All posts by Alexandra S



Teenvouge article

  • Young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues – This article is reactionary to this statement focusing on superficial issues like makeup items that the popular teen tv star lili Reinhart would take on a desert island.
  • The codes and conventions of a website – the article includes a large image of lili Reinhart at the top of the article used to intise readers.The article also features quotes from Lili and product listings which I would expect to see in a teen magazine article.
  • How does the story construct a particular representation of the world – The story creates the idea that teenage girls interest makeup or superficial issue such as picking the right blush like in the article.

  • Young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues – this article focuses on Harry Styles a popular Artists sexuality and how he believes it doesn’t matter and doesn’t want to define or label himself. This is radical to a traditional female teen magazine as if focuses on real issues of sexuality and labels in society.m
  • The codes and conventions of a website – the article is still focus around a popular musical amongst teens of Harry styles which is reactionary to a teen magazine and uses image of him in the article.
  • How does the story construct a particular representation of the world – The story talks about the issues of labelling in society and also sheds light on people being more interested in The sexuality of Harry Styles rather tan his music.

  • Young female audience more traditionally seen as interested in more superficial issues – This article talks about Eminem’s lyric regarding the Ariana grande booming attack . this article focus on a more deep issue of using serious issue in song lyrics that killed so many people making it radical to the conventional superficial teen articles.
  • The codes and conventions of a website
  • How does the story construct a particular representation of the world 

Teen vogue Research

Teen vogue is a sister publication to Vogue and is targeted at teenage girls. Like Vogue, it included stories about fashion and celebrities. It is worth 35 million.

It published its first issue in January 2003 and its Final issue on December 2017.  It is currently a online publication.

According to Business of Fashion, since 2016, Teen Vogue has grown substantially in traffic through its website; in January 2017, the magazine’s website had 7.9 million US visitors compared to 2.9 million the previous January.

Teen Vogue‘s initial content focused on fashion, aimed at a teen audience; in The New York Times, Jazmine Hughes described this iteration in contrast to contemporaneous teen magazines as less “‘finding a prom date’ and more ‘finding a prom color palette.’

It is owned by the parent company Advanced, in the USA.

As of October 2014, Advanced was ranked as the 44th largest privately held company in the United States, according to Forbes and had a revue of 2.4 billions dollars in 2016.

Coursework – front cover, contents page and double page spread.

Statement Of Intent

For my magazine I decided to title it “Gamerz Alliance’ as I wanted it to be catchy. I thought this would appeal to my target audience of males between 28-30 and new affluent workers, who have a keen intrest in gaming and the world of professional gaming industrys. I used a games charater I designed in fuse as the dominate signifier to represent the theme of my games magazine. I chose to size my magazine at a width 11cm and a height of 17cm, I decided this as it would fit well into someones bag and would be a big enought size to read comfortably. I chose the gold font as it stands out and aims to my target audience of more sophisticated professional gamers, aswell as giving the magazine a sleek professional look and I chose to put it all into captial letter to draw attention to it. When coming up with the design and target market I research popular gaming magazines on market and was inspired by the use of Signifiers in the magazines to make it clear waht its about and whated to do this with having bold headlines.

I wanted to make the font really bold to stand out to attract my target customers and give some instate on whats inside the magazine. I chose to have my headlines all around the character in order to keep the magazine simple but also effective with the character adding colour into magazine and being the dominate signifier. As i am aiming my magazine as more of a professional magazine to experienced games i decided to price it at £5.99 after reasearching what some of the more professional gamers magazines are priced at i decided to go with a average price. I also promoted it as a reduced price inorder to attract more customers. I also used plugs with my headings and decided to use topic headlines that would attract my target audience of more porfessional gamers and therefore spoke about the business side of media.

For my contents page I wanted to stick with the sleek model look I used on the front cover and used Greatest gaming Icons as a style model on how to lay it out but changed the colour scheme indoor to achieve a more modern mature sleek look. i wanted to include clear made feature of the month and used image to make the feature be prominent. the use of lines was to keep it organised and clear as to what is inside the magazine.
For my double page spread I wanted to again keep it sleek and modern as to fit to my theme and appeal to my target audience of 28-30 year old more sophisticated gamers. I decided to uses image using red a blue lighting indoor to both and colour and repressed interviewees brand. I decided to use column text keeping it uniform and neat in order to again appeal to my audience.


TheoristWhat does it mean (in your own words)How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
EquilibriumThe theory is that as the story progresses the state of equilibrium can change,At the beginning the bell boy is dressed inn all grey and at work whereas at the end has a fancy gold suit on showing the change.
Binary Oppositionopposing meaning to great contrast the bell boy character and the tow man characters of the makeup artists who appear more glamorous.
character Types This is a theory on the types of characters used. The makeup artist represent the hero which saves everything with the massacre products and the damsel in distress is the bell

language of moving image

Technical CodeDenotation (ie what is it – simply describe what you see / hear)Connotation (ie what does it signify)
Settinghotel room in new Yorkhigh fashion, glamor, money, luxury lifestyles.
Clothingplain white clothing to gold out fits shows contrast between how you look before the massacre and after to promote the product as gold represent luxury.
NVCconfident, positive body language confidence thats the massacre gives you.
Dialogueexcited tone of voice and all positive dialogue Positive brand perception and makes the product seem exciting.
Sound Effectmagic sound affect represent the product being ‘magical’.
Musicupbeat music popular creates a uplifting mood
Camera shot sizezooming in on mascara appliactaion Shows the product being used.
Camera movementslow motion and zooming In/ focusing on the product Helps shows the significance and point of the advert.
EditingEnhanced gold effect

The magazine tomb raider represents women through the character of Lara Croft as strong powerful woman being radical against the stereotypical woman, however she is also sexualised due to how she is positioned on the cover objectifying women in order to appeal to the straight male target audience. The men’s health magazine presents the idea of strength and masculinity making the perfect man a creates the idea that that’s what makes a man healthy. 

“Men’s health” magazine have presented men through the lexical fields of Strength and Fitness as audience positioning of the dominant ideology that the stereotypical “perfect man” being strong, fit and masculine. For example, one of the headlines used by the magazine is “demolish junk food cravings” creating the idea that having junk food cravings is a less masculine trait. The magazine does this in order to intis ether target audience of men to read the magazine in order to stop having junk food craving and become the “perfect man” and therefore read the magazine.  The magazine also includes an article focusing on a 69-year-old athlete Phillip Howells, in this article they explain his accomplishments and training to success, this further empathises the idea that men fitness and strength makes you the best man you can be and by include and article of an older man also makes the reader feel as if this is something then could do and need to do in order to become the stereotypical perfect male and emphasise the expectation. However, this contributes to toxic masculinity and can affect the confident of men cause insecurity if they not live up to the life style of Philip Howells or look like vin Diesel.  They Have positioned the dominate signifier of vin diesel a strong, muscly man centrally on the page with his arms exaggerated using selective representation to convey the dominate ideology and therefore try and gain reader attention. I believe the magazine is reactionary due to the fact it follows the stereotypical masculine man, which negatively sets the unrealistic high standard for men too aspire to and causes toxic masculinity into believing that looking like vin diesel is what makes you a better man. 

Tomb radar similarly does this by having there dominate signifier of Lara croft designed to be overly sexualised and positioned at an angle to emphasise her body. This is radical as women are often objectified in the media and made to be oversexualised in order to appeal to the straight male. Much like how Men’s health creates the idea of the perfect man and creates unrealistic expectations, tomb radar does this for women and how creates the idea that looking like Lara croft on the cover of the games is what is attractive. The character is also used to represent strong women and includes images on the back of Lara Croft fighting, this is radical to the stereotype of a women being the damsel in distress and Men being the fighters or hero’s. By opposing this stereotype, it empowers women and creates the audience positioning the women can be the fighters/hero’s themselves, however by having Lara croft be an overly sexualised character still reiterated the idea that in order to be a strong omen you have to look a certain way.  

In conclusion both Tomb Raider and Men’s health create unrealistic expectations for what makes males or females the best they can be. Whereas Tomb raider partly is reactionary going against the stereotypes of women being the damsel in destress and instead presents Lara croft and the fighter herself it still oversexualises women and creates and unrealistic expectations of how strong independent women look. Men’s Health similarly does this creating the idea that a healthy or perfect man is someone who is fit and strong and looks like vin diesel on the cover, this similarly creates the idea that in order to be a good man you need to look as certain way much like tomb raider conveys the idea that you have to look a certain way to be strong and independent. 

key terms definition

  • negative stereotypes- Negative stereotypes are traits and characteristics, negatively valenced and attributed to a social group and to its individual members. Positive – positive stereotype refers to a subjectively favourable belief held about a social group
  • Counter-types- The definition of a countertype is a positive stereotype and emphasizes the positive features about a person. An example of a countertype is that all religious people are kind. Misrepresentation
  • Selective representation- selective representation is when some groups of people are represented more in government than others. … In this way, one form of selective representation is used to try to combat another.
  • Dominant ideology- The term dominant ideologydenotes the attitudes, beliefs, values, and morals shared by the majority of the people in a given societyConstructed reality
  • Hegemony- Leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social group over others.
  • Audience positioning-
  • Audience positioning refers to the techniques used by the creator of a text to try to get the audience to understand the ideology of the text
  •  Fluidity of identity- Your identity is multifaceted and distinctly our own. It is a function of where we’ve come from, our vertical identity: our parents, race, gender, age, socioeconomic status and so on.
  • Constructed identity-Any attempt to create, maintain or enhance views about oneself.
  • Negotiated identity-Identity negotiation refers to the processes through which people reach agreements regarding “who is who” in their relationships. 
  • Collective identity-Collective identity is the shared sense of belonging to a group.


The main character is radical to the genre of the magazine as woman are typically show to be sexualised in popular games, however it is also reactionary as i used a female character as the strong protagonist where as they are typically presented as men in the media.