All posts by Bradley P



CSp 13

-white mans world

-falsification of reality: of how if you use their product you will become irresistible to women as they lock around you-sexism

-Misrepresentation: It is when you give fake or misleading information that could have a negative impact on a certain state or action: This CSP is a misrepresentation of woman as just because you use their product woman arent primal creatures that will just flock to you due to some hair gel


The Beatles release Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, one of rock’s most acclaimed albums. The Beatles release the double A-sided single with Penny Lane on one side and “Strawberry Fields Forever” on the other side. The Musical “Hair” opens off-Broadway.

January 6 – Vietnam War: United States Marine Corps and Army of the Republic of Vietnam troops launch Operation Deckhouse Five in the Mekong Delta. January 8 – Vietnam War: Operation Cedar Falls starts. January 10 – Segregationist Lester Maddox is sworn in as Governor of Georgia


-stereotypes are ways people are looked at as a collective can be negative or positive ie in the CSP negative stereotype of a woman as they are all slim, groomed

-When considering feminist critical thinking in relation to an institutional analysis we could look at Michelene Wander who said: “sexism refers to the systematic ways in which men and women are brought up to view each other antagonistically, on the assumption that the male is always superior to the female” and this means there was always be opposition and discord between the two genders as woman fight for their right to equals rights.

-Dominant ideology: Is the communal and more dominant beliefs, value, morals and ideas of a group: When consider the time sexism was common at the main ideology was men are dominant and woman are sub servant.

the I and daily mail

Curran and Seaton present the view that a free press relies on a free market where individual newspapers can compete through their political stances and points of view.

Analyze the ways that The i and the Daily Mail attempt to establish a distinctive identity within this free market.  To what extent has this been successful? Refer to the specific edition of your case study – for both papers – as well as, on-line versions of these publications.

James Curran and Seaton suggest the media needs a form of regulation as if the media can post whatever they want, whenever they want this means false, unfiltered, humiliating media could get published and it won’t matter if it’s real or not so Curran suggests we need to have a filter to which media goes through what is also known as “flack”. Through this process, the government could stop negative media against them from being published and for the public as well as watchdogs, who are mainly anonymous people who keep an eye out for the public, to ensure there is no corrupt people or media against the “common man”. They also suggest the idea of the Free Press should be free from interference/ ownership/political control as if there is no free press, free from biased control there is no neutral middle ground to which consumers can make their own assumptions to decide which beliefs, political views to follow.

When considering “flacking” we can link to Chomsky as he proposes the theory of the five filters of consent to which “flacking” is one of them, the media goes through this to control the public. Firstly is scale then Advertising, sourcing mass media, flacking, and finally Common enemy.

Cohan also has his own ideas of control of media as he believes that the government shouldn’t be in control of it as I mentioned before they regulate and filter the media but there is no room of regulation on the government regulating as if they decide the media portrays negative or shameful views of the government they can decide to filter this hiding it from the public. We can relate back to Curran and Seaton as the people who regulate the regulation done by the government are Watchdogs to ensure there are no corrupt people in power hiding crucial information from the public.

We can also consider what Habermas ideology of the public sphere a safe space where the idea of making connections with each over away from the eye of the government where the public can discuss and criticize the government, also known as the rise of the people to which Habermas believes is healthy to judge what they believe is right, unfair, unjust. However, mass media, as well as globalization, has changed and affected as people don’t tend to meet in person to challenge the idea of the government in person anymore as if people are going to share their views it will be online on social media.

the Daily Mail is a right-wing paper and is owned by  Jonathan Harmsworth, who is the 4th Viscount Rothermere the current chairman and controlling shareholder of the Daily Mail and the General Trust. The Daily Mail is a conglomerate what are powerful influential groups that own various businesses what in this case the Daily Mail owns the “I” also has operations in forty and more countries through its subsidiaries, what are smaller companies controlled by larger ones ie the Daily mail controls these, RMS, DMG Information, DMG Events, Euromoney Institutional Investor, DMG Ventures and DMG Media. the average age of the Daily Mail reader is 58 years old and is of the lower middle class. Jonathan is the great-grandson of one of the original co-founders of the Daily Mail,” Harold Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Rothermere” who was very right-wing as he supported Hitler and Nazi’s. When considering the statistics 53% of Daily Mail readers voted for the Conservative Party, compared to 21% for Labour and 17% for the Liberal Democrats so what we understand from this is is more than the majority are right-wingers, conservatives read the Dailymail. When looking at the Daily mail Let’s look at firstly Scale as the first filter of manufacturing consent in Chomsky theory in manufacturing consent, the ideology of scale is how powerful, how influential it is, For example, The “i” and the Daily Mail, The daily mail owns The “i” and when we look at the daily mail scale we can see patterns of power. The Daily Mail in 2016 made revenue of 1.6 billion pounds with 9,600 employees (in 2014) so they are quite a powerful company as they have a large number of people working for them with a high amount of revenue made. The daily mail has vertical integration what is when a production company owns the means of production, distribution and exhibition of their product, in this example newspaper, and are of the same company, because of this they will receive all of the profit. The daily mail newspaper circulates 1,158,192 copies of its newspaper.

The I is more recent compared to its counterpart of the Daily Mail as it came to exist in 26th of October 2010. The i like I mentioned beforehand is owned by The Daily Mail and the general trust as the daily mail bought the i for approximately 49.6 million. however, unlike its owner magazine, the i is Liberal so this means its neutral as it’s not in favour of one political view. The readership is 60% male and the rest is women so it has a higher male readership. When linking back to the idea that the I is neutral we can consider Curren and Seaton as they suggest the idea of the Free Press which is when Media should be free from interference/ ownership/political control as to when there is the free press, free from biased control there is a neutral middle ground to which consumers can make their own assumptions to decide which beliefs, political views to follow for example when we consider the American election there was Biden to which he has now won the election and is part of the democratic party whereas trump is part of the republican party to which the I remained neutral as when Biden gave his speech about how he “vows to heal America” and how the opposition aren’t “enemies” but fellow “Americans” they didn’t give a specific idea on this quote they didn’t say how great he is or how he’s incompetent they remain neutral for the audience to come up with an appropriate decision to their own views.

However The Daily Mail tends to be biased in favour of right-wing ideals however this doesn’t mean they do not stray from this, for example, they posted the following “Since when did the Lamestream Media decide who the President is?’ Defiant Trump doubles down on refusing to concede and Melania backs his claims of election fraud – as he ignores Republicans telling him to give up the fight” even though the Daily mail tends to follow the right-wing ideal sometimes they will do the opposite to attract a new following as when your not neutral and bias on or political view you immediately cut down ur readership. When looking at the quote mentioned previously The Daily Mail is going against Trump saying how he’s ignoring the words of his own people, his own party as Trump as he is notorious for goes against the media saying they do not pick the president as the media at the moment are covering Biden as the new president as it a new, hot, important topic as Trump is demanding a recount of votes as once again what Trump is notorious for is the “fake” especially in the media and he believes the fake, illegal votes should not be counted and they need to recount the “legal votes”. When we consider the print language displayed below they show the tweets made by Trump and Ivanka as evidence next to a “silly” image of Trump as if to portray the idea that Trump is idiotic and the idea of having to recount the votes idiotic, devaluing his tweet by showing the “idiotic” image of Trump and the effect of this is to persuade even more people to believe Trump as a “Sore Loser” as he “digs in”. This can be a reference to two things the idea that Trump is making a “dig” at the media and the counting system as he demands a recount or how he’s staying where he is and won’t leave until he receives what he believes to be a fair counting to which is when he gets elected. By using Big Bold Font with the black background it emphasises the idea of Trump “dig”ing and the ironic idea of making a “dig” at Trump as they emphasise the devaluation and belittling Trump by referring to him by his first name, Donald, the media has a “dig” at him as he has such a bad relationship with the media.

When considering The i and the Daily MAil we can consider audience theory specifically Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to which he believes that people actively look to satisfy their needs based on a hierarchy of social and psychological desires ie the personal needs are 1.Understanding Self, 2. Enjoyment, 3.Escapism and social 1.knowledge about the world, 2.Self confidence, 3.Strengthen connections with family, lastly 4.Strengthen connections with friends. When applying this to the Daily Mail and the i what needs do they satisfy? They seem to satisfy the obvious of knowledge about the world, for example, a big event was the presidential debate but in a sense, we could argue it helps with understanding the self as the i is neutral and so this means they can provide non-biased information to which the audience decides what they agree on as the self is always changing and evolving and what consists the self are fragments of many things like morals, preference, gender, race etc and one’s views help build the self so we can argue it helps to understand our self. When considering this we can consider Gerbner cultivation theory as media shapes the way individuals think within society and how over time the effect that media has added up to our perception of the world around us helping to add to one’s self as ones view also consist to makes one’s self.

So what we can conclude from my essay is that the media can be huge, influential, powerful identities what can influence the way we think to lean more to one perspective or to simply let us the audience simply decide for ourselves as the media varies.

I Have discussed what the Daily Mail is as well as the I and who its controlled by, some history and some statistics and with help of theorists we can come to understand the effect media as on us as Paul Lazarfeld said we are active consumers who do not simply just consume media as we make our own judgements however we can be persuaded into a certain ideology/ view

audience theory

Operant conditioning – where you enforce an behavior

the fiction of free will – when you believe you have free will but actually u don’t and are being manipulated in one sense or the other but you believe it to be you own idea

Propaganda v persuasion

propaganda- is the expression of opinions and appears overtly political and manipulative

Harold lasswel – Hypodermic model = direct injection = passive audience

Shoshana Zuboff- persuasion behavior control technology is concerned with conditioning

in the turn of the 1800 so 1910,1903 etc was the start of mass media

“Lasswell , as a behavioural scientist researching areas connected with political communication and propaganda, believed each government had ‘manipulated the mass media in order to justify its actions’ in World War 1” 

Model example:

who: Daily Mail

Says what: theres a correlation of trump in power and rising corona cases ie Trump isn’t helping reduce cases

Chanel: Article

To whom: people who are anti trump/ left wingers

With what effect: To persuade to people to be anti trump

This approach was later adapted by Shannon and Weaver in 1949, as the Transmission model of Communication, which included other elements, such as NOISEERRORENCODING and FEEDBACK. In other words, there is the suggestion that the process of sending and receiving a message is clear-cut, predicable or reliable and is dependent on a range of other factors that need to be taken into consideration.

Paul Lazarfeld recognised that a simple, linear model may not be sufficiently complex to understanding the relationship between message sent > message received. As such, in 1948 he developed the Two Step Flow model of communication, which took account of the way in which mediated messages are not directly injected into the audience, but while also subject to noise, error, feedback etc, they are also filtered through opinion leaders, those who interpret media messages first and then relay them back to a bigger audience.

The audience is active

Research into this area began with Denis McQuail and Jay Blumler, who in 1969, looked to study the 1964 UK Election. In the early 1970’s they were joined by Elihu Katz, Joseph Brown, Michael Gurevitch and Hadassah Haas. 

In essence, they put forward research to show that individual audience members are more active than had previously been thought and were actually key to the processes of selectioninterpretation and feedback. In essence, individuals sought particular pleasures, uses and gratifications from individual media texts, which can be categorised as:

  1. information / education
  2. empathy and identity
  3. social interaction
  4. entertainment
  5. escapism

Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs (1954), which argues that people actively looked to satisfy their needs based on a hierarchy of social and psychological desires.

 Looking primarily at the relationship between violence on television and violence in society. They developed what is known as CULTIVATION THEORY, noting the distinct characteristics of television in relation to other media forms, they suggest that ‘television cultivates from infancy the very predispositions and preferences that used to be acquired from other primary sources‘ (Gerbner et al 1986). In other words, television shapes the way individuals within society think and relate to each other. However, the research also notes that the effects of television are limited and as such, the overall position is that ‘watching television doesn’t cause a particular behavior, but instead watching television over time adds up to our perception of the world around us‘ 

uis Althusser as at this particular time, he was concerned to raise the idea that the State asserted power and control through a number of key agencies and structures, which he calledIDEOLOGICAL STATE APPRATUSES (ISA’s), which he saw as deliberating working in the interests of State power to modify individual behaviours. Alongside prison, psychiatric hospitals, schools and families, Althusser was also critical of the role and function of the media, which he saw as working within and for the dominant interests of society – often at a subtle level of interaction, which audiences may not even be aware of – so again an invidious transmission of information produced for a specific set of messaging. So perhaps the hypodermic model as a lived-in experience? Althusser illustrates this with the concept of “hailing” or “interpellation” a process which calls individuals into a network of (dominant) ideological values, attitudes and beliefs.

where other media theorists argue that messages are imposed on people from above, Hall said power is not as simple as that. Hall suggested that power, control and therefore, behaviour management cannot be exerted directly, willfully and without resistance. Towards this aim he proposed the encoding/decoding model of communication, or the theory of preferred reading, where individuals are not only active in the process of interpretation and the construction of meaning, but they are also able to dismiss and reject dominant messages. Although it could be argued that we all take up different readings of different media, Hall proposed three distinct positions that could be occupied by individual viewers, determined, more or less on their subject identities.

  1. A dominant position accepts the dominant message
  2. A negotiated position both accepts and rejects the dominant reading
  3. An oppositional position rejects the dominant reading

This view presents people as producers and consumers of culture at the same time. It means they are active in the making (or rejecting) of meaning through mass communication.

Shirky stated that, ‘the more ideas there are in circulation, the more ideas there are for any individual to disagree with.’ In other words, Shirky makes claim for the emancipation gained from new media technologies, liberating individual consumers from the behavioural management techniques of the State that were positioned as problematic by Hall, Althusser, Chomsky and others. A position that is the revolution of new media technologies, which in many holds similarities with the introduction of the printing press in the 1500’s, a potential to transform the working machinery of public discourse and to reinvigorate democracy (re: Habermas and the Transformation of the Public Sphere).

The arena of digital intrusion, of excessive, experimental and at times, unlawful, data mining is the subject of another post. It is enough perhaps to end on this lengthy quote from Zuboff, which seems to summarise the current concerns around media communication technologies, the role of those in power to adjust and manipulate our behaviour and ultimately the future of human freedom and individual liberty.

Chomsky, I, The Daily Mail

Chomsky proposed the theory of the five filters of consent what is the process that the media goes through to control and manipulate the public. Firstly is scale then Advertising, sourcing mass media, flacking, and finally Common enemy.

Let’s look at firstly Scale as the first filter of manufacturing consent in Chomsky theory the ideology of scale is how powerful, how influential it is, For example, The “i” and the Daily Mail, The daily mail owns The “i” and when we look at the daily mail scale we can see patterns of power. The Daily Mail in 2016 made revenue of 1.6 billion pounds with 9,600 employees (in 2014) so they are quite a powerful company as they have a large number of people working for them with a high amount of revenue made.

daily mail

“The paper is owned by the Daily Mail and General Trust. Jonathan Harmsworth, 4th Viscount Rothermere, a great-grandson of one of the original co-founders, is the current chairman and controlling shareholder of the Daily Mail and General Trust”

Daily mail was founded “Harold Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Rothermere”

-Right wing

-supported Hitler and Nazi’s

-average age of its readers was 58

 53% of Daily Mail readers voted for the Conservative Party, compared to 21% for Labour and 17% for the Liberal Democrats

5 theorists

Habermas- the creation of the public sphere an area for the people safe from the government the idea of making connections with each over rather underneath the control of the government, safe haven to discuss them.

Curran- The media needs a form of regulation or they can post whatever they want and it won’t matter if it’s real or not so we have a filter what media goes through also known as “flack” so the government could stop negative information against them to never be published for the public as well as watchdogs who are mainly anonymous people who keep an eye out for the public to ensure there is no corrupt people or media. FREE PRESS should be free from interference/ ownership/political control

Chomsky– the five filters of consent is the process that the media goes through to control and manipulate the public. Advertising, common enemy, flacking,

Critical Frameworks for Contemporary Culture : Herman & Chomsky - Courtney  Sparling
Films For Action on Twitter: "Watch '5 Filters of the Mass Media Machine'  here:… "

Louis Althussar – argues that “there is no ideology except by the subject and for the subject” and that ‘All ideology hails or interpellates concrete individuals as concrete subjects, through the functioning of the category of the subject’. So Ideological state apparatus is a theoretical concept which is used to describe the way in which structures of civic society (education, culture, the arts, the family, religion etc) keeps people in their place – ‘the ruling ideology, which is the ideology of ‘the ruling class’.

Antonio Gramsci – Hegemony is a tug of war for power, and that the balance of power can be changed, how certain cultural forms predominate over others, which means that certain ideas are more influential than other. Post colonialism articulates a desire to reclaim, re-write and re-establish cultural identity and thus maintain power of The Empire.

gender eSsay

Judith Butler describes gender as “an identity instituted through a stylised repetition of acts” so identity is learnt through repeated performance

How useful is this idea in understanding how gender is represented? compare and contrast your ideas in terms of both media and music videos

refer to music style videos, Mens. health and OH

When considering media institutions we should look at some key media language firstly conglomerates are powerful influential groups that own various businesses examples of this is Walmart in America and State Grid in China. Vertical integration is when a production company owns the means of production, distribution, and exhibition of their film and are of the same company, because of this they will receive all of the profit a good example of this would be a solar power company that produces photovoltaic products and also manufactures the cells used to create those products. Horizontal integration is when the business has the same chain of production and command. An example of this would be Pixar as it operated in the same animation space as Disney, but its digitally animated movies using technology as an innovative vision.

When looking at Men’s Health and consider the idea of Institutions we should think about who owns Men’s health, what is the conglomerate Hearst, before exploring Hearst we should consider what is a conglomerate? Conglomerates are powerful influential groups that own various businesses and Hearst is the largest men’s magazine brand in the world with 35 editions in 59 different countries. It also has a digital magazine which ranges from “Harper’s Bazaar” what is about woman’s fashion to “Runners World” an “essential guide to anyone who runs”. Men’s Health dominates an ideology of the negative stereotype of how men should be strong and independent, which in a sense they are not negative qualities, but men should also be allowed to have the qualities that women are stereotyped for, like being kind and nurturing, being able to be “feminine” and when relating back to stereotypes, the stereotype of women being kind and nurturing is called a positive stereotype. By Men’s health pursing this ideology it narrows the way that men can publicly be portrayed and creates a stereotype which is limiting, and from this when men stray from this stereotypical man ideology they can be seen “abnormal” in the sense they are straying away from the norm and this isn’t great as men can feel like they are un-masculine or “weird” from wanting to do something that isn’t socially conventional, However, the idea of Men’s health is to portray men of different ages, mainly middle-aged or younger, at peak psychical performance as an idea of what men should strive to look like and idolize but with their negative ideology can have negative effects on men and how they perceive themselves and how they should be. Other theorists that relate to this point is Mulvey as he suggests that gender is fixed and is created through institutions like Hearst’s, men’s health who creates and fixates on the stereotypical fixed idea of how men should be perceived ie Strong, built, and large whereas Butler believes that gender is fluid and so it is fixed and like fluid is ever-changing and in motion, adapting and evolving

Oh, the magazine is formerly known as “Oh comely” is published by “Pirates Ahoy’ what is owned by “Iceberg press’ who also own “the simple things” and their magazine “celebrate slowing down, enjoying what you have and making the most of where you live.” Oh describes themselves as a “magazine that explores lifestyle and environmental movements of the early twenty-first century which rebrand consumerism as an ethical movement. Its representation of femininity reflects an aspect of the feminist movement which celebrates authenticity and empowerment” So let’s break this down. What they mean by this is firstly a “magazine that explores lifestyle and environmental movements of the early twenty first century which re-brand consumerism as an ethical movement”, they are trying to differentiate themselves from the consumerist, Gossipy, negative magazine’s that focus on scandals, sex, Secrets and these 3 S’s grab the “trash Gossipy culture” that are designed to grab our interest and intrigue, for example cosmopolitan magazine has these three S’s and is designed bold and bright with a vary of bold simplistic colours to grab our attention and reel us in with one of the three S’s with the help of a “pretty poster girl” celebrity to grab our interest even more, we Can relay this to Katz and Blumer uses and gratification theory, what is an approach to understanding why and how people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs and for example Oh is used to satisfy feminist ideals with their woman empowerment or a way to enjoy and appreciate life as much as possible. Secondly when breaking it down again is says “Its representation of femininity reflects an aspect of the feminist movement which celebrates authenticity and empowerment” as once again they are trying to stray away from the negative idealistic ideas of showing unrealistic woman body types and focus their good bodies to attract readers to be “perfect” like them but instead showing the beauty and power of the girls themselves cropping out their bodies. (like below) By doing this they enforce the ides of empowerment through beauty without sexualised or idolised bodies which could cause negatives ideas which could be unrealistic for most to achieve so by Oh demonstrating a more positive empowering view of women as it helps break down the objectification and sexualisation of woman.

When considering feminist critical thinking in relation to an institutional analysis we could look at Michelene Wander who said: “sexism refers to the systematic ways in which men and women are brought up to view each other antagonistically, on the assumption that the male is always superior to the female” and this means there was always be opposition and discord between the two genders as woman fight for their right to equals rights.

When considering this theory we should explore its applicability to Oh magazine, In Oh magazine, they strive to empower woman combating against “sexism” as they try to oppose the sexualisation and objectification that most “gossip” magazines or magazines targeting men. A good example that enforces “sexism” is the magazine cosmopolitan as it has these three S’s That I mentioned before and enforces the sexism ideology of men dominating over the woman as cosmopolitan magazine grabs our attention in with one of the three S’s, “sex”, with a “pretty poster girl”, objectifying her and sexualising her to appeal to the male gaze, which is part of a theory by Lacan where she proposes the idea that men gaze at women, and women are to pose, to be gazed at by men, We can also consider the psychologist Freud and his theory of Scopophilia where you objective someone ie, in this case, the “poster girl”. Relating back to Oh magazine they once again, they try to oppose the ideology of “sexism” by them contrasting against the negative ideals Cosoplitan shows Oh magazine dominates the idea of showing the beauty and power of the girls that arrises from their faces and not the sexualised body (like below) By doing this they dominate the idea of empowerment through non-sexualised facial beauty by Oh demonstrating a more positive empowering view of women as it helps break down “sexism” the idea that women are insignificant to men.

issue 30 / sisters — Oh Magazine

When considering another feminist critical thinking theory there is Laura Mulvey idea where she believes gender is rigid and fixed, and that male, as well as female, is dictated by “institutions” as well as “powerful individuals who are able to exert power and control” Whereas Weinstein proposes a contradictive ideology that gender isn’t fixed but fluid and forever changing to experiences that occur throughout one’s life.

Men’s Health dominates a rigid “masculine’ ideal of how men should be strong and independent to which are dictated by institutions relating to the idea of Mulvey but men should also be allowed to stray from the norm and have the qualities that women are stereotyped for, like being kind and nurturing, being able to be “feminine” so gender should be interchangeable so relating back to Butler. By Men’s health pursing this Rigid view of gender, it limits the way that men are publicly portrayed at an institutional level as it creates a stereotype which is limiting and rigid, and by from this when men stray from this stereotypical man ideology exploring and changing to build their “gender”, (Butler), they can be seen as un-masculine as they are doing something that isn’t socially conventional for that gender in this case male that has been created by institutions such as Hearst. The idea of Men’s health is to portray men at peak psychical performance as an idea of what men should strive to look like and idolise as masculine, “butch” and “macho” but with these negative ideologies can have the negative effect where men perceive themselves as un-masculine as they don’t follow the rigid institutional gender ideologies set (Mulvey). Relating back to our theorists Mulvey ideology that gender is fixed, is created and enforced through institutions like Hearst’s the owners of men’s health, Hearst is just one of the many institutions who create and fixate on the stereotypical fixed idea of how men should be perceived ie Strong, built, and large and suppress Butler’s idea that gender is fluid and ever-changing, in motion, adapting and evolving.

You could also try to include some reference to the #metoo movement and the scandal involving Roger Ailes at Fox News.