Theorist What does it mean (in your own words) Todorovs theory talks about narratives having three part structure How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
Equilibrium beginning
BEGINNING – arrives in scene of hotel room
MIDDLE – makeup is introduced – gold reflection floods the room
END – transformed from original looks and clothing to sophisticated and glamorous up (bossed up )
Binary Opposition two words/sentences that are opposite of each other

Levi Strauss theory talks about how binary opposite entail majority of media forms and how how help thicken the plot a further the narrative
Manny Mua and Shayla are all glamorous and bossed up, then theres the boy ball who is completely opposite in looks and clothing
Character Types hero

Prop’s Theory suggests that every narrative has eight different character types: hero, villain, helper, mentor blocker, prize.
HERO – makeup: as its introduced as something amazing that will
VILLAIN – no makeup
VICTIM – bell boy

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