All posts by Cianan M




Roland Barthes – was a French literal theorist, philosopher, critic and semiotician.

C.S Pierce – was an American philosopher, logician, mathematician and scientist who is sometimes referred to as “the father of pragmatism”.

Ferdinand de Saussure – was a Swiss linguist and semiotician. His ideas laid a foundation for many significant developments in both linguistics and semiology in the 20th century.

Semiotics – the study of signs and symbols and their use and interpretation.

Sign – an object, gesture or action that is used to convey information or an instruction.

Signifier – a signs physical form. (Saussure)

Signified – the meaning expressed by a sign.

Iconic signs – a sign that is directly connected to something.

Indexical signs – something that is indirectly connected to a sign .

symbol – a symbol has no resemblance between the signifier and the signified.

Code – a system of words, letters, figures or symbols used to represent other things.

Dominant Signifier – most accepted meaning of a sign. The main sign.

Anchorage – directs the viewer to a chosen meaning.

Ideology – set of ideas or beliefs.

Paradigm – a typical example or pattern of similar signs.

Syntagm – when signs occur in a series and operate together to create a meaning.

Signification – a representation or conveying a message.

Denotation – the literal meaning of a word. (Barthes)

Connotation – the abstract meaning of a term.

Myth – a false belief or idea.

Radical text – Something that challenges society and ideology.

Reactionary text – Something that supports ideas.

Annotation of Magazine

Iconic Signs- In my magazine I have included iconic signs, examples of these are:

  • The sledgehammer
  • The console controller
  • The helmets
  • The weapons
  • The outfits

Indexical Signs– In my magazine I have included indexical signs, examples of these are:

  • The console controller
  • The subtitle “The most unique and tactical shooter”

Symbolic Signs-

Boys Life Magazine

In my Boys Life magazine I wanted to create a positive image that could motivate and influence readers. I decided to use the Google Science Fair winner as my background because it shows how young inventors can be successful and resolve current world problems such as climate change, It can also set an example for readers to follow. It also challenges male stereotypes as it focuses more on studying and science rather than adventures and activities. I then added a subtitle that said “Work Hard”, this was implemented to try and get readers to strive to achieve their goals and targets inside and outside school.

Intro Questions

What is Media?

Media is a type of communication used to deliver information from one person or place to another. This includes newspaper, broadcasting and cinema.

What is Media Studies?

Media studies is the field of study that deals with all types of media and how they have effects on different things.

What is the point of Media Studies?

To help to understand the events and workings of the world through sources of all media.

What do you hope to learn from Media Studies?

In media studies I hope to learn to understand the impact and effects all media has on an audience and the different ways media can be used for jobs and careers.