All posts by Bradley P



audience characteristics

age: 37

location: Abu Dhabi

race: Italian

gender: Male

occupation: Funeral service manager

hobbies: clay modeler

magazine: mud and obstacle

Favorite films: Tarzan

preferred consumer brands: Timberland, Diesel

Music: country

My character is social grade B, middle class as he is a manger of a funeral service and I feel that my character is a “succeeder” as he gives me the impression that when he is working he will be very professional and is always looking for a way to expand and achieve but when he is off work he is more casual. He is a technical middle class as I feel he would be successful but not the number one of his craft.

Sketch front cover

For my front cover I wanted to make the main image the main point of focus in my front common as that is common place and is the first thing potential customers will see

For the game magazine name it is called: Oh my, gamer!

My idea for who bought my magazine was a slender white boy around the age of 19 with short brown hair with a hoodie and jean jacket

Big challenges for the magazine industry in the digital ages

Firstly of the challenges for the magazine industry is competition from free internet sources which would also have a larger range.

secondly the postal rates increasing directly has a great impact on the industry.

Thirdly because of the combination and unity of retailers, ad companies, suppliers and distributors make’s it harder for negotiation.

Lastly the dependence of advertising for revenue makes them vulnerable so they might not have the opportunity to do certain options.

Boys Life

For my Boy’s Life magazine I used a image of a chef to challenge the stereotypical magazines cover targeted at men as typical men magazines are shown are adventurous, dangerous and has this whole aspect of strength and danger but in mine I made it more tranquil and my cover is a chef because cooking is normally seen as a domestic woman job to do but I wanted to show you can do want you want to do and it doesn’t limited to a man or a woman.

For my colour scheme I put a blue as it is quite calm and relaxing also it works with my image of the chef as he has a dark strip of blue on his jacket and the name on the jacket is of this colour as well. I wanted a not so bold choice of colour as I didn’t want it to be “attacking” to our eyes but it is still noticeable also the chef himself has a nice, calm but warm smile.

Gaming Magazine Front Cover

For my gaming magazine front cover, I have chosen to do it with a black background with a yellow stripe and a white triangle with white yellow and black writing as the theme as it seems to really stick out. The reason I chose black to be the background for my gaming front cover is because when I was researching online the magazine cover with a dark background and big bold writing stuck out to me so I thought I would do my magazine with dark background as well so when I do the core colours like white and yellow they will really stick out and hopefully this will mean my magazine cover will stick out from others because if it was really my magazine will have to be noticeable as magazines are a competitive market so you want your magazine to stick out so people will want to buy and read it.

For my text, I overlapped on some of the images when I was researching I found out that the majority of the gaming magazine front covers would have some sentences overlapping the images like for example I mainly saw them overlapping the name of a newly released big game in bold. The text colour of yellow in particular works well as personally I get reminded of games in a way, for example, the classic gold coin from Mario and with the black background it really helps the yellow stand out especially with the white.

For my images, I got a png of the few video game characters that came to my head at the moment of creating my magazine front cover and would seem to suit and stand out from the dark background. I did the Minecraft steve the picture in the bottom right the largest image as he is an iconic character and also Minecraft, as a game seems, is on the rise again and many more people have started to play it again like popular YouTuber “pewdiepie”. The image of the Mario gold coin also fits well into the magazine as I called the magazine “gamer deluxe” when you think of deluxe you think of top-grade quality expensive things like gold also the gold coin from Mario is also such an iconic game item as well.

The name of my magazine isn’t the most creative of names but it creates the idea that the magazine is high end as I mentioned in the previous paragraph you think of quality items when you hear deluxe and as if it was a real gaming magazine front cover you want it to be attractive to customers and you want it to have a nice ring to it rather it be something that sound technological or simply simple like I have done so when potential customers read it I want them to think its good quality and want to read it. 

Iconic sign: wolfenstein, Doom slayer, Mario coin

Indexical sign: Minecraft title, box/ps4 symbol, doom slayers amour, wolfenstein military garb

Symbolic sign: bar code

Media Timeline

-Newspaper: The first type of moving printing press was made in 1440 in Europe, Germany by Johannes Gutenberg. The first newspaper with pictures started on the Daily Graphic on March 4, 1880

-Magazine: The first magazine was released in 1633 in Germany and the first woman magazine was released in 1693 in London.

-Radio: The first forms of radio transmitters and receivers were made around 1895 but was used commercially around the year 1900’s.

-Advertising: The first form of modern advertising started in the 1920’s and the one who had most significance was Edward Bernays

-Cinema: The earliest movie found in working condition was a two second film called Roundhay Garden Scene which was directed by Louis Le Prince who was a French inventor.

-TV: The start of television was around late 1920’s and early 1230’s in America, the first channel was called W3XK created by one of the inventors of mechanical television Charles Francis Jenkins and the first TV broadcast was on July 2, 1928.

-Video games: The start of video games was the early 1970’s and the first commercial arcade video game was introduced the year 1971.

-Online: The start of the internet was around the year 1960 with ARPANET which was originally funded by the U.S Department of Defense.