All posts by Anya D



music video- letter to the free

  1. Commons name is Lonnie Corant Jaman Shuka Rashid Lynn
  2. He is 47 years old
  3. he won a Grammy for best r&b song in 2003.
  4. his net worth is 45 million
  5. he won a golden globe for best original song in 2015
  1. released in 2016.
  2. received a nomination for the NAACP image award for outstanding song.
  3. from the album ‘black america again’
  4. the music video is in black and white
  5. from the documentary ’13th’

hidden figures

Hidden figures is a american biographical drama film, about women of colour being prominent roles in sending the first man into space. It is set in 1961.

First released at a art and design college in new york- shows it is an
important film
December 10, 2016 (SVA Theatre)

The released December 25, 2016 (United States)

It was a median budget film ($25m) and produced by 20th century Fox. The film received positive reviews from critics and grossed $236 million worldwide

stephen neale key terms

  • Repertoire of elements- the idea that all films in a genre has similar features.
  • Corpus- a collection of texts which are similar.
  • Hybridisation- a genre which is a mix of new and different genres.
  • Historic specificity-genres that are associated with a specific time period.
  • Repetition and sameness- features of a genre being constantly repeated throughout other texts.
  • Variation and change-features of a genre being changed throughout different texts.
  • Narrative image- visual story
  • Expectations and hypotheses- the preconceived ideas that the spectator holds due to past viewings of texts from that genre.
  • Suspend disbelief- the spectator buys into the film and becomes emotionally attached.
  • Generic regime of verisimilitude- what is probable in a genre text which match up with personal experiences/ other texts.

the missing

It is a British drama television series, it was produced by the BBC and Starz (US). Series 1 was first released on 28 October 2014, it was about a boy who went missing in France and directed by Tom Shankland. Series 2 was published on 12 October 2016 and is about a girl missing in Germany and directed by Ben Chanan. There are 16 episodes in total, 8 in each series.


In this essay I will argue and explore that Tomb Raider and Men’s Health represent gender negatively as a whole. I will use the tomb raider’s games cover, a video from feminist frequency and an article from Lauren Hall. For Men’s Health I will use the pages given to make a fair judgement.

Tomb raider represents gender stereotypes negatively, Lara croft is seen to be extremely sexualised in order to appeal towards straight male video gamers. Not only is her clothing sexualised by wearing small shorts and a tight-fitting top, the way the camera angle is place it makes her butt be the centre piece to the game (feminist frequency). This objectifies the role of women and makes players of the game view her as a sex symbol compared to a character they could sympathise with. This is reactionary as in today’s society it is sadly normal for mainstream women role models to be over sexualised in order for them to be successful, this gives a negative connotation to the audience as they might see an image of Lara Croft and believe that she is what all women should be like. It also makes males fantasise about the role of women which could have a negative effect as in reality its offensive to view real humans as object, especially as her figure is so unrealistic it wouldn’t even be possible for her to walk if she was a real human.  However, the whole idea of her being a role model who is a girl is radical compared to the rest of the gaming industry. Sadly, in the gaming industry there aren’t enough female lead characters as they are usually all males. This challenges dominant ideology as it goes against the norm, this does give young girls a role model who is actually a women who is shown to do a mans job by fighting off monsters and exploring tombs but it is sad that the creators have felt they had to over sexualise her in order to sell games. 

Men’s Health represents gender negatively too, the magazine focuses on men’s fitness and the male bravado of being muscular. Despite the obvious good the magazine does by promoting a healthy lifestyle it does have it draws backs. Mainly being that it creates an image of the way all men ‘should’ look like, this then put male under immense pressure to look a certain way. Much like the issues with Lara Croft in Tomb Raider as it paints an unrealistic image of gender. The text is reactionary as it follows the dominant ideology that men should be big and strong in order to fight and protect. We can see this in the front cover where Vin Diesel is flexing his muscles in an unnatural way in order to seem dominant. However, the magazine does show a countertype to a stereotype of elderly men. An article about a 69-year-old man who runs marathons, this is a radical text as it challenges common belief that all older men sit around all day and don’t do any exercise. Overall the magazine is responsible for insecurities in some males and the image they create isn’t true to real life and could be seen as a negative role model. 

Both Tomb Raider and Men’s Health give a negative effect on younger more impressional people due to the nature of there characters, if gives a false representation of true gender and reality. Which is such a shame as they could potentially serve and great role models for future generations if there were marketed differently. 


• Positive and negative stereotypes– an fixed idea of a specific group of people which has negative or positive connotations.
• Counter-types– opposite to stereotypes/ dominant ideology.
Misrepresentation– incorrect information representing a figure.
• Selective representation– selective people/groups represented in main media
• Dominant ideology– beliefs that support popular theories and ideas.
Constructed reality– a reality which is made by the mass media and society.
Hegemony– the leadership from a group over another group of people.
Audience positioning– what the creator of the media wants the audience to feel about that piece of media.

Fluidity of identity– identity is malleable and able to be changed
Constructed identity– forming of a persons identity by the cultural beliefs in society.
Negotiated identity– changing someones identity by the use of cultural beliefs and mass media.
Collective identity– an identity of a group which influences someones personal identity.