Vladimir Propp

Propp was a structuralist and believed that there are 7 base characters that are in all forms of media. Not all types will be in all medias but at least one will be and can take on more than one part of the media.

  1. The protagonist. the thing the action revolves around
  2. The antagonist. opposes the hero
  3. The dispatcher. sends the hero on a quest
  4. The helper. aids the hero
  5. The donor. gives the hero advice
  6. The princess. motivation or reward for the hero
  7. The false hero. helper who turns on the hero

Tzvetan Todorov

Todorov believes that there is 5 parts to every story.

  1. Equilibrium. the story is at rest or normal
  2. Disruption. of the norm by an event
  3. Recognition. noticing that the disruption has occurred
  4. Repair. Attempt to fix the problem
  5. Resolution. of problem and a new Equilibrium

And recognized that you can use non chronological narratives


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