Theorists –

TheoristWhat does it mean (in your own words)How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
EquilibriumStory Structure – All stories follow a certain structure
Middle — disruption
End – resolution
Manny meeting Shayla in hotel room
Makeup box arrives – putting makeup on
‘Bossed up’ – wearing makeup
Binary OppositionA pair of related items with opposite meanings Working in as hotel – Staying in a hotel
Wearing makeup – no makeup
plain colours – gold
Character TypesStock characters
Hero and Villain
How many stories are there – only one, all follow the same structure. In ‘Bossed Up’ advert the character types are the Bell Boy = victim. MannyMUA and Shayla are the heroes. Makeup is also the hero and the natural/no makeup is the vilian

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