around a sign that fits a certain agenda.
  21. Radical text – A text that goes against the dominant ideology.
  22. A Reactionary text – A text that conforms to the dominant ideology.