Original Idea

My gaming magazine will have a main character as the main image and the center piece of the magazine. The colour scheme for the character and background will be more of a dull colour scheme with colours being black and white but the writing being bright colours that attract peoples attention, I will use bright colours on a dark background due to exaggerated look of the character but also the impact the bright colour will draw the attention of people.

My main character for the front cover of the magazine will be a guy looking slightly away from the camera with a chiaroscuro look to make the main character and frame look more threatening to the audience.

I got this inspiration from the following magazine

I really like the look of the black and white character and image as it has that ‘edgy’ and threatening and sinister look which is really effective to create an atmosphere.

I am going to use a real person instead of using fuse because I would be able to get the lighting for the chiaroscuro look a lot easier as I would have to physically do it myself, I can also get my model to have specific facial expressions which I would use to create a specific feeling within the audience.

This is the other front cover of a gaming magazine that I am taking inspiration from, which has a similar look and design of which I was thinking of doing but also the other style model I’ve been looking at. With the main image being a character which is the only picture in frame which you are instantly drawn to, with it being in black and white, but having main and bold colours such as blue and red which really stand out. This front cover uses multiple layers on the cover, with the character covering the title of the magazine and the red target and the name of the game partially covering the games character.

My target audience are going to be young males between 18-24 who are interested and enjoy playing open world and violent games, the reason I have chosen this age group is the magazine will be promoting a game which promotes violence and there is a minimum age where you can play such violent games. But the actual audience would be anyone who picks up this magazine, which could be nay age, gender or race.

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