All posts by Angus Griffin



Narrative Theory

Narrative is linear, chronological and sequential about an organisation of space with an underlying theme. (isolation) (Moves through the set in order)

Narrative rules:

Todorov (tripartite narrative structure) Begin middle end (equilibrium disruption new equilibrium)

Frytags pyramid incident climax resolution (need climax) (long entrance sequence through tunnel)

Vladimir Propp stock characters perform stock actions

Claude Levi Strauss Binary oppositions

Seymour Chatman Satellites (main parts of the story that are essential) and kernels (always around the kernel and are helpful to the story but are not essential)


Narrative: overall structure

Story: the actions and things in the meida

Plot: the order and how the story is formatted and told

War of the WOrlds CSP 9

Andrew Crisell Understanding Radio

“radio is a blind medium”

J. Mc Dougall

“Hard times are a breeding ground for misinformation”

There are always points historically where populations have been disconnected or economic hardships have been exacerbated.

Fake News/Propaganda

Historical context

Great depression


WW1 and WW2

Industry Context

War of the worlds is an episode of a american radio drama called The Mercury Theatre on the air

It was directed and narrated by actor and filmmaker Orson Welles.

It was released as the Halloween episode on 8 pm Sunday October 30 1938

It was an adaptation if H.G. Wells’s novel The war of the worlds

Distributed by CBS Columbia broadcasting service

Debra Sanders “anti war piece”

Hybrid Genre

Caused panic but wow had few listener

Important people

Stanley Cohen folk devil and moral panics

James Curran Quotes

The primary democratic role of the media is to act as a public watchdog

Once the media becomes subject to public regulation… transformed… in the service of the state

Three key concepts… the media as a public watchdog, public representative and source of information

reconceptualized and reincarnated in a new form (in reference to the media/news/public sphere

Only by anchoring the media to the free market is it possible to ensure the media’s complete independence from the government.

Currans Writting

The liberal theory of press freedom

Freedom to publish

Diversity and chain ownership

loss of independence

Competition, choice and new technology


Social market flirtation

Restriction on joint media ownership

self regulation

uneasy ambivalence

weak reformism


Originated in January 2003 as a sister company to Vogue as a magazine and finished publication in December 2017. Moving to become an online platform that focuses on fashion and beauty and is becoming more progressive and mentioning politics and current affairs.

The magazine was smaller than the average teen fashion magazines. With a 6.75 inch by 9 inch (17.145 cm x 22.86 cm) allowing it to fit into smaller “digest” slots at checkout areas possibly increasing sales. Also its price of $1.50 was half of other magazines aimed at the same demographic.

Vogue does not have vertical integration itself but is owned by Conde Nast Inc.(founded in 1909 by Conde Montrose Nast) with then owned by advance Publications which has horizontal integration as it owns Discovery Channel, Conde Nast, Wired, Lycos, Angelfire, Tripod and is a major share holder in Reddit.

As Advance Publications owns all these companies it is cross-media with Reddit being a Forum based social media platform, Wired being a culture based news platform that heavily utilize YouTube and Discovery Channel a Informative nature and wildlife based television company that also has non media based ventures like there cycling team and clothing and merchandise store (that has been recognized through collaborations with major fashion companies like North Face)

The online side of Teen vogue Started to pick up in 2016 with 2.9 million US visitors in January but was significantly surpassed by January 2017 with 7.9 million US visitors where it cemented itself as a online media source

After broadening there topics to increase politics after seeing the increase of visitors of 17-20 year olds it has become the sites most read section surpassing the entertainment section.

teen 35 mill advance 2.4 billion

Hidden Figures

Hidden Figures is a low to medium budget Hollywood film with a budget of £25 million produced by Fox 2000

It had large appeal as it was released at the same time as a resurgence of feminists and black lives matter. This film promotes both and as it is a radical text opens to new audiences whilst being able to guarantee viewership through their established brand loyalty as a Hollywood conglomerate

The influx in indie films is due to the large potential profit margin due to their low production cost and high revenue sometimes matching larger budget films. This can cause a shift in the dominant ideology as more radical films are being released giving a larger variety of outlooks on the world. Even though most of the films are backed by major conglomerates like Fox 2000 who do still impose an emphasis on reactionary films and narratives but allow some diversity.

These sort of films weren’t previously taken on by major conglomerates as it could reflect badly on them and problems with shareholders and partners could damage the business so by aiding production but allowing smaller groups to be at the front of radical pieces

Base facts

Domestic Box office $169,607,287

International Box office $62,164,429

Worldwide Box office $231,771,716

Australia largest grossing country outside US $11,816,146

Total Domestic video sales $32,378,085

FOX vertical integration

owns or has a stake in 23 companies

made by FOX 2000

video release by FOX home entertainment


MTV awards Best fight against system radical

BET awards best movie best actress(Taraji P Henson)

Music nominated for 9 won 2


on fox website, banner, art, links to Facebook twitter, “Videos” containing trailers and behind the scenes, full cast and crew list, links to Instagram accounts, links to soundtrack

trailers on TV ads on social media and online. Major promotional partners were Black girls code, trying to get more black women into the digital space, and IBM

Television definitions

Repertoire of elements : a group of generic elements that can be put into 6 groups. Iconography, we expect to see certain images on the screen. Style, the way it is displayed through camera angles and editing. Setting where the film is set. Narrative, the moments that impact the equilibrium and/or resolve the disruption. Characters, the way in which a character affects the narrative. Themes, the display of universal themes.

Corpus : Collections of pieces of media in groups of authors and Genres

Hybridization : Th combination of two or more media pieces to create a new one

Historic specificity : The association of a genre to a time period

Repetition and sameness: The choice to reuse elements of previous media that worked. But to make sure not to over use and bore the Audience

Variation and change : The purposeful differences in a piece of media to make it feel fresh to the audience.

Narrative image

Expectations and hypotheses : the preconceptions the audience have of the genre/film they are going to see

Suspend disbelief : making people believe in your piece of media that removes them from the real world

Generic regime of verisimilitude : the way the media piece makes something appear true or real

Conventions and Rules : the unwritten rules that define which genre a media form is in

Sub – Genre : A genre within a genre a way to specify media forms further

Hybridity : The way in which different media forms and pieces are merged and combine to access new audiences

Genres of Order and Integration ( Thomas Schatz) : Thomas Schatz theorized that there are only two genres ( Order and Integration)

Order : Contested space, ideologically unstable, argued over by dominant male usually through violence often resolving in death

Integration : Civilised space, ideologically stable, only between main character through emotion resolved through love

Genres as Cultural Category : Jason Mittell theorized that genres surpassed media and operate in industry, cultural practices and audiences.

SImilarities and differences in the killing



The detective who has a ‘natural’ instinct for law and order

The farther is headstrong and very protective of his daughter


The Killing and The missing has the main detective as female

Quotes and Theories



The first episode often introduces a lot of different characters

Main/sub main character is the killer


Murder was revealed in the first episode

Quotes and Theories



The use of binary oppositions around familiar themes: family, community, law and order, justice.

Emotion displayed through pathetic fallacy


Quotes and Theories



reactionary representations of police, family, law and order, urban/rural


Quotes and Theories

Technical Codes


Opening montage sequence that often gives clues as to the whole series – themes, locations, characters, events etc.


Quotes and Theories