All posts by Angus Griffin



Twitch today/Radio plan

Twitch Today 

The current hot news from your favourite streaming platform. With your streamer’s favourite songs. 

I will discuss the recent happening on the streaming platform twitch. Touching on major drama and actions of the large streamers. Including bans, upcoming events and recent and further twitch rivals. I will use songs that are associated with large streamers. 

0:0-1:15intro Popcorn Castles
3:21I can tell Yung Bae
2:42Fun Tonight
4:02Vanished Crystal Castles
3:00no pixel – gamba streams
2:19The Difference Flume
3:00Twitch Rivals – T1 power meet
3:59Your New Boyfriend Wilbur Soot
2:56Scotty Doesnt Know Lustra
0:53-2:52outro Killers Exitlude


Metroid Prime 2: Echoes GameCube Front Cover

Game Cube

smash continued Super Smash Bros. Ultimate December 7, 2018

November 15, 2004

The front covers sole purpose is to circulate the video game and offers an interface into a new immersive experience that is a re-performance of a previous title.

Actors: Users / Influencers IGN Noire Blue

Community decision-making : forums and feedback Neoseeker forums

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - Anniversary Xbox 360 Front Cover

Art Deco Update – Live 15th February – 25 jan 2021 Rustic Wedding update

google amazon itunes

seasonal updates London Christmas

release December 15, 2011

The Sims 4: Snowy Escape November 3, 2020

The Sims February 4, 2000

Real time creation : updates


medium is more important than the message

to fully understand the message u must understand the medium

how has new media technologies adjusted individuals in society

Slavoj Žižek comodities. video games boxes designs on the front are usless. they serve information already known by the audience


Released in 1967

Equal pay act in 1970

The male gaze is pulled by the short tied up clothing revelling lots of skin and heavy makeup

The use of adventurer clothing and jungle décor make shows a dangerous setting forcing the women to go to the man for “protection”

It also has connotations to Britain’s colonial past to attempt to show power although many colonies where leaving around this time and after

The only person with a gun is the male continuing the notion of protection of the women by the man. The stereotypical male, strong independent brave, gets emphasised with the outfit and gun

The women carry the man showing the subservient nature expected of women at the time. And there political and social position in the UK at the time

The 5 women to 1 man ratio attracts a male audience and the male gaze and hints to the ability of the cream to get you women

The muscular hair man aids the heterosexual notion of the advert and society at the time ; along side the gathering of admiring women

The lack of POC gives us an insight into the rampant racism at the time

“Get what u always wanted” targets the dominant ideology of the male audience at the time to be swarmed by women and to be more powerful then them.

“made by men” The product has no hint of female interaction as that wouldn’t be masculine.

NEwspaper Essay

Curran and Seaton build their idea of the liberal free press off the back of Habermas’s’ public sphere, allowing a  “critical public debate” that is “open to all”. Curran and seaton state that “the primary democratic role of the media is to act as a public watchdog” and “The freedom to publish in the free market ensures the press reflects a wide range of opinions and interests in society”. This allows the all media sources to have a stance in the public sphere and to express any and all opinions. This can be restricted and enhanced by “competition, choice and new technology” as the importance of competition forces the press to be responsive to the audience but with new ways to access the media it can be limit audience groups without new technologies or knowledge of choice from different opinions ; putting a financial and educational gate on certain media. Curran and Seaton’s theory of the liberal free press could be viewed through Louis Althusser’s Independent State Apparatus. Althusser says that those in power put certain systems in place and have power in places to allow them to control and gatekeep the media. This is formed through vertical and horizontal integration, conglomerates and monopoly this can impact the freedom of the press as they have or share with those in power.

This can be linked to The Daily Mail , created in 1896 by Alfred Harmsworth, as it is now a subsidiary of DMGT with is vertically integrated from Rothermere Continuation Limited, an analytics company that claims to”See trends, challenges and opportunities with similar companies in these industries.”. The Daily Mails has established its distinctive identity as the nations favourite newspaper taking the spot of The Sun. This could be contributed to the longer living older generation who started reading the newspaper back when the choice was limited that have continued their patronage as the average age of the reader is 58. Furthermore, the female readership is higher being 52-55% giving The Daily Mail a clear demographic. According to The Daily Mail, 6.9 million (61%) of its readers are B, middle middle class, on the NRS social grade. It continues its identity as the nations favourite news source as was given best app by google in 2013 with 2 million downloads. Their profits also back this up doubling from £342m in 2017 to £688m and in 2018 w share price also doubled from 97.8p to 194.7p. On page 5 of the CSP an article says “Ultimately, Biden may owe a victory to the single electoral college vote he gained against the presidents five in Nebraska”. The clear bias and attempted provocation are used as a way to draw readers in, irrespective of political viewpoint. It creates a strong rapport with those that share the same political stance and forces engagement from opposing parties through provocation.

On the other hand, the I Identifies as a young, intellectual, commuter focused newspaper bringing concise, sharp and easily readable news on culturally popular topics at an affordable price. Curran and Seaton say “Only by anchoring the media to the free market is it possible to ensure the media’s complete independence from the government.” which is what the I’s roots come from; The Independent as most of the staff jumped ships when it closed. Although The I has its focus in the public sphere to keep its identity up to date is must not become regulated by the public as “Once the media becomes subject to public regulation” it is “transformed” into a “service of the state” going against what it set out to be. Moreover, despite its liberal stance, it portrays no political bias and offers hard news aimed at middle-class adults over 35. Although its identity has altered due to a choice to move online from a convenience paper it had a readership reach of 33.7 million from April 2019 to March 2020. The CSP clearly shows the type of hard news with the headline “Biden edges closer to the White House” which is without provocation or bias.

In conclusion, both newspapers have differing identities, although the I is owned by DMGT (Daily Mail and General Trust). The Daily Mail identifies through its audience and expectations as the nations favourite paper whereas the I identifies through the ideologies of it parents company to stay “independent”. Both are distinctive within the free market and are very succesful as shown by their high readership reach and profits.


The IThe Daily Mail
First introduced07/10/1986 1896 (Alfred Harmsworth)
Owned by a larger
Evgeny Lebedev (41%) Sultan Muhammad Abuljadayel (30%) Justin Byam Shaw (26%) Minor shareholders (3%)With in DMGT. Owned by Rothermere Continuation Limited
Political BiasNeutral/slightly leftRight Wing
Style of JournalismHard newsSoft news
Who runs the paper
(chief editor)
Christian BroughtonGeordie Greig
Readership reach33.7 million (digitally)
from April 2019 to March 2020
70.4 million (Analog)
from April 2019 to March 2020
Readership ProfileMiddle class and adults over 35Male over 34
Sales amount
How do they use
new media
Online predominantly Newspaper
Layout and DesignTabloid provocativewas Broadsheet
now tabloid (2003)

Daily mail

Daily Mail Audience is name the “Modern MidBritain” They claim to have an audience that own over half of the most expensive MP3 players and to be responsible for the large adoption of Sky+

Average age 58 as of 2014 but the lowest 15-44 age 52-55% of readers female

daily mail is part of DMGT plc (daily mail and general trust public limited company)

owned by Rothermere Continuation Limited ( fouded in 1995) with only 9 employees. They “See trends, challenges and opportunities with similar companies in these industries.”

Political alignment

A survey done of the UK public

This shows the view of the UK that The daily Mail is the most right wing UK newspaper. Furthermore, according to the survey, it is the most politically weighted newspaper

Who runs the show

Geordie Greig took over as chief editor in September in 2019 after being the chief editor of the daily mail on Sunday since march 2012.He is credited with over taking the Sun to become the most popular UK newspaper. He has previously worked at the The Independent (the I) from 2010. But Greig is quoted “Provocation is a good thing” showing the style of news the daily mail go for as click baiting.

Sources of media

in 2013 google named them as one of “the Best apps of 2013” with 2 million downloads

Curran ANd Seaton QUOTES


The primary democratic role of the media is to act as a public watchdog

Once the media becomes subject to public regulation… transformed… in the service of the state

Three key concepts… the media as a public watchdog, public representative and source of information

reconceptualized and reincarnated in a new form (in reference to the media/news/public sphere

Only by anchoring the media to the free market is it possible to ensure the media’s complete independence from the government.


Creating a image of its audience as participants in the great affairs of the nation

Sources of finance did not compete … key to the possibility of political independence

Broadcasting in Britain always depended on an assumption of mommitment to an undivided public good

the power of legislation to restrain the growth of the presss concentration


Antonio Gramsci

Gramsci says the dominant ideology is created by the state and the rich and powerful who own the large businesses. This then creates the values and beliefs of the mass population creating hegemonic struggle for those who don’t align with those ideas. Hegemonic societies are enforced not only through violence and physical enforcement but via media outlets and more subconscious ways of imparting views. This is done through the ownership of most media by one-person e.g. Rupert Murdoch.

Louis Althusser

Ideological state apparatus aligns with Gramsci but specifies the ways that the world views and beliefs are formed/created. Althusser claims even our actions and choices in society are formed by the upper class and those in power and we need to be agent of freedom to break from the constructed lives that have been planned for us

Curran and Seaton

Free press is the isolation of press media from governments and powers interference in the stories and views shown creating a neutral and transparent press.

Noam Chomsky

Chomsky says that the mass communication media are powerful ideological institutions that support the powerful with market force and covert coercion. To manufacture consent of the governed

The five filters are the ways in which the media manufacture consent. His book A Propaganda Model

  • Ownership: The owner of a media company will always have an impact of the bias of the information given out either subconsciously or consciously
  • Advertising : This is a large way the dominant ideology is forced into even working class press as all outlets need advertisement to fund their business. This means those with money can buy all the advertisement keeping the ideology of the powerful
  • Sourcing : News companies need to guarantee news to meet schedules therefore can not afford to risk more radical stories and have to stay to mainstream dominant news sources.
  • Flak : It is a way of negatively representing a business in a way that creates a dislike in the audience or there downfall. It is used to destroy smaller or rival companies
  • Fear as a control mechanism : In america Communism is used as a way to scare the audience away from a idea of business . The media uses the countries prejudices to attack or discourage

Jurgen Habermas