All posts by Anya D



statement of intent

The target audience for my magazine is targeted at 13-15 years old’s who have a strong interest in gaming. They would also be in education and wouldn’t work but the parents would be middle class. The point of my magazine is to provide escapism and enjoyment for its readers, the goal is for them to want read and learn more about here favorite games.

I researched into what gaming covers look like, what games are enjoyed and the most popular types. I used a gaming cover to base my cover from by being inspired by there layout and how they had presented it to give it an overall fun look.

I decided to do my magazine on reviewing the most popular gaming icons and rating them, this would be done by a made up YouTube star. This would be a reactionary sign due to it being very common for male video gamers to bring out magazines. I used many popular gaming icons which I made on 8 bit art which captures an. audience due to there popularity. I used a black background to make the characters stand out against the dark background. I used a plugs to show the context and to make it more appealing.

Overall i think i did a good job at creating a interesting magazine cover which attracts attention and serves the purpose of providing people with the choice to escape reality.

Representation My magazine cover follows dominate ideology (reactionary) because the reviewer of the games is a male which is common for gaming magazines. My front cover is also mainly about popular game characters which is again common game idea and often used, this makes it an iconic sign as it is so recognizable.

Audience theory My audience would interpret my magazine as dominant reading as there interested in gaming, other people may view it as oppositional or negotiated but the people how buy it will enjoy gaming so they will like it.

NEA first draft

I have done a basic design for my magazine I will add a character from a game as my center which I will re create it in 8bit art. And use persuasive text to promote the magazine, i will use more pictures to see what can be found inside.
Ideal consumer- 14-15 year old boy, interest in gaming, lives in uk, no income but parents with middle-high income, currently being educated.

Key Terms

  1. Barthes One of the leading theorist of the study of semiotics.
    Piercewas an Americian phoiloshoper and scientist know as the father of the iconic indexical and symbolic sign theory
    Saussure – He was a Swiss linguist, he laid a ideas which became the important in the development in linguistics.
    Semiotics Study of signs 
    Sign – is anything to indicate meaning or information.
    Signifier – the image/sound of a sign
    Signifiedthe idea or concept of the signifier
    An Iconic sign a sign which has a direct connection to the object
    An Indexical sign – a sign with an indirect connection to the object
    An Symbolic sign – a sign with a random link to the objection via shared knowledge.
    Code – the communication of rules or orders
    Dominant Signifier – the meaning of a sign which is mainly accepted.
    Anchorage – the fixing of a meaning to a sign
    Paradigm – a collection of signs
    Syntagm – a sign which is in a sequence which then gives it a different meaning
    Signification – process of meaning being creative
    Denotation – the literal meaning of a word
    Connotation – the meaning of a word
    Myth – something that is made up and accepted by society.
    Dominant Ideology- the dominant ideas of society.
    A radical text- challenges dominant ideology.
    A reactionary text- supports dominant ideology