All posts by Charlie L



Who really benefits from a digitally networked society? Big Businesses or individuals?

Big businesses benefit from a digitally networked society as they can target their product at a specific audience which they know will be interested in the product.

Re-cap question

What is the network effect?

Network Effect describes the phenomenon how the value of a good or service increases as more people start to use that good or service. Certain products only have value if a large number of people are using them. This phenomenon was first described by Theodore Vail in 1908.

‘Feedback theory loop’ Norbert Wiener.

A feedback loop is a concept found in systems theory. Feedback loops provide information to an organization about system successes and problems. Success results in a positive feedback loop and problems create a negative feedback loop.

What is the Dunbar number?

Robin Dunbar is a very smart man. An anthropologist and evolutionary psychologist, Dunbar’s fame largely focuses around a single number. 150. The theory of Dunbar’s Number posits that 150 is the number of individuals with whom any one person can maintain stable relationships.

marshall mcluhan

  • He is a Canadian philosopher
  • He predicted that the world wide web would happen 30 years before it did
  • he was most known for understanding media
  • McLuhan studied at the University of Manitoba and the University of Cambridge
  • Marshall’s book ‘The Media Is The Massage’ sold over 1 million copies around the world

9 signs you’re being catfished

Young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues – I don’t think my case study is superficial because it discuses a very serious situation which can effect anyone. This shows that teen vogue does not aim specifically at a certain audience as it has story’s which may interest a wider audience

The codes and conventions of a website – For a website page there should always be a picture correlating to a story to intrigue the reader. This story has a clear main image linking to the story.

How does the story construct a particular representation of the world This story shows that the world is not a perfect and safe place for anyone. It also shows us that the story’s on teen vogue are not specific to women however they are mostly aimed at women.

Uses and gratifications The main Uses and gratifications that can be seen in teen vogue are entertainment, social interaction and education. People read to vogue because it can be entertaining reading the different articles, they can talk to their friends about the magazine and the articles within, lastly they can learn important things from some of the articles for example this one about cat-fishing.

Statement of Intent

My gaming magazine is going to try and target a larger audience by featuring different styled games which will attract more people. My front cover contains a a multi-style layout so that I can show my audience the style of magazine that it is through the front cover

Letter to the free – csp 6 music video

  • Common: His real name is Lonnie Corant Jaman Shuka Rashid Lynn.
  • He was born march 13th 1972.
  • His stage name is ‘Common’ which is the name that everyone knows him by.
  • He is an American artist who is well known for his hip hop/rap songs.
  • He is also a writer, philanthropist, and activist.
  • His first major label was released in 2000, it was called .Like Water For Chocolate
  • The music video was in black and white
  • It was a slow style with some transitions but not many. A lot of the same settings were used multiple times.
  • All people in the video were African-American.
  • The message was about how African-Americans are treated differently however everyone should be treated the same.
  • There was a theme of sadness and hope in the video
  • The video was released in 2016

Hidden Figures

This movie is about 3 Black women who are working for NASA set in the 1930’s. The movie revolves around their rights as black women and how they are separated from the rest of the white workers. The movie focuses on how they try to move up in their job and to prove that they are capable of being better than everyone else.

The budget for this film $25 million meaning it is a medium budget film.

Define key terms

Define each of these key terms

  • Repertoire of elements – Characters. covers the theory that a certain genre of film will have similar characters. In a crime film there will often be the Italian mobster. Setting. covers the idea that the same genre of film will have similar settings.
  • Corpus – a collection of written or spoken language data in a computer-readable format. It brings together large quantities of language evidence from a variety of real situations which lexicographers use to compile accurate and meaningful dictionary entries.
  • Hybridisation – Hybridization is a term used to describe a type of media convergence whereby a new mode emerges containing elements of combined media. Hybrid media represent most modern media and the concept that different media forms can work together to create new media.
  • Historic specificity –
  • Repetition and Sameness
  • Variation and change
  • Narrative image
  • Expectations and hypotheses
  • Suspend disbelief
  • Generic regime of verisimilitude

similarities aND DIFFERENCES

CharactersThe detective who has a ‘natural’ instinct for law and order The Killing, The mising has the main detective as female Propp
NarrativeThe first episode often introduces a lot new charactersIn the missing the girl comes back however the girl dies in the killing TODOROV
Themes The use of binary oppositions around familiar themes: family, community, law and order, justice. Theme of death is in the killing, the theme of hope. LEVI-STRAUSS
RepresentationReactionary representations of police, family, law and order, urban/rural. SEMIOTICS
Technical Codes opening montage sequence that often gives clues as to the whole series – themes, locations, characters, events etc.