Film definitions

  • Media concentration / Conglomerates – A small number of businesses in an industry own a large amount of the market, shows patterns across a multitude of media industries.
  • Globalisation (in terms of media ownership) – Cross-culture of media industries globally
  • Vertical Integration & Horizontal Integration – Vertical = production company has control over distribution / exhibition, horizontal = production expands into other areas of one industry
  • Gatekeepers – media organisations that filter information to the public
  • Regulation / Deregulation – regulation = laws that media firms have to follow, deregulation = rules become less strict to create more competition
  • Free market vs Monopolies & Mergers – economic system based on demand with little or no government control
  • Neo-liberalism – chacracterised by free market trade and deregulation of financial markets
  • Surveillance / Privacy / Security / GDPR – Media companies have their own right to a product they produced or distributed, so need to be protected to stop pirating and people ‘stealing’ the product and making a profit out of it

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