NEA sshot 2

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Statement of intent

I’ve made a front cover, a contents page as well as a double page spread using PC Gamer as inspiration. I similarly wanted my magazine to appeal to young adult gamers. I used darker and sleek imagery on the magazine to appeal to a more mature audience as well as a sleeker house style (red, black, grey white). This colour scheme is also an indicator to the reader that this is in fact a gaming magazine – using black, white, and a bright colour of choice. I chose red accents as the colour this also draws in the eyes and is bold and noticeable. I clearly listed the price on the cover, allowing it to be easily read with black font against a yellow plug. I have allowed the reader’s attention to be caught easily. an example of this is the large stylized game title – BIOLIGHT. The bright green contrasts the black, making it stand out. Furthermore, this advertises a guide for the game, meaning that the magazine capitalizes from the flaws of gamers. This allows more copies to be sold as the reader wants to find out how to improve their skills. This means that one of the social needs, Knowledge about the World, is sated by buying this magazine. I used original images, and edited them to look like game screenshots

Another factor I used for the cover is an image of myself, used to represent the protagonist of the fictional game ‘Biolight’. This may fill the first personal need – as I myself am nonbinary and present uniquely to the norm. This can leave a sense of belonging to many others who feel unrepresented in media. Furthermore, this uses outrage marketing, a marketing tactic used to advertise a minority or behaviour in media, in order to cause outrage on social media. This allows the information or product advertised to spread through word to mouth. In this case, The position of a minority being displayed on the front cover on full view displays this.

This radical idea can be taken through many ways by the audience – using reception theory, the dominant response could be to accept this representation. This audience is likely going to be the ones seeking representation. the negotiated response is mixed. The oppositional response would be a complete dislike of this representation, which could be from anyone, but is most likely to come from those with traditional beliefs.

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